How long can I keep a mag loaded before worrying about the mag spring? Months? Years?

How long can I keep a mag loaded before worrying about the mag spring? Months? Years?

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There will be many answers. I would say, take every single answer in this thread, then average them together.


A few weeks maybe. Regardless of use or storage, springs ought to be replaced every 6 months

>How long can I keep a mag loaded before worrying about the mag spring? Months? Years?
Indefinitely. The feed lips (on polymer mags at least) will crack and break after any extended storage. Also make sure your springs are oiled beforehand because some springs can rust if you live is soupier states.

Forever; this topic has been discussed to death. It isn't compression that wears out springs; it's repeated compression and decompression.

People have recovered fully loaded 1911 magazines dating from WW1, inserted them into 1911s, and blew through all 7 rounds with no trouble. Considering that manufacturing QC and spring metallurgy has only gotten better since then, I wouldn't worry about leaving your AR or AK mags loaded.

fatigue requires movement
some shittier pistol mags will destroy their springs if loaded to full capacity (generally stuff like 15rnd BHP mags), but they're the exception

Is that a function of the old follower design?

it is a function of designers thinking they can get away with over-crushing the spring to get an extra two rounds into the same space

wrong and fucking stupid

62 hours before permanent failure

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Okay buddy. Enjoy running out of magazines springs 6 months into the big igloo

Years. Loading and unloading is what wears springs down not the compression itself.

>some shittier pistol mags will destroy their springs if loaded to full capacity
Add older XDm mags to that list as well. They still fed fine after being stored loaded for ~4 years but would fail to lock the slide back about 30% of the time.

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para ord mags do it too

pretty much anything with an unreasonably small follower stop will fuck the springs up if fully loaded


Enjoy getting clapped first week because you don’t use your guns enough to know that you do not need to change your springs every 6 months, you fucking boomer. I’ve kept mags loaded for a few months without touching them and they have spring tension up the ass. USGI mags, Lancers, and PMags alike. All work fine. Stop spreading misinformation and making everyone else around you less intelligent.

Indefinitely but it doesn’t hurt to check up on them and make sure they’re holding up fine every few months. I run a few rounds through most of my primary mags to make sure shit works fine and it’s never proven otherwise.

Gotta real this one in. He's a real fighter

You are stupid. I've had several mags almost loaded for a decade when I used them...... Springs wear out with use, not by being under constant pressure.....

If plastic body, a year or two. If metal, no worries. Springs won't wear out just from being compressed, but from being compressed and depressed a lot.

Plastic mags are shit though.

Going to have to replace the springs in my car. They've been compressed 10 years...must be worn out by now.../s

>He doesn't jack his car up after getting home to reduce wear on the springs

More like every 6 years user.

Bro, I hope you're taking your wheels off and fully decompressing those springs too.

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Listen to me OP I can’t prove it but I have some knowledge into this. It doesn’t hurt you at all to leave mags loaded, however some companies push spring replacement because say a policy department buys into that? Look up the cost of a glock magazine spring and multiply it by 100. Then do that twice a year. Then times 500 departments who got suckered. Also many LE or military agencies will happily go along with this to justify a bigger budget. It’s just a scam.

Worst case scenario if your spring goes bad is you won't lock back on empty and your last few rounds may not feed. Pretty sure you're more likely to die from not having loaded mags as opposed to having 27 shots as opposed to 30. People have kept mags loaded for years with very minimal effect. Worse case scenario every 5 years you may need to replace a few springs to get your gun to lock open on empty.

>How long can I keep a mag loaded before worrying about the mag spring?
As long as it takes you to learn to google basic questions or use/start a qtdat for it.

>t. Spring salesman

Springs do not fatigue from being left compressed. They fatigue from repeated compression and decompression. You're fine to leave your magazines loaded indefinitely if they are steel or aluminum. Keep an eye on polymer magazine feed lips. Lancers have steel feed lips which helps to mitigate this problem, and Gen 3 PMAGs have covers for relieving pressure off the feed lips during extended storage. Covers are available for the Gen 2 PMAGs as well.

tl;dr mags wearing out from being left loaded is unscientific fuddlore

Young's modulous, how does it work?

