Why the fuck arent you handloading your shit right now?

Why the fuck arent you handloading your shit right now?

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9mm and 5.56 is cheap

because I'm not some retard who was meme'd into sAvInG mOnEy bY rElOaDiNg on 5.56/.308/9mm/.45/etc. by some boomer on Jow Forums who potentially actually saves money reloading his one-of-a-kind .469 CockSucker Xtreme caliber durr gun

Because I don't have anywhere to put the stuff. I really wanna reload .357 with lehigh bullets and go beyond underwood's load.

Why would you need to own those assault weapon caliber. Pic related is all you need
You can learn a thing or two from us youngster.
Yes you do. I'm literally sitting here on my floor loading.

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I don't think operating a reloading press on the floor would work well.

You'd be suprised

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Ammo is pretty cheap and loading is only slightly cheaper. I'd be better off getting a part-time job and using the money to stockpile factory ammo.

Maybe I will get the stuff then.
It's not just about being cheap, it's about having control over your loads. You can load them as hot as you see fit, for instance.

I already reloaded some .44 for my range trip tomorrow. About to buy a bag of 500 lead 240gr SWC for some sweet sweet .44 special like loads.

I don't bother reloading 7.5swiss because the berdan primer and we bought all the battlepacks of GP11 from a big box store for about less than $0.50/round. We got enough for a while.

Also unique is a bitch to work with.

The main reason why I got into reloading is for those less popular milsurp rounds. Ammo prices for those pretty much doubled.

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Tell me how to reload .22lr and then I might.

I'd rather have a relaxing hour or two at my reloading bench enjoying my radio and a cold beer. But that's just me.

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how do you like unique for .44 special? i've been using autocomp behind 240gr lead, and its dirty as all fuck.

these are gp90 mockups.
closest i can get. dont trim down to 7.5x53.5 because it's unnecessary apparently.
So that's a 180gr bullet with 38gr of powder.

Think these will blow up in my face?

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I do. Working on casting .458 socom and 45-70

I live in rural Alaska. It's significantly cheaper to load

I'd love to reload but I'm waiting until I get a house or some place I can have a dedicated shop in.

I already have too many tools and guns piled up everywhere.

I reload but unless your loading premium 223/9mm/45acp it's not worf. For my dur slayer 7mm ultra lapua browning magnum short that normally comes in at $2+/pull its definitely worth.

Haha look at this poorfag. Go enjoy your white box 9mm plebabellum out of the only gun you own.

What's the logic behind this post? That I'm not using 50 cpr 9mm on targets less than 20m away for practicing my hi speed lo drag operator drills?


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hey OP
you still know where you got these clips from or where they are avaible?

Don't know yet. About to try it tomorrow.
I chose unique because every single fudd swears by it for .44 reloading.
I got 9.5gr behind a 240gr HP so it's like a lighter magnum load at 1100fps.

As far as unique goes, it's super sensitive to static. Even after going through everything with a dryer sheet it's still prone to sticking to shit.

I'm at my girlfriend's house and I left my reloading shit at my place.

pic related

There's a Sportsman's Warehouse like 10 minutes from her house so I just have to stop by there when I visit her. Picked up a couple shell holders today for 45-70. I like these a lot more than the one I had previously.

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No, thats pretty weak desu bruh. I load some .308s @ 45gr with a 178gr bullet.

I don't know how. I thought i could just cast bullets in my mold but now I have to size them too, apparently.

am poorfag

I'm a total shithead and would try to get the hottest loadings possible. then fuck up my math by a decimal and blow my hand off. i know this, i have many scars from pushing shit too far, yet i dont know how to stay in the safe moderate area.

Because I'm sitting in a restaurant