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New here? Want a firearm license? Read this:

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2nd for 3d printer panic buys

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I ordered a Chinese type 56 chest rig from china for pennies. It's got something on it that's making me cough and my nose itch. Are the chinks trying to kill me.

We can own whatever guns we want unless something super duper sad happens.
Right guise?

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Instead of snuffling it like some kind of boar, consider putting it through your washing machine.

gen2 Pmags in a wk180c. Will these work?

Sorry for the noob question

Green Party wants to Cuck patent laws so we will be able to print lowers easy

Trudeau will lose, anyone that thinks otherwise is delusional libcuck pedophile shill.

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Big Think Minute:

How can the government "buy back" your guns if they didn't sell them to you in the first place?

>you buy a rifle from a gun store with hard earned money, pay sales tax
>pay other taxes over the year
>government takes your tax money
>government takes your rifle and gives you back some of your tax money as "payment" for your rifle
huh... it kind if seems like theft, you guys!

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Asking you to back your claims isn't necessarily "thinking otherwise"

Accumulate whatever you like user. Only use it if someone violates NAP against you.

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Confirmed pedophile shill

Whoa its almost as if the powers that be don't give a fuck about logic and will bend you over a barrel and take your guns if you comply

Mad max will win anyone who says otherwise is an incel and should dilate immediately

BASED(upvoted) and REDPILLED(gave gold :^))

Also the greens are easily gunpilled and may should change her mind on guns after a few tokes



you have to have be swallowing the loads of desperate liberal shills in the media by the gallons to believe the bulk of the country isn't now leaving the sinking Liberal ship, with progressives going to Jagmeet after the last and final Trudeau betrayal and the average sewing voters going to Andrew, tired of seeing growing deficits with nothing to show for it, constant scandals and a conga line of empty promises from a sanctimonious incompetent fool

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>Considering how easy it is to bypass that sort of measures, and how fucking innately incompetent the govt's tech-crowd is, I wouldn't put that dog down yet, user. Though, in the interview the guy did admit that maybe his entries were indeed flagged and dropped but there's no way to be certain either way.
If it is that easy to inflate the results, can we really expect the rabid anti-gunners weren't capable of it as well?
Look forward to seeing the results!
Have any polls been conducted after Aladdingate yet?
>Magical fairy dust!

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Ender 3 Pro is breddy gud. Would recommend. It's worth getting the glass bed with the special surface treatment, though. Much better results than the flexible magnetic thingamajig it came with.

Whoa, so jaded and wise, it's almost like one can't make a joke or an autistic remark on a vietcong tunnel digging appreciation board, without running into some fag who wants to point out he is aware that the obvious is quite obvious, Woah

Are there any non-22LR lever actions with brass receivers that aren't the Big Boy?

Simmer down little guy just taking the piss

or maybe we just live around toronto/ottawa/montreal, cities which pretty much determine the course of the election. I'm sorry but if you're from anywhere west of ON you never had an impact on the election results to begin with.

the same people who put Liberals in 1st place with majority had put them into 3rd place just one election before that. it's a delusional mistake to think that somehow the entire country is in the tank for the Liberals.

>it's a delusional mistake to think that somehow the entire country is in the tank for the Liberals.
there was no reaction to SNC-Aladdin incidents, nobody gives a fuck. its hard to believe they aren't.

Jagmeet isn't dividing the left as much as he should.
Berner in dividing the right more than he should.
The LPC will squeak in yet again but with a minority government, and SPOOKY BLACK MAGAZINES THAT SCARE ME will be on the chopping block since the number of leftcuck MPs won't have actually decreased.

>will soon be a hasgun
Quick, tell me the five (5) first guns you will be buying before the end of the year!
I hope to see you in an upcoming Family Thread soon.

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Are there magazine capacities for NR pump action box fed shotguns?

ordering from another province? Has anyone done this? What was your experience?

i don't think so, it's a manual action.

thinking of trading in my restricteds for unrestricteds. do gun stores do that? who would my registration transfer to? the store itself?

I was planning on starting with an SKS and something in .22 (most likely a 10/22). Afterwards, I'm looking towards a STAG-10, FX-9 and some sort a 5.56 AR clone.
Down the list are eventually are a Mosin and maybe a Vector (although I've heard some negative comments from some people)

Thoughts? Recommendations?

>it's a manual action
Right, but aren't the high cap magazines prohib because they can be used in semi autos?

>order stuff
>courier delivers it
I don't know what more to tell you

nothing changes except shipping time unless you're some QC cuck then who the fuck knows

There's no difference you obsessed faggot

If you're in QC and order from somewhere else, your firearm will not automatically be registered.
Although you will register your gun like a good citizen, right user?

No limit on pumps, but be careful. If the box mag can fit into another semi-auto shotty you might get fucked.
Yes, you can sell restricted guns to stores.
That's three 'Scary Black Rifles' out of five. I'm sure you could do with some more wood. Wood is love, wood is life.
The STAG is probably the only one out of the three I'd personally get.
If you live in QC, and the seller doesn't operate from the province, then it's up to you to register the gun. If it's the other way around, now that's a real pickle.

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>No limit on pumps, but be careful. If the box mag can fit into another semi-auto shotty you might get fucked
So if the magazine specifically only fits into the one pump action then it is okay?

Yes, Satan. It's fine.

No, as long as the magazine can't be used in a semi auto shotgun. However, the AS46 pump action shotgun magazine (10 rounds) fits in the derya (and other roach shotguns) mk12 but doesn't hold the bolt open after the last shell. A lot of people use it in competitions because it's apparently legal.

