
Why do Vatniks, the Media, normies, and liberals have such a hate boner over the F-35? Seriously they all have a lot of very fucking contradictory arguments

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>800 bill spent already
>1.5 T is more like 40 T in the lifetime
gee i dunno

Because they are ACTUALLY being built and fielded.

It would cost more to maintain a fleet of 4th gens over the same 55 years, and it's 400 billion, not 800 billion

rabid and willful lack of knowledge about it. leftists want to take all military money and hand it out to their voters, vatniks want it to go away because it scares them.

They cost too much and just don’t work. Imagine spending all that money on a plane that is out-maneuvered by the Russians and Chinese and can’t even fly in the rain!

the congressional/defense critic/media complex recites the same arguments for every new plane, whether it's objectively good, bad, or generic.

it doesn't mean anything.

Cuz we could have ended the water crisis and rebuilt the entire national electric grid for less money and the fucking thing is a white elephant anyway.

nobody fall for it

The 1.5T number is the lifetime cost projected to 2070. The 857 billion number is projected 53 year life cycle cost as of January 2014.

Please be shitposting


found the right one, any of the "experts" and "critiques" sound similar?

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It's because you Americans are enamored with a Jewish piece of shit that Israel is shoving down your throats. you should just cut your losses, wake up, and buy the Su-57, J-31, or the J-20

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is that stealth smoke?

Because of the fact that new shit scares them

>Su-57, J-31, or the J-20
>a/c nobody else wants

>Why do Vatniks
russia thinks if it shitpost enough, the us military will stop making better stuff

> the Media
because they're extremely surface level and do zero research

they repeat whatever they hear

>and liberals
I've honestly never heard libs complaining about it

Libs are complaining over it's "noise levels" in Vermont, as well as pacifists hating on it

>Vatnicks - Russiboo propaganda and slavic pride
>Media - fake news clickbait headlines to portray normal things as scandals
>Normies - They repeat the television and fuddlore
>Liberals - Orange man bad, military bad, capitalism bad
pretty standard really

F-35 BTFO by new Chineesium Concept Stealth Superjet, Sources familiar with the thinking say, "It is a F-35 killer, Amerilards are full cope!"

Russians love the F35 what are you talking about.

They have a point in that it is vastly overpriced because pork barrel and legislative capture. BUT, unlike vatnik or chinko planes, Yank jets actually work.

Cope harder americunt, the F-22 and F-35 can't compete with this 6th gen variant of the J-20

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>becuze it expansive
>comparing project cost to fly-away cost
>mugh trallion dullar jhat

I hate our species.

I'm a conservative, Trump supporter, MAGA as fuck. And I think F-35 is a massive piece of shit.
It is completely unsuitable for the upcoming biggest challenges (China). It simply doesn't have the range to engage Chinese targets from carriers.

Why are F-35 supporters so fucking retarded and brainwashed? Are they all indoctrinated neocon pieces of shit?

>Trump supporter
>Bashing on neocons
How can you be a trump supporter not a neocon

You can be whatever you want if you're deranged.

Diesel. He's running a tune for more smoke. Pilots call it "rolling coal". Who did you think those lame pickup drivers were imitating?

Because the F-35 scares vatniks

How is F-35 going to stop the massive invasion from the southern border? how many more states have to fall and get conquered before F-35 is deployed?


It has a larger combt radius then the super hornet.

As if a prolonged conventional conflict would happen between nuclear powers. When do you predict a war with China?

I thought the biggest complaint of the hippies was the fact that the F-35 can mount nuclear warheads, apparently failing to realize that the F-16s that are already stationed there can do the same.

I can deal with self aware retards, the real annoyance comes when you have retards that think they're actually functional, normal, well-informed human beings.

You fall under the latter category.

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>It simply doesn't have the range to engage Chinese targets from carriers
It has more range than literally any other US carrier born fighter.

That high-vis paint scheme is fucking great.

Vatniks hate what they can't have.

The Media are commies who want to see America burn.

Liberals actually believe the commie bullshit that our taxes should go to handouts.

When you're on top everyone else tries to bring you down.

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I think the issue has always been cost, and it doesn't really matter what it's spent on.

Why would we want Some Ruso/Sino piece of shit thats needs new engines every 1000 flight hours?

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This. Also yuropoorsbut I guess that falls under leftism.

Because there was and is serious legitimate criticism of the program. The A and B versions were entirely superflous, and the B part is the main weight across the neck of it. With that stupid fucking thing, it would have only been a year behind schedule. If that. Likely on schedule and the f-15/16/17 would have been or would be in the process of phasing out.

