Let's shit on wehraboo creations
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That image looks pretty cool DESU.
Looks like an F-15 to me, you got any other angles?
Radar guided AA missiles
What would the German army looked like if it had continued development, let's see em
The Luftwaffe in 1946 would've been composed of a handful jets flown by middle schoolers who's pilot school consisted of practicing in a glider pulled by a mule
>shit on wehraboo creations
Found the rest, prepare for fudds to seethe
this one looks like it really could've been a post-war Nazi plane
Meticulously cited.
>*exports F16's to the Greater German Reich*
truly General Dynamics is the embodiment of the ANCAPball
What's with wehraboos and assuming that America would let Nazi Germany have these
Looks like a modified Avro Vulcan with an edgy skin on it to me.
Looks pretty neat
Why do you care so much faggot? You made this thread just to bitch about a niche future fantasy?
They totally would in a cold war situation where the Soviet union was the greater threat. .
>Nazis post 1945
>Female conscript
>Ill-fitting body armor combined with a grossly outdated SMG and helmet.
That's actually a pretty realistic depiction of what germany's manpower and industrial capabilities would hace been had the war somehow been extended to the 50s or 60s.
man in the big guy
Desperation is a hell of a drug.
whether boys or girls, the war made them men, and the soviet union made them dead.
>No belts, a scrap piece of twine is his belt
The passages in The Forgotten Soldier about the child soldiers were harrowing.
Where did he lose that middle tooth
I like that stuka paint job.
Any idea which unit had that design?
I have a couple issues of that comic series.
Its hilarious.
German F-86s painted up like Erich Hatmann's ME 109
read this and then ask that question again...
>non-silverplate B-29
Heresy, but in a good way
So wrong and gross.
Nazi Luftwaffe markings look better on MiG29 and Su27s.
Soviet and Russian other military hardware look more nazi like.
Those NVA camo fatigues.
4 u
>Found the rest, prepare for fudds to seethe
called it kek
Imagine thinking about Nazis every moment of your life. Imagine thinking about fighting the nazis on Jow Forums.
The french due for some funny reason
for some funny reason, most comic alternative ww2 stuff I find is made by the french, like this series
It kinda makes sense. France capitulated fairly early into the war, and probably has a bit of a sense of blueballs for not getting to meaningfully participate in the largest armed conflict in human history.
thing is, in most of these Comics the french do nothing either.
Sturzkampfgeschwader 2.
Seems it was specifically II Gruppe, since T6+DP of 6 Staffeln and T6+AN of 5 Staffeln are the two Stukas known to have had these snake motifs
>tfw no asymmetric Panzerknacker Jadgflugzeug
The Belgians are also big in the european comic buisness
not denying that, but its usually a french artist or french publisher when I see these meme Super Nazi Wunderwaffen stuff. have one last cover to go
>tfw no Drehflügler Kamgeschwader
How old was Sajer at that point? 17?
He grew up in war. God that book was good. I was so happy to learn he reunited with Halls after the war ended.
Where are the air intakes? How does this thing breathe ?
>Where are the air intakes?
It's not really noticeable from this angle, but the slits are located in front of the Balkenkreuz.
Its just a shit inaccurate drawing.
The real German F-4 wins this one, phantoms don't rock tan colors too well.
The best part is where the one lied to historians about using charcoal in the laminate because muh stealth which had just been made puopular by the US military at the time, and when the boys at the udvar-hazy were refurbishing the old prototype they bore holed the laminates and found they had zero charcoal and merely had old oxidized sawdust that looked black, a standard carpenters technique not charcoal dust. German engineers were so desperate to feel special even decades later it's pathetic.
it is.
this. soviet hardware looks better in ww2 german colors, ironically.
given how the US sold both of those planes to everything that moves, i wouldnt be surprised if they did sell them to to the luftwaffe
>"the future"
>still uses an absolute piece of shit subgun
Wehraboos think there's any conceivable scenario where the Nazis could have won and conquered the world because they grew up watching History Channel garbage.
Nazi Germany has this insane myth around it about how it was supposed to be ridiculously efficient, when in reality they were at best average, just with somewhat better work ethics due to German culture.
It was actually hilariously inefficient on many points.
but they could have easily won though. it was only the decision to stop from pushing into moscow that made them loose. invading Britain would have also won them the war
meant for
Neither of those things were likely to happen, fighting in the Moscow suburbs would've become a bloodbath they weren't prepared for and would've created a severe risk of encirclement. There is no scenario for the invasion of Britain that isn't a complete fantasy.
>but they could have easily won though
No they couldn't, there's no realistic scenario where they survive into the 1950s, industry was too weak, there wasn't enough manpower, and there wasn't enough ammunition or fuel, they started the war with shortages and faults in these regards and they only got worse and worse as time went, and their dumb fag ass economy could never have fixed these problems.
They could only sustain themselves by plundering other countries, which stops happening if they manage to sue for peace and end the war early, and then it's only a matter of time for the entire country falling apart into Weimar Republic tier squalor and retardation, in which case the Soviets would probably try to make a move on them, ruining half the point with starting the war.
Losing only half of the country to the dirty reds was probably Germany's best case scenario for WW2, and that's extremely embarrassing.
>Neither of those things were likely to happen, fighting in the Moscow suburbs would've become a bloodbath they weren't prepared for and would've created a severe risk of encirclement
I mean they weren't even ready for that as it actually happened, Operation Barbarossa was some of the most brutal and intense warfare since the first world war.
>There is no scenario for the invasion of Britain that isn't a complete fantasy.
God, Sumpftarn is the fucking BEST
Looks like an insect. Not in an aesthetic way either.
they could have won the americans to their side easily as well. then the war would have been over in no time flat.
Tie fighter vs b24
Loose like your mother. B8 or retard
I used to have a BMW E30, was a very light blue that had faded significantly in the sun, I actually thought it was silver from the pictures when I went to buy it. I kinda always wanted to paint it up in this scheme, but I figured nobody would get it and/or I'd be accused of being a Nazi, and not just a nerd. And this was back in 2009
>Found the rest, prepare for fudds to seethe
The fact that these images are titled NAZI and these paint schemes date back to WW1 should be enough to make any sensible person seethe, not to mention the artist didnt understand the concept of BVR and low vis paint schemes existing in the first place on modern western aircraft
>pigmented stealth coating
>they could have won the americans to their side easily as well
God that show has so much missed potential
they're his meme illustrations you retard
>why would Delta operate an F16?!??? It can't even CARRY passengers!
>It can't even CARRY passengers
>not stuffing people in modified drop tanks
It's clearly for destroying competing airlines.
Thread theme song?
>ywn experience the great ancap air battle between delta and southwest for air supremacy over greater texas
I love that one, the Delta logo on the Tail looks great are pretty much every airplane
>Tfw when corporate wars break out these will fly in the sky
>black F-22
muh dikk
the war was heavily unpopular in america, they could have easily subverted the government with this and put a reich sympathizer in office
>this is what wehraboos actually believe
sad cope
>the war was heavily unpopular
The public didn't want a war but were willing to fight in one that had been declared on them. It literally would've taken the British conducting a Pearl Harbor scale attack to get people in anyway interested in a war against the allies.
just checked out that site.
has some interesting stuff. like this european one lancaster
>WW-2 F-4 phantom
blyat brrrrt
this... feels weird
>the war was heavily unpopular in america
Not in the way you think.
>they could have easily subverted the government with this and put a reich sympathizer in office
Probably not, given that a filthy commie sympathizer was put in office.
Probably would've happened, ruskis wouldve been all over Germany in like a week during the 80's. I'd love to see a detected L39 paintjob as well.