Will it sell?
Will it sell?
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This thing looks like the el atrocidad version of the F-16
It has an increased airframe life and massive internal fuel storage.
fucking based
The f16 suits developing air forces well. Good for A2A, and good for A2G. It’s relatively cheap, with tons of spare parts, and an open production line.
More F-16s? Who is there even left to sell these to, Africa?
aren't they blocking sale of it tho ?
The various Chinese splinter factions that fragment off when the current dynasty falls apart again.
>The f16 suits developing air forces well
It suits the USAF and NATO well too. Great bird.
>chinese maintenance
>chinese competence
Give them Hornets. If anyone ever needed two engines they would.
Poland will need new jets before they get f-35
sorry what plane is that OP
>poland is going to buy f-16s from the kikes who keep shaking them down for money over muh 6 trillion when they can just buy daddy USA's C/D variants without any changes to their supply chain or maintenance
>In September 2013, Boeing and the U.S. Air Force tested an unmanned F-16, with two US Air Force pilots controlling the airplane from the ground as it flew from Tyndall AFB over the Gulf of Mexico.[191][192][193]
it already is
The first country to confirm the purchase of 16 new F-16V Block 70/72 was Bahrain.[183][184] Slovakia announced on 11 July 2018 that it intends to purchase 14 F-16 Block 70/72 aircraft.[185][186] Lockheed Martin has redesignated the F-16V Block 70 as the "F-21" in its offering for India's fighter requirement.[187] Taiwan's Republic of China Air Force announced on 19 March 2019 that it formally requested the purchase of an additional 66 F-16V jets.[188] The Trump administration approved the sale on 20 August 2019.
Block70 f16
>drones and electronic warfare proliferating at an astronomical rate
>but the human element is needed a certain points in the command structure in order to ensure adherence to stringent ROE requirements due to political forces
Don't you see what this means? Think about it. In ten year's time, what is the modern battlefield going to look like? I predict this: at some point, someone is going to actually attempt that mass drone attack from Angel Has Fallen against an American political target, and that's when American laser superiority will be revealed. A new age of science is on the horizon, and networked drone technology will be ascendant.
There are going to be entire academies springing up overnight to support this stuff. It's gonna be great. Better get your clearances while you can, or you're going to miss out.
QF-16 is a targeting drone user.
Now that there are not sufficient numbers of Phantoms to convert to QF-4 targets, Boeing converts old F-16As from the Boneyard in to drones and then they get shot down
because it’s at least as good and cheaper
>we are going to upgrade the fleet with F-22 / F-35
>sees price
>we are going to upgrade the F-16
I think it's a great idea but it's also funny as fuck.
The US isn't likely to buy them. The V is more for smaller yuropoor, and sand monkey, allies that are either too poor, too cheap, or too untrustworthy to warrant being sold the F-35. Most of these smaller countries already fly the F-16 and would like to continue to do so and, at a certain point, purchasing a new, upgraded, airframe makes more financial sense than putting a bandaid on airframes that already have decades of use on them.
If you look at the nations buying this it's pretty clear that the USAF purchasing some for themselves just ain't going to happen.
We'll see, I would personally be amazed if the US didn't end up fielding more of these than F-22s.
First the US always has more low than high in their doctrine. Secondly the USAF is currently replacing the F-16 with F-35. Why would they buy more F-16s when they're purchasing literally thousands of their replacements?
It was also meant to replace the superbug but this still happened military.com
>It was also meant to replace the superbug
No, it wasn't. The Super Hornet was always supposed to serve alongside the F-35C. The F-35 is only replacing the legacy Hornet.
My mistake. Who is the US selling their legacy hornets too? I know Australia is offloading them of the leafs.
It's the Navy, so they likely won't be sold. They'll be used for the muhrines and reserve units and likely some will be converted into targeting drones in the future with others kept in the boneyard.
>converted into targeting drones
I really hope not, they should replace the F-5 as opfor in training.
They're used as adversary jets in training but they've been doing that for years. Also the next gen trainer will almost certainly be foisted on the Navy in some capacity. There really isn't a desire to convert large numbers of old airframes into trainers when you still need those airframes for Marine and Reserve units.
Why dont they do this for the F16 upgrade? It would cost slightly more to modify, extend life of airframe, and hold even more fuel. Also it adds lift and hardpoints.
CFT is completely fucking gay.
Because delta wings are for gays.
Also the US does not need to buy F-16s and if the countries the V is being sold to wanted a yurodorito they would buy one.
Its a cranked delta like Swedish loveplane, and has ridiculous performance. Look it up.
And yet is still totally obsolete.