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>Own 1944 production Izmash cossack carbine
>Captured by Germans, Waffenampt marked on stock
>Captured by an American in Germany
>Brought back to the states and kept loaded at the bottom of a closet for 65 fucking years
>Currently sitting loaded at the bottom of a different closet, taken to the range to blast beer bottles every month or so
Probably about a century, provided that your magazine spring was manufactured in a repurposed tractor factory by a slavic peasant too incompetent to be trusted in military service, passed the QC of a communist country in the depths of the largest and costliest war in human history, was then dragged through that war by soldiers of three different countries, and then spent more than half a century loaded with the same four rounds it came with when it was pried out of a dead man's hands in Northern Germany.
Magazine springs wear out through use, and usually a lot of it, not sitting on a shelf you cock mongling retard.

Constant loading/unloading will wear out the spring quickest
If you completely unload your ccw mag every night and reload the same mag every morning it could be fucked within the year
Next is going to be keeping a mag fully loaded, this will effect longer springs more than shorter and could wear them out after a couple years
If you keep mags loaded at 80% capacity or less then they will last almost indefinitely

Stop at this one. This is the only correct answer.

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Can I have this as a copypasta? Its reminiscent of the Navy Sniper one.

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That's all well and good OP, but the real question is. How long do these torsion springs inside drums last when kept under constant tension from a full load?

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>1944 izmash cossack carbine
Ask me how I know you're a retard

Had a Taurus 1911 mag loaded and in the gun for maybe a year, and it was bulged and would no longer drop free. It is Taurus hueshit though

Fuck are you talking about I switch my spring out every week.

What mags should I use in my glawk if plastic mags are shit? I've been using the same pmag for 2 years now, but it's my carry gun so I want to have the best.

>Bro, I hope you're taking your wheels off and fully decompressing those springs too.
>just wheels
BRO you gotta disassemble your strut otherwise your springs will die.

>he doesn't store his car in 0 gravity

This guy fucks.

>he doesn't remove every valve, throttle body, latch, door etc spring in his car to reduce wear every night.

chek'd und 2pbp. Springs only deteriorate under function. Keeping them in a state of compression or decompression will not impose wear.

I’ve got some ancient AK mags with springs that are clearly very worn, considering how easily it is to load them, yet they still work.

Honestly, has anyone in this thread ever had a mag spring fail? I think the only modern and documented instances I can think of are old USGI STANAG mags that have been loaded and emptied a gorillion times over their 30 year lifespan

I've heard of some plastic mags doing the same, and ways to prevent it. I assume this is a question of the body of the magazine not being strong enough to stand up to the spring pressure over longer periods of time, rather than the spring itself giving out.

Keeping springs compressed (or under tension) will cause creep.

A few mm over a decade is nothing in the scheme of things.

And yet, those springs do relax over time.

>not keeping your magazines unloaded until moments before the firefight for maximum magazine life

Technically a perfect spring doesn't experience wear from tension, only wear from length cycling and thermal cycling.
But in the real world, no spring is perfect. Just down load the mag by a couple rounds and keep the feed lips protected.

You, also, have been misinformed.
It is not only flexing that wears out springs; creep does also.
Here's a simple question - what makes spring steel different from other steels?

You're talking about a minuscule amount of creep that may affect smaller or bottlenecked bullets, but big fat round pistol ones won't have too much issue with it. Even then it'll be years before creep sets in and if you haven't worn out the the mag springs with regular use by then you need to take less photos for Jow Forums and shoot more.

You've never seen older cars sit lower on old springs?


loading and unloading wears the spring. a dude did a comprehensive youtube vid on this you should check it out

gas yourself pmag shill

keeping the mag in the gun keeps the force of the spring off the plastic feedlips
didn't your glock come with any factory stainless lined mags?

orlite 45/30 round storage mags are the mag for you

uhhh glock magazines are steel with a polymer coating. have you never actually looked at your magazines?

magpul pmag glack mags ain't metal lined brehsephina

>Keeping springs compressed (or under tension) will cause creep.
If you believe this, would you like to buy the Brooklyn Bridge? Unfortunately, it's lying on the bottom of the East River. Because of creep.

buy a few oem glock mags for carry.