Oh yeah forgot to add some shotgun of some kind to my list, my bad. The Benelli M4 looks pretty neat.
For more wood, I'm not sure of what to get that's good really. I must admit my lack of knowledge on those. What do you recommend?

If I cannot get my hands on a WW2 1911. What is the second best option?

What if you're in another province and buy from QC?

wouldnt see why it shouldnt dawg

Any of you guys have the image that showed murders committed with black market guns vs those acquired legally that was posted some threads ago?

shut up qc cuck go register your rifles lmao

Not quite sure what happens, but the gun will most likely have to be registered in the QC books with your name somewhere.

Basically; don't.

I'm pretty much in love with my Schmidt-Rubin 96/11. Swiss straight-pull rifles are the butteryest of them all. Get a 96/11, a 1911, or a K31, whichever you can get the most easily. There are two 96/11 left on tradeexcanada at the moment. Ignore the 1889 Schmidt-Rubins, they're basically wall-hangers unless you'd like to get into some pretty esoteric handloading territory. You could also get a mauser in 6.5, I guess?
I also have a JW2000 I use to screw with people when I go trap shooting.
What, do you work for the police, user? Why would you say that? Gungabbers get out!

why the fuck is that leaf so BIG!

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rent free

Get a Schultz & Larsen M69 from tradeex.
For less than 500 bucks this great a rifle is a steal.

what about a k11?

>valmet m78
>glock 19 gen 3
>baby browning 25
>parts for sporter

for u

Do people like the GSG15? Also do you think it's a safe purchase because it's 22 NR? It's a semi auto "military style rifle" but come on, it's shooting 22 lol

I kind of forgot to include it, I tend to group it with the 1911. Between the 'Karabiner' and the rifle, I'd buy the full-length 1911 in a heartbeat, though.

Well, .22 ARs are currently restricted, and it's pretty clear they want to prohib them. It doesn't matter that it's a .22. If it's a bad scary gun, they want it banned.

in NZ 22s were banned based on being semi auto above a certain mag capacity Im sure they'd do the same here, but either way you shouldn't give a fuck and do not comply.

>.22 ARs are currently restricted

If it's semi, they'll want it.


RIA makes some mostly correct clones of the old models.

What reaction are you looking for?
CBC is only going to show you interviews with people who say it's not a big deal and their polls will reflect the bias of the like minded pollsters
>remember the US polls before Trump victory

What do you expect people to do? Go out into the streets? Start big campaigns on social media? All that shit is the way radical minorities try to make themselves look bigger than they are.
The silent majority goes about their business grumbling and shaking their heads, then when election comes they go to the booth and cast their anonymous decision.

They're rimfire so no. Restricted rifles are centerfire, semi automatic and have barrels shorter than 16.5"


Burger detected

People have been heckling him when he goes to events and the memes about it are flourishing.
His own party will throw him under the bus, just you wait.

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Show me one .22 AR that's not restricted.

Dumb fuck

Man do I ever hope you are right

x4 pmags
x4 vz mags

what else lads

yes there was, are you delusional? the more retards like you post brain dead shit the more i'm convinced cangen is actually full of low IQ libcuck shills.

How do you buy a restricted gun second hand?

Do you give them your rpal info?

Do you have to call the RCMP?


Yes and yes, you have to call in to start the transfer.

So what do I say exactly? What information do I need?

Pretty fucking sure it's the lower that counts. So, no. A .22lr upper on an AR lower is still restricted as fuck.

Okay so where am I wrong, I literally just took the RPAL safety course two days ago and the GSG15 is listed on every website as non-restricted

Your rpal and the sellers info is all you should need if I'm not mistaken

2k ammo reserve

Jagmeet was weak before the start, he did better than everyone else in the first debate (according to analists on all sides he gained the most from the debate), after the Alladin scandal he is playing the progressives perfectly. He is far stronger now and is the legitimate alternative for most progressives to the false prophet Trudeau.
C'mon, outside of a tiny social media echo chamber, nobody gives two fucks about le Mad Max. PPC is less relevant than the Bloc right now, at best Max can hang on to his own seat. Maybe in the future he can be a legitimate threat/alternative to the CPC, but things will have to get much worse than they are now for people to start looking away from centrism in their government

It's not an AR or an AR variant duder.

GSG-15 is not an AR
Seller initiates the transfer with buyer's license info, gets a transfer reference number, buyer calls in and gives that reference number to confirm the transfer

Max has a habit of saying what is true, regardless of whether it is taboo or not.
He's going to air out all the dirty laundry on stage and it is going to be hilarious.

should i get a meme gun

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Talk me out of buying a CZ-10F. I finger fucked one and I'm in love, especially when it's at M&P9 prices.

hehe, indeed, well that's kind of what happens when you crown yourself the champion of the rabid far left, only to be caught shitting on the tenants of their faith. There is no tolerance on the woke left, no matter how Justin shills try to massage the issue.
He is donezo, a cult leader that turned out to he a heretic.

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no argument there
Mad Max being allowed into debates is the gift we were waiting for

Buy it I swapped pistols with an user at the range who had that and i had the fnx/45 and we both wanted each others peestols

Can you pick up a firearm from the post office with default rpal if you havent received your new rpal with att in the mail yet

The French ones are going to be especially hilarious.

Yeah Canada post just needs govt ID for packages and we don't consider PALs valid ID lel


post office doesnt ask for your license they dont know what the fuck an RPAL is or what your package is.

so its legal?

Yes and no dum dum
>buying NR from anyone or Rs from tenda only asking for bday/birthplace/pal expiry eg 5 years after your bday is kosher
>taking said guns out shooting without the card is a nono if you get caught

The AR15 is restricted by name
>(w) any 22-calibre rimfire variant

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