Suggest a Gun Thread

Post what you own and anons suggest your next purchase(s)

>long guns
RD akm build
RD ak104 build
FN Fal
1909 Argentine Mauser
M1917 Enfield
Murata Type 22
Arisaka T99 long
Mossberg 590a1 retro
Bergara B14 HMR 6.5 CM

HK SP5k braced
CZ 75B
CZ 52
CZ 82
Dan Wesson Pointman 45
Pre-war commercial Hi-Power w/ buttstock/holster

I'm thinking maybe a Desert Eagle .50 African Eliminator or a .45-70 lever action

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Other urls found in this thread:

Sauce on grill

Aphex Twin - Windowlicker

Nah she looks more mid 90's

>Images you can hear

Hell yeah.

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Uberti's Colt Walker
Beretta 71
Beretta 92S
SW .32 tiger
Mosin Nagant
Marlin model 60
Iver Johnson Champion
Browning Auto 5

I feel like im all covered on anything for carry or sport. Now im thinking about getting an autoloader with easy access to AP ammo like something in 5.56. Im thinking AR15 for easy modification and access to other uppers for other cartridges or maybe a bullpup like an AUG if I decide to stick with 5.56. Thoughts?

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Noice. Your missing 5.56 though. You need a Tommy Built G36 or Steyr AUG to flex on AR peasants.

Have you considered BP muzzleloaders or breachloaders? It might change things up a bit if youre getting bored. Wament I didnt notice you were thinking about getting a .45-70. I really want a pedersoli sharps. If you want to be extra autistic you can rechamber it for .45-110 or .45-120 for BP handloads.

Forgot to mention I also have a remington gas auto, a 20g pump, and a percussion shotgun

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/mu/fags should all have fentanyl gas pumped into their Subaru WRX cabins

Definitely covered carry and sport, and agreed on a moden autoloading rifle. Ar or AUG would be good, but also a Galil or AK style rifle could be cool. 7.6x39 is super common in the US
Good point, I've been considering an AUG for a while. Would be my first bullpup and 5.56. I think they look ugly with the pic rail though. Would go with the scope version
I haven't really, but that sounds fun. I didn't know about the Pedersoli Sharps, that's cool as fuck.

Yee im kinda torn between 7.62x39 for easy access to subsonics or 5.56x45 for easy access to steel core/AP. Also forgot to ask; should I just spend my money on a form 1 silencer instead? ATM id only be able to use it on my mosin (with thread adapter) and my .22s if I bored it to 7.62. I agree with your opinion on the new AUG scope. Arent the ones with the original design more expensive? And yes pedersoli makes some really great stuff. I dont own any but ive got to handle a pedersoli percussion shotgun and I got to fire a pedersoli sharps (hot smokeless load) and they were both pristine works of art.

Ah yeah you'rte right, I think that the AUGs in the original setup are pre-ban rifles? someone correct me if I'm wrong
Get a suppressor for your future modern rifle

My next purchases are pistols, so I'm only going to list the pistols I own. I really don't want to type out all 30ish of the rifles I own.
>Colt 1911
>Colt 1903
>Llama 1911
>Ruger security 6
>Ruger security 9
>Ruger single 6
>Ruger standard
>Taurus 92AF
>Nagant 1895
>Radom Vis 35
Next, I want a Webley in 38 S&W, then a swiss luger, then a Steyr Hahn. From there, I'll pick up a few Spanish pistols and eventually a C96. At this point in my collection, space is an issue. I won't pass up on any great deals but I ought to focus on handsurp for a while

Long bois
>Marini Henry
>1919 Lithgow No1Mk3
>1943 No4 Mk1
>Yugo SKS
>PTR91 wide handguard/bipod no optic
>older CETME sporter with no rail
>Suomi M31 SBR
>Folding vepr 12 with Fastfire III
>fixed skeleton stock Vepr 12, no mods
>HBAR A2 clone
>14.5 lightweight AR with Aimpoint T1 and light
>10.5" A2 commando ish pistol with shockwave (fuck you it's not a pistol)
>4.5" AR9 SBR
>wasr-10 with dong and sidefolder
>7.62 krink SBR build
>turkish pump 12ga
>Mossberg 500 in .410
>Savage MK1 Y (single shot .22) with cheap scope
>Calico M105
>shitty 16" Uzi build with fixed wood stock

