He doesn't print his own targets

>he doesn't print his own targets

Attached: smug 1568145038304.png (716x712, 584K)

>not using the cheapest paper plates you can find and coloring a little circle in the middle with a sharpie

I draw an X from corner to corner on a piece of printer paper. My father was a major in the army at some point and said he learned it there. Whether that's bullshit or not I don't know.

>he doesn't just put a piece of blank paper up and visualize the bullseye

>not using a sweet reactive biodegradable target
The best 22lr target u will ever find

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>learned how to draw an X on 8.5x11 paper from being a major in the army
sounds about right
i dont even own a printer.

My range only allows their own targets, not even silhouettes.

Is the range owned by your local rabbi because that has to be the most greedy shit I've heard of.

>copier paper
why waste toner?

Not him, but my range charges you
>$16 per person
>$15 per caliber rented
>rented guns must only use their ammo
>100 rounds of 9mm costs $28

Fugg 28 whole burger bucks, at least tell me its nice brass case

It's adequate.

>2600 pages per toner cartridge
>2 for $20
>life is based off of 5% coverage, but lets assume you do 30 percent
>still over 400 and change targets
>literally just press print
maybe if you value your time very little you will use a sharpie, but even then you can get very complex targets printed in little time at all

The one closest is 18 per hour, 9 every half
one I haven't gone to yet is 20 for the whole day.
None of those numbers you gave are particularly bad, not allowing paper targets that aren't purchased through them as the other person mentioned is just exceedingly arbitrary.

He "learned" to draw an X on a piece of paper...

>he doesn’t use nigs as target practice

How do you hang them? I’ve found hanging plastic golf balls from a string works pretty good

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Recycled cardboard from a local store + a can of black paint is all you need. Yes, the paint must be black. You want realistic targets.

>he doesn't shoot the framed prints from his deceased grandparents house that are just rotting away in a storage unit

You're autistic.

ww w.nssf. org/shooting/targets/
ww w.targets. ws/

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>yfw the printer is out of cyan

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Is cyan one of them fag colors that's just blue?

>tfw no printer
Guess I'm shooting aluminum cans inna woods

Attached: slobodan.jpg (546x896, 91K)

>cyan is a greenish-blue color which is one of the primary subtractive colors, complementary to red
>predominant wavelength of between 490–520 nm, between the wavelengths of green and blue
>cyan is one of the primary colors n the subtractive color system (CMYK) which can be overlaid to produce all colors in paint and color printing

>black and white only printer

Attached: girls last dab.gif (400x208, 277K)

You talk like a fag and your shit's all retarded. It's blue.

>cmyk cant produce clear, infrared, ultraviolet, or vantablack
Not really ALL colors now is it.

Let me get this straight, I'm autistic because I don't have to "learn" that an X on a piece of paper can substitute as a target? And even then at an age old enough to be in the army?

Bud, this is something that is self evident, and this guy is treating it like it's some family tradition learned from the forbidden archives.

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>not shooting a blank piece of paper and using the hole as a bullseye

>using paper
>going to a range
>he doesnt just visualize the target and gun range in his mind and sinply have a training session anywhere at any time

I ain't treating it like anything user, I was, if anything, asking if that was actually something done in the army or not because I doubt it was for the exact reasons you're stating.

Good idea. Would also get around the range rules which ban human targets

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>he doesnt scribble half-assed circles on white paper with a magic marker
I know for certain I can shoot better than you with all the extra practice ammo I bought with what you spend on printer ink

what did he do again

>he buys magic markers
>he doesn't just go into the woods and smear the juices of wild berries onto the paper in a circle-like shape


Attached: smug jahy.png (1113x964, 732K)

That’s legit what I do

from what I know he was involved in the Bosnia and Hervostkia conflict

>Phosposting on Jow Forums
I now have the godawful idea of gems with guns, what guns would they even use?

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All I can associate with her is that one femboy trap avatarfag on Jow Forums.

underrrated kek

>doesn't visualize the gun
>just shoots at the walls of his house whenever he gets bored


I haven't watched it, I was just looking for a sufficiently smug anime girl

Attached: smug.jpg (517x656, 56K)

Bosnian-Croat expat here. Our only mistake was not cooperating with the Bosnian-Serbs to first rid ourselves of the Bosnian-Muslims before fighting each other.
Now the Muslims make up the majority of the population, Croats mostly all fled, and the Serbs have their little fake republic. Bosnia is ruined.

You made an excellent choice

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> works IT
> decommissioned printer == many targets