What are the steps to make a molotov cocktail?

Attached: Coctel-Molotov.jpg (320x264, 15K)

Suck my cock and I will tell you.

a cocktail is an alcoholic beverage I think

Salty milk and coins

>2/3 oz (2 parts) Coffee liqueur
>1 2/3 oz (5 parts) Vodka
>1 oz (3 parts)
>Fresh cream

Nitric acid and glycerol mixed at room temperature and shaken not stirred.

you are a fucking idiot if you can't figure it out.

I think the glowies just make these really low-end threads trying to catch out the sub-90 IQ types.

Then they have really high-end threads appealing to classical arguments on liberty and utilitarianism in hopes of one day shooting the dogs of the high-IQ and well educated.

It's getting to where the whole of Jow Forums is just a MINEFIELD!

Attached: whuh ohhh.jpg (450x313, 26K)

Bleach and ammonia

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if you can't figure that out man, you probably shouldn't have one for your own safety.

Don't forget the ice.

They could put you on a list, which most of us are already on just by virtue of owning guns and visiting this site, but you can’t prosecute someone for posting information with no indication that someone is going to commit a crime with it. At least I don’t think so...

Stupid people make stupid errors. But you already know that.

"Educational use only"

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:notes:CIA the government reindeer/has a hooked crooked nose/and if you ever read him/you could say his bait glows

>Libertarianism / Classical liberalism / Enlightenment cocksucking
>High IQ

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>doesn't know the difference between a discussion on liberty and libertarianism
Yep, pretty embarrassing. For you.

come on FBI you gotta try harder than that its obvious at this point

Bags of salty coins

Go ask your local police department. They keep the recipe on file.

step 1: don't be a faggot
sorry OP it's just not for you

>take 500ml of gas
>shove it in your ass
>breathe fire like a dragon

1 part coffee liqueur
1 part irish cream liqueur
2 to 4 parts root beer

step one: have sex


1 oz of what
Also how many fresh creams

I threw in an extra new line and meme arrow on accident.

a good thread died for this. fucking google it you sperg

Imagine being a fed
Imagine producing nothing of value
Imagine growing up and telling yourself you wanna be a tough guy but you're not
Imagine being the laughing stock of the entire country
Imagine being a bitch boy on government payroll
Imagine being hated by every single upstanding citizen
Imagine sucking up to kikes and secretly hoping people will still help you when SHTF

fuck off hong kong police

At least in the Soviet Union, being KGB meant that no one would dare to laugh at you, everyone below you would be on YOUR payroll, upstanding citizens would be scared shitless of you and kikes suck up to you, not the other way around.