>Sig two tone 1911 w/ threaded barrel
>VZ61 SBR (fuck you it's not a rifle)
>Glock 26 Gen3 (EDC)
>Bulgy mak
>Intratec DC-9
>Beretta 81

In the works
>Sten MK5 SBR
>M72AB1 (underfolding RPK)

Gaps needing filled
>Long range rifle (thinking AR10 or some manner of bolt gun, preferably in 308 since I already stock 308)
>Full size 9mm pistol, preferably threaded. Thinking an HK VP9

>more retarded AK variants
>more obsolete cucked submachine guns

Enjoy the wood.
Tear me up

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god fucking damn dude nice Jow Forumsollection. Op here
If you're going .308 for long range go for an AR10 imo
CZ SP-01 tactical urban grey? VP9 looks gay
I need more retarded AK variants

I'm also thinking I need a .22 rifle to get better at shooting. Maybe a CZ?

I just really want the case hardened desert eagle .50 FUARK
>fuck that pic rail though

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Pic rail is acceptable in that case IMO. Imagine the pretty scopes you could put on that THANG. I really wish I had my automag pics on this SSD. If you have an AR you could get one of those .22lr conversion kits for about $200. If you have a suppressor that would be great for subs.

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thanks dude.

I think an AR10 is more practical and just as accurate, however I think there is a certain pleasure in shooting a bolt action that I don't have enough of.

I don't like the CZ Omega series. Only reason I'm considering the VP9 is that I shot one recently and it was a really, really, sweet shooting pistol that fit into my hand like it was molded for it. Yeah, it is kind of uggo but I would use it primarily suppressed as a nightstand gun.

I think I'm good on pistols for now. My current long arms are

>chink nugget carbine
>not really a long arm but mp5
>some shitty savage .22

I'm thinking of getting one of the following
>a nicer .22 rifle
>.357 lever gun
>a modern bolt action rifle
>more pistol caliber memes
>fuck long arms, get a 1911


What next


Tell me to buy an 1892 .357, a Winchester M1917 and Model 52 Sporter and an 1874 Sharps. Convince me to live on beans and corned beef tins for the next year if needs be.

What are you looking for in a modern bolt action? If you want aesthetics I'd get one of the new Model 70 Classic or if you wanted modern and high performance you could get all sorts of things and a good chasis build.

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Not really sure, honestly. I just thought it was a niche in my collection that needed filling, and having a bolt gun in a more common and cheaper chambering than 7.62x54 or 8mm mauser would be nice.
I was thinking a Ruger of some kind, or maybe a pre-shit Remington 700.

I think ive decided. AR15 so I can use the 5.56 steel core assault boolet, and so I can apply a .300 blackout upper which would work with a 7.62 form 1 silencer. Do you think one of those thread adapters that fit on the mosin's front sight would clap a form 1 silencer with baffle strikes?

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Scar 17
ar 10
ruger ranch 7.62x39
benelli m4
cz scorpion pistol

delta elite
rough rider
cz p01

was thinking of getting a 9mm 1911 with threaded barrel because i shoot my delta the best, dan wesson makes one with an alloy frame

Before drilling the baffles, I'd check the centricity by putting the tube with the drilled endcap onto the adapter, then looking down the bore. Maybe run a wooden dowel down. If it isn't 100% concentric, I'd do what the Dead Air Wolverine does: Each baffle gets a slightly increasingly larger hole, to allow for less than concentric threading.

>bargain bin 16" AR-15 I built as my first gun
>20" Mav 88 my wife had
Next purchase will be a 20 gauge for my wife. One problem she has is that her arms are short and it's uncomfortable for her to reach the slide on our Mossberg, so either a pump designed for small women or a break action. It's mostly going to be used on a clay with a marginal chance of small bird hunting, so the cheaper the better. Also need to pick up a .22 rifle at some point for cheap target practice. After that I'm split between a memey SBR/AR pistol/PCC or AR-10 DMR, or something practical like a long bolt gun for hunting, if I get the chance, and distance shooting. Also want to eventually pick up a full size pistol for competition larping and a big iron for my hip at some point. That's basically every gun I can list off the top of my head as wanting at this point. Once I get some of them I'll think of more.

I can see you like unique Slavshit and don't own anything in 5.56, so probably not a Gucci AR build.

With that in mind, how about a retro AR clone? Something like an M16A1, M16A2 build, or one of the many flavors of retro carry handle carbines out there?

