Be watching Waco

>be watching Waco
>ATF agent shows Koresh his M9
>Koresh says "You didn't get this at a gun show. This trigger's been illegally modified."

What "illegal modification" is he talking about?

Attached: glock home defense.gif (370x281, 1.98M)

The only possible illegal modification to a handguns trigger would be to produce fully automatic fire. Now, I don't know enough about a 93r's trigger to tell you if some backyard gunsmith could modify a 92 to work like that.

It doesn’t mean anything. It’s Jewish tricks to implant the idea into normies’ heads that you can do something dangerous and illegal to a regular firearm by doing something like poking the trigger with a screwdriver a few times.

It's a nonsense line.

Stop watching trash, OP.

Does it go on to show Koresh making illegal guns?

No. It was actually pretty sympathetic to Koresh. I knew the ATF and FBI were maliciously retarded but MAN it was pretty bad the way the show portrayed it.

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>the way the show portrayed it

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Fuck off to /a/ or wherever you degenerate niggers congregate

They portray the insane Asian guy that shot Randy Weaver’s wife? Apparently they let that guy go to Waco after he cost the government millions for killing miss Weaver.

>be watching [tv show]
>[tv thing happens]
>[tv thing] might be inaccurate, but surely it holds some relation to [real thing]! t. smoothbrain

come the fuck on OP.

>What "illegal modification" is he talking about?
Probably one done to his m9. You could ask him, but our government wanted him and his whole church dead.

Turn off the electric Jew user.

Yeah he’s in the show and jokes about shooting babies. Pretty savvy actually

My fucking buddy keeps trying to get me to read twokinds. It's fucking boring.

>watching waco
is this some tv series or something?

im woefully out of the loop on pretty much all modern movies and shows. chernobyl was a delightful exception due to memes.

Most people stick with it because of the cute furry women.
Also, has your friend reread it himself recently? Tom (the guy who draws/writes it) basically rewrote all the earlier chapters, throwing out a lot of the characters personality in the process.

Attached: Vixen by the Sea.png (1920x1200, 1.89M)

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Ding ding! Jow Forums is getting smarter!

Jesus christ honestly can't tell if this is bait

Why would that be bait?
It wouldn't surprise me if there was a waco series but if there is I haven't heard about it.

If you're triggered by me saying I learned about Chernobyl through memes then get the fuck over it, because that's what prompted me to look into it and gave it a shot. IT ended up being great.
Most stuff on TV/Netflix is shit and if you watch either I guarantee you watch shit.

More brainwashing propaganda from the Jewry to get us 1 step closer to the "Cohen Act".