>anything that doesnt exist currently is bad
I hope you get cancer and see the cure being made and administered to other people before you die desu.
You're fucking retarded and your analogy doesn't even remotely apply here. It does exist and was retired and not brought back because there are other More capable and supportable options available. Your suggestion is like using ether for surgery rather than modern anesthesia.
Kill yourself immediately.
F16XL wasnt 'retired' you mong it was never in service.
>Your suggestion is like using ether for surgery rather than modern anesthesia.
Ah so our government cant actually make mistakes, its a law of physics that their every decision is 100% correct.
You are arguing with a fifteen year old.
Wait until they outsource the piloting to India...
The F-16V? Probably to countries that are using F-16A/B Block 5-20 aircraft. Also twin seater version of F-16 aircraft are more aesthetically pleasing than the single seat versions.
Nigger, this is fucking gibberish. You aren't saying anything and aren't making a point.
Not only that but I can't even begin to imagine why anyone would want something that's main role is one that the Strike Eagle and Super Hornet can do better.
Furtermore wtf is a small ass country with an air force numbering less than 50 fighters want with a fucking lead sled? None of these countries have hajjis to level and the countries that do already have aircraft that are superior for the job.
Greece already order it.
Can other anons help me interpret this idiocy?
Is this nigga actually saying that the F-15E was a mistake?
>when American laser superiority will be revealed.
That's what I thought. Sweet Jesus how much does one's mother need to drink during pregnancy to produce such a creature?
How much nigger cum did your mother drink to produce you?
F15E is far superior to F16xl
And a B1 is far superior to an F15E doesnt mean F16XL wouldnt be massively useful. Especially NOW when theyre stacking fuel tanks on top of wings and trying to squeeze an extra hardpoint in.
A delta wing would hurt the excellent maneuverability of the f16. Not worth it.
What would an F-16xl do that an F-15E doesn't do already?
Deltas increase maneuverabilility at expense of lower lift at lower speeds.
What does F15E do better than B1?
No, is too expensive. The market demands now cheap military hardware with little maintenance.
>What does F15E do better than B1
can go mach 2
>What does F15E do better than B1?
Not cost a fortune.
Wikipedia reader detected.
You answered this question then Primarily F-16XL can provide more bombing than F-16, which is all that airplane ever did, while also being more agile.
>What does F15E do better than B1
It can fly from more airfields, has a wider maintenance network, is cheaper to operate, is capable of faster speeds. That's just a few.
>Because delta wings are for gays.
...and your mouth was made for sucking dicks.
>the difference between a medium strike fighter and a large strike fighter is the same as the difference between a large strike fighter and a fucking strategic bomber
Kill yourself immediately.
that’s getting me to half mast
That's going to be one interesting call for air support...
>new uber eats
>order out
>indian comes to building
>calls on phone "im here"
>"come up dude its open im buzzing you in"
>refuses to come up
>"i dont know how to enter"
>"the door is open pull the handle"
>"there is no access"
>poo in loo walks the fuck away
>call uber eats
>"there was no access"
They are such mediocre human beings that they produce an atmosphere of complete hell wherever they go.
Imagine buying the F16 when you can get a Gripen instead.
I hope my country picks it over the Gripen.
>”Sir, thank you for calling, this is Mike from Wisconsin. Please do the needful and give me your coordinates, name, and social security number.”
No, this shit is at its design limits already...fucking ustaters, think everything must go fatter.
india and taiwan are two big customers
because the US isnt buying the F-16 anymore
what clearances
U mad bro?
Why would anyone buy an inferior plane
Permanent blister tanks are gay desu just reprofile the fuselage already
That would require an almost complete redesign if not done by slavniggers
>Current Year + 4
>Flying aircraft with Canards
Lmaoing at your lyfe
What a fat cunt
>What would an F-16xl do that an F-15E doesn't do already?
Single engine f-16xl would presumably be much cheaper to run.
Yes it will. Gripen is dead in the water now
F-16 is the most successful, economical and efficient 4th-gen fighter.
>single engine, small frame, good maneuverability
>modern, yet fairly coomon technology that safe to be exported
>cheap price for production in abundance amount
>cheap maintenance for poorfag country to own a modern fighter. which accounts for easy pilot training
>still able to be improved, and evolved with more payloads, better engines, avionics, and biggerest internal fuel tank for it's pinnacle of performance by the design. OP's Pic is one example
>F-16XL for experimental delta wings which proven that F-16 is easy to be customized and evolved
>JASDF F-2 is one living example of mutant bloatmaxx version F-16 with stronger frame, better Japanese avionics that been tested by 1000 times and dangerous antiship speciality customization to keep chinks at bay.