CZ-82; it'd make a neat companion to your Makarov and they're super cheap on the surplus market right now.

id get a beretta 81 while you can. even cheaper, and desu a significantly better gun in pretty much every regard except caliber. i had a cz82 and sold it. the beretta 81 became my favorite handgun before i finished the first mag.

>beretta 81
I'd love one desu, but they're not on roster here in CA. (sucks; I'd love a CZ-83 in .32 ACP as well.)

Good choice. Unfortunately I don't know anything about suppressors, I live in a retarded state
What about a bolt action? The threaded 9mm 1911 would be fun. I love my Dan Wesson, can't say anything bad about it
You can go many different directions, have fun!
Get a M1917. They are fucking GREAT. This nigga eatin beans
You have a keen eye. I'm not a Gucci AR guy.
You actually know me very well, I've been eyeing an M16A1 build. I love how light they are, and I love the aesthetics. I'm not sure who makes the best repro lowers/uppers. I haven't done much research.

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A retro AR-15

I already own the following:
>AR-10 build
>AR-15 build
>S&W M&P9 M2.0
I am considering the following for my next purchases. If I had to prioritize just one, which one should I get first?
>FN SLP or Mossberg 930 SPX
I have a bit of an urge to fulfill the "combat shotgun" meme. That, and my collection should probably have at least one shotgun.
>CZ P-10F Optics Ready version
I want to have one 9mm pistol with a red dot.
I just want a plain-looking AK to shoot cheap as fuck ammo with.

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Long guns
>Matching 1920 Lithgow No1Mk3*
>Poverty pony AR build from college
>TC Compass .308Win with nikon scope for durr
>Marlin Model 60
>Browning BPS 12 Gauge for clays/birds

>Colt Government Series 70 Custom Shop 1911
>Ruger GP100 6 inch
>Sig P250SC 9mm
>Sig P365
>Sig P226 40 swishers and welfare
>P80 G19

Ive been fiending for an AK but just havent seen many deals lately, also just invested in a reloading setup so trying to give my wallet some time to recover

>USP Expert in .45 ACP
>Ruger Vaquero with a bit of custom work in .44mag
>Uberti Walker
>Pietta Remington 1858

It's quite clear you need a bolt action. I suggest a milsurp rifle. Or go modern long range weapon

I suggest a gun thread, just like you suggested.

Currently own:
>Zastava NPAP w/ IWD furniture
>Zastava M70A
>Mossberg Maverick 88
>Savage Mk II .22lr

Want to own next:
>Retro AR-15 in carbine configuration (want to build one myself)
>CC/compact pistol (thinking about a Zastava M88A)

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No thanks glownigger

I only have a Ruger MK. IV so I can learn proper marksmanship. Now that I've gotten gud at fundamentals, what should I get next that has more power to it?

Agreed, but my old man already has a Bergara B14 in 6.5 creedmoor I'm going to inherit. I like it quite a bit and it can do roughly .3 MOA. As for milsurp I've always wanted a 1917 Enfield.

My guns...
Two SKS one for me one for the wife. Our favorite under a grand rifle. One of my favorite guns of all time.
Phoenix 22lr pistol. Way underrated and tons of fun
A Hungarian pa63. My general carry pistol. Would like to trade out for a cz82 but the PA works fine enough.
A u22 neos. Can you ever have too many 22's? Real fun gun with a good choice of barrel lenghts and accessories.
And an old Intratec ab-10. Don't see why everyone hates these guns. It was admittedly a jam'o'matic until I changed the extractor and now it runs flawlessly. Far more accurate than it has any right to be also.
Next gun is gonna be a hipoint YC-9 'yeet cannon' when it releases. Hi points have always been reliable with a killer warranty and this solves many of the c9 issues. In addition I think the fun naming scheme really helps the gun community and brings in fresh shooters and interest. People tend to forget fun in this hobby.
Beyond that I wouldn't mind a wasr or something in 5.7. a wood AR would be great. An AUG is my dream gun I'll likely never get. Or an fs2000.

This is the dumbest fucking idea I have seen all day and I was at a daycare and then a barbecue for a handful of mentally disabled people earlier.

>he thinks we post our unregistered

I love my M1917. One of my favorite milsurps to shoot
Cya around Neb
You hang out with some erudite mentally disabled people

Glock 45, with tru glo cancer/fiberoptic sights