6 years too late. Let some other moron piss away several hundred billion on hovering SVTOL bullshit, trying to pretend the Harrier still has relevance.

If you drop the B and twist the UK's arm into building a CATOBAR carrier and slap the USMC in the mouth. They can and will continue flying stuff off of the USN supercarriers like they do with USMC Hornets/Super Hornets. Regardless if the USMC/USN likes that arrangement.

And this is the reason it won't get dropped. Because iirc, only France is fielding something competitive, and only Japan could make an attempt. Nobody else has the money and expertise and their shit together enough.

I miss roundels, hopefully colored RAM happens eventually.

Yeah.....commie bullshit.

The B is still fucking stupid.

This is bait.

Nothing you can say can convince me that launching 5th gens off of LHAs isn't the tightest shit.


That user caught a bad case of the gay.

Stop shit posting and start making babies

>The A and B versions were entirely superflous
Stop repeating this stupid myth and actually read up on the history of the program.

The B was the original variant that the USMC began development work on due to a pressing need to replace their Harriers. It was later combined with the Air Force's F-16 replacement push because they felt like an aircraft derived from the proposal given to the Marine Corps wouldn't incur the same costs as an entirely clean-sheet design. While the USAF needs an F-16 replacement at some point, and the Navy could use a stealth strike platform, the Marine Corps absolutely had to replace the Harriers if they wanted to continue to have an organic airwing capable of flying off LHAs. The A and C models were added on to the program later.

>The CALF was a DARPA program to develop a STOVL strike fighter (SSF) for the United States Marine Corps and replacement for the F-16 Fighting Falcon. The United States Air Force passed over the F-16 Agile Falcon in the late 1980s, essentially an enlarged F-16, and continued to mull other designs. In 1992, the Marine Corps and Air Force agreed to jointly develop the Common Affordable Lightweight Fighter, also known as Advanced Short Takeoff and Vertical Landing (ASTOVL). CALF project was chosen after Paul Bevilaqua persuaded[5] the Air Force that his team's concept[6] (if stripped of its lift system) had potential as a complement to the F-22 Raptor.[5] Thus, in a sense the F-35B begat the F-35A, not the other way around.

Way to show how much you know. All of those procurement programs were way, way fucking worse in comparison. The F-35 is going great by comparison. Those planes you mentioned are some of the most sucessful in modern history fyi. Take that into consideration.

interesting how any post that's negative about F-35 has been deleted in this thread. You're only allowed to shit on russian shit but not on mutt shit.
If you're gonna ask for an opinion, why are you faggots flagging so much? Can't handle the truth? Triggered much? Sad!

>Spend gorillions on useless military implements
>Spend nothing on educating your own people, reversing moral decay, and encouraging families

The US is truly the Great Satan and the death of the American Empire is one of the best things to be happening in my lifetime.

>anti f35 posts deleted on Jow Forums
Seriously? You spent any time here or are you just a dumb faggot? We have like 4 threads a day full of anti f35 shit you dumb faggot. Fucking dumb chang or neocon.

Fuck off shithead, no posts have been deleted in this thread.

>the death of the American Empire is one of the best things to be happening in my lifetime
Dream on fuck boy. If we die you're coming with us you fucking shit.

>pressing need to replace their Harriers
Slap them in the fucking mouth. Use real fast movers, helicopters, tilt rotors or fucking drones.
>The A and C models were added on to the program later.
The only ones worth a damn. Drop the A and have navalized versions as standard.
You strongly misunderstand what I meant and posted.
For the amount of money we spent on the useless hover capability, we could have funded an entire Super Carrier Battle Group. Ships, Crew, all of it. Remove the LHA's Harriers, add more tilt rotors and helicopters, and dedicate an entire fully load Super Carrier's worth of space to the USMC F-35 C's.

Take some spare cash left overand give it to the Brits and TELL them to build 2 Nuclear Super Carriers of 90K tons or more with CATOBAR or EMALS.

Full Rate Batch Production could have started in 2013, and the USN wouldn't have such a budget problem that it had to reduce its own orders. In fact, without the B and redundant A, I'm pretty sure dollar inflation would be a few percentage points lower than it is now.

>educating your own people
Common Core!.....yeah nah.
>reversing moral decay, and encouraging families
Not happening outside of violent revolution and a purge that makes the French swoon and the Russians extremely uncomfortable.

>fuck boy
I'm not the one exporting homogay and feminism to Africa. That's you, patriotard.

What? Take your meds schizo.

not anyone you're flustered with, but you ever listen to someone who very clearly doesn't know even 10% of what they are talking about on a subject? you are the reason we have no quality posting left on Jow Forums even at night, your post is utter nonsense.


