
Red Dawn is the most K movie ever. Change my mind.

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Red Dawn is the theme song for pic related coming to destroy your house.

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Nah, if Russians started falling out of the sky today half of Jow Forums would be outside waving their hands in the air yelling вoзьми мeня c coбoй тoвapищи! instead of shooting.

are you implying Russia aren't the good guys? cause lets be honest, the us government and military and NATO are the axis of evil in our time

Assuming you mean the original.
Would like to nominate "The Road" for runner up.

Fuck you, we "The Mist" up in here.

fuck off, Ivan

I don’t know how to pronounce that, much less what it means. I would probably attempt something like that though to attempt a good AK connection

Yeah the original is pretty sick. The 2012 film was a Joke.

I actually like the first half of the remake better.
The original is based, but it still suffers from 80s cheese production.

This exactly. They'll need to liberate us if the leftards keep up their momentum. Which they will. Because conservatives are cucks and refuse to make any sensible stands.

Other than the fact of them being Korean I tolerated the 2012 one ok

Based, Independentpilled and checked.

I watched this and Top Gun ine night, after seeing it hyped up for years by Jow Forums. I can say without exaggeration it was the most schlocky and braindead piece of propagandic drivel I have ever watched.

>soviets enter, in very first action spray down schoolteacher and his classroom for no reason
>plucky kid protags somehow escape unscathed and form guerrilla group
>group of 5 or 6 kids somehow ambushes platoon after platoon of bumbling and cartoonishly evil ruskies. Are somehow able to get away every time with no casualties
>ambush a russian firing squad with armor support. Somehow snuck in a crew served weapon without being noticed
>gulag (and death camp rolled into one) right at the edge of town, apparently open to visitors
>with a jet parked there for some reason
>finally start to die, all it took was a TANK DIVISION

I couldn't even finish it after this. They could have had a deep movie that examined the high cost of partisan activity and tested the resolve of the protaganists in the face of war (Come and See, Apoc Now), but instead they made a saturday morning cartoon. It was sickening how casually the heroes dismissed the the reprisals. Given the praise, I expected more. Top Gun, though, was absolutely amazing and very fun to watch.

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Politics only goes one direction. Towards reform. The conservatives fail to conserve and reactionaries are literally not a thing.

>didnt watch it to the end
>complains it couldve had themes of the cost of partisan activity
nigger thats literally what the movie was about. if you actually watched it youd know that

Look at this faggot who will never be AVENGED.

It was going to be the Chinese. But the chinks "who own the half of Hollywood Disney doesn't" threw a fit.

Red Dawn sucked, Change my mind

>soviets enter, in very first action spray down schoolteacher and his classroom for no reason
Clearly, it was a standard hostage rescue by Spetsnaz.

Why did it suck to you? How do you feel about "Taps"?

Its movies like this that makes me realize how lame our current timeline is. The 20th century got TWO world wars and massive class upheavals and all we have in the 21st century is a gay ass war on terror and twitter arguments over petty shit.