You know it would just end up being used for more political indoctrination, degenerate glorification, and gibs. The government will never waste the opportunity to use money to make itself bigger, whether it's the MIC or making it's people more dependent. It's all the same shit.

To be fair, the internet is full of people speaking authoritatively on things they know nothing about. His post was pretty egregious, though.

Well I don't agree with that. I wish we'd just cut Africa off, but a lot of resources and China is going hard there.

Not hover, STOVL.
>The rest of this turd.
I'm sure you'd like to share those numbers you've been crunching. And, it's not like the most expensive part, being the technology, wouldn't have been spend in other programs.

>I wish we'd just cut Africa off
Then you'll have to overthrow the US government. The overarching policy is to forcibly negrify you and your entire family, under threat of genocidal violence [which is carried out daily in every town across the country so you know they're serious], in order to agitate against the Chinese presence in Africa on racial grounds.

Pathetic wastes of oxygen. Your'e nothing more than special snowflake manchildren.

Hm, can't seen to see any crossed out links. I imagine you have proofs of these missing posts?

My post responding to your stupid bullshit was deleted as well.

plane belly make my pp hard

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>Why do Vatniks, the Media, normies, and liberals have such a hate boner over the F-35? Seriously they all have a lot of very fucking contradictory arguments
Unironically due to Pierre Sprey's autistic spergin.

He's not the only one. There was that article in (((National Review))) by some ex-military guy shilling for a cheaper replacement that could be fielded in larger numbers.

Reminder that at all levels of government, the US spends more on education than it does on defence.

even federal?

Indeed. Money isn’t the problem. It’s the distribution of money that’s the problem

So does your mom.
Seriously, the Hornet/ Superhornet is shortlegged, probably a legacy of being an Air Force competition loser.

The PoS Bug is the *only* other carrier-borne fighter.

You make some good points.

Is Sprey the military version of the fudd?

All levels combined.
One should expect a "federal" system to be federal.

Because Trump fixed the program and started selling them.
If it were still sucking down money and not being used 99% of people wouldn't even know what it is.

It's been generating butthurt for years now.
Trump has nothing to do with it.


Superior western tech and they are instructed to belittle anything and everything western - the society, the culture, the technological achievements etc.

The main goal is to divide people and governments with fake news, fake commenting, lies etc.

The wanted result if that it would affect political decision making now or in the future, when a country can't function as well as it could because of infighting and opinions based on lies.

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Well, complaining on the internet is literally the most effective weapon Russia still has.

It only got mainsteam attention after Trump touched it though.
Before 2016 normalfags had no idea what aircraft the US was using, let alone what the F35 is.


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More like a fairly-competent engineer, whose theories on design priorities in fighter aircraft were proven wrong in the 80's, who continues to use his involvement designing the very aircraft he criticized to continue to push his beliefs concerning how fighters should be designed and utilized.

This is AK-47 is STG-44 clone tier

If the US just copied the F-35 from slavshit, why hasn't Russia been capable of developing a good fighter since the early 80s?

i dislike it because it's a symbol of aviation, my hobby, becoming more homogeneous and boring. i can't bring myself to the intellectual dishonesty to pretend it's a bad tool, but it's disappointing to see a variety of interesting aircraft replaced by a single aircraft. if they were to operate concurrently it wouldn't be so bad, i didn't mind the f-35 when i was first introduced to it - but as it becomes a reality that it's going to displace so many other types, it's just tiring.

>the us military will stop making better stuff
It has.

>Well, complaining on the internet is literally the most effective weapon Russia still has.

Believe it or not, this is literally the case.

Troll factories are one of the "soft" ways to effect other societies if they can make it subtly work, in addition to their own (it's actually normal russians who are the main victims of fake news, propaganda and online trolling, inside their own country, since early 2000s).

Compared to modern weapons which they cannot afford in large scale, trolling/hacking/etc. costs next to nothing but it has a small chance to affect people's view of some subjects.

They know they will lose a war against NATO, but are smart enough to know that western countries have a very rigid division for war and peace - thus you see all kinds "grey area" action that NATO will not respond to with military force. These days the end result is that western countries have increased similar activity in response, very ironic!

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>muh troll factories
Retard American government buys up entire media companies in other countries to troll with. They even restarted RFE the cold war propaganda joke outlet, to counter the "racist" Hungarian government.

>muh whataboutism

What is your opinion on the russian troll factories and the degeneracy they spread inside Russia?

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While weight issues and poor management set the program back several years early on, the part that's actually taken the longest to develop has been the software, which is still ongoing.

So, I'm not as optimistic regarding your counterfactual.