Lets see some fixed blade knives with good designs, good steels and made for warfare or at least survival type tasks
Not Shit-Tier Knife Thread
7 inch blade minimum. Full teng or else. KA-BAR, stick teng?
Ka-BARs belong in the gaybar in the hands of muslims because they're in the hands of Allah. Any questions? It's fun, try it!!!!! TRY IT OUT!!! CHECK IT OUT!!! The knife goes in and out of the chest cavity. They pump their dicks? Get shit off a dead one's body by SWAT Because you're pumping the KABAR fighter into their chest, splitting ribs and perforating their heart which now looks like skirt steak instead of a pumper.
Yakut knife. The ones actually made by Yakuts can take -50° weather without getting brittle.
Thats pretty interesting, i live in australia so never really consider cold temps affecting blades. I wonder just how big a factor it really plays for jobs like skinning, could see high impact tasks maybe running the risks of breaking more easily in the cold but besides that dunno. Only traditional russian blade style i remember seeing or hearing about are the ones that look like the entirety of one side looks like a massive fuller. Basically forged in a concave manner to save on material and keeps the knives very light and thin obviously. Couldnt tell you the name of the style tho.
Found a pic of the style i was talking about
I see the Fairbairn-Shanghai family of knives as the most interesting, and practical combat knife. The Gerber mkII would be perfect if it didn't have that damn seration on the waist, and flat grinding instead of concave.
Mang, i feel ya
here's an idea :
> Gerber blade -
sans serations, slightly wider blade, waist stays same width, flat grind to the hilt.
> Applegate Grip -
cast aluminium Applegate grip with checkered, and the original FS flat guard, all over in matte finish.
Your threadly reminder that if you pay more than $100 for a knife, you're paying for a meme. Knives are tools. They are meant to be used. A $100 knife, made with a good steel, will do any job you could possibly ask of it, and if you're too afraid of damaging your $500 hand crafted bull shit knife to actually use it, you bought a paper weight.
Whilst its true there are knives under 100 that will serve you just fine for most tasks your point is still fucking retarded you smooth brain invalid. A lot of tools cost well over 100 and not even just electric tools. You can choose to buy mass produced cheap shit that can do some tasks or you can pay more if a) you simply appreciate quality or b) you want something not made in chink land.
Just because china outputs some shit these days thats usable doesnt mean you dismiss everything else you dead shit.
"Eeerr derrrr, if some Guang Zhou trash made by a peasant in a factory can get a job done then, errrr ummm nothing else is worth being made or purchased ever again"
Also unless your an idiot with shit taste any knife youre dishing out $500 for is gonna either be made with a level of attention that satisfies you or to specifications that suit your needs very well or more likely will be a custom piece that ought to be admired for the skill and technique put into making it but it seems your tiny little cuck brain cant wrap itself around a concept like that. Should we tear down all those shitty paintings in galleries because they are just dumb paper weights huh?
I like, although i reckon itd be pretty slick with a rubberised handle too, real operator like
Finnish army M95 and M07.
Sort of like a heavy mora, with a long and thin point for stabbing people.
That top one looks really cool
Calm down there friendo. You're getting awfully emotional over material objects. If one wants to buy a knife for it's craftsmanship and artistry, more power to them, but that just proves my point. They are buying it for it's subjective value, not its value as a tool. I fully understand the draw of buying something because it's cool, but I also understand that that is literally the only reason one buys something like that. Unless they need to somehow justify their own insecurity about their purchase.
every knife I own is from the 80s and cost me $0
No, no friendo, im not frustrated over material objects. Im frustrated over your gay ass spouting stupid shit.
Aesthetic of the gerber is rather pleasing
In the right my muela Magnum 23. Its my Favorite
Pic not related?
how dare you
But also pretty funny and yeah you got me the busse thickness breaks my heart. There isnt a busse model out there that couldnt have its thickness cut in half and not be a better knife but damn the steel is so good and the designs look sweet. Also they are fun
Cold steel is shit teir.
I see some Busse and kin knives in there. Sharpened pry bars made of ball bearing steel. Not exactly the pinnacle of knife design. Sold at a ridiculous premium.
Becker is absolutely shit teir. 1095, hollow plastic bolt on handles. Piss poor design. Overly thick. Nylon sheaths. Liner like abrasive coating. Absolutely garbage.
I see the kabar version of the EK Bowie. Shit teir knife.
I see one knife that isn't basically garbage and I think that one is a clone copy or lookalike but it's hard to tell from the picture.
I was stabbed with one if those. Nice knife.
Cold steel does some filthy effective fighting knives, some in trash steel but my cold steel dagger there is cpm 3v steel. The busse i already admitted are a naughty pleasure with cool designs. Nothing wrong with the becker or 1095 and the becker bowie has micarta handles on it regardless mate. The kabar ek is broken tip trash but i was using a collection pic. got 2 real eks there, one from each of the two main manufacturing plants the company has had. You cant poke shit at about 10 of those knives on the board and for about 5 of them, the mere insinuation that you didnt class them as good shows you dont know as much as you seem to think about knives.
The fact your shit stained ass made a pretentious post about non shit teir knives and design and then posted a collection of shit teir knives IS hysterical. That collection is on par with Mora, buck, Gerber, Ontario any other run of the mill knife company. The difference between your collection and a collection of what you consider shit teir is that you payed more.
Non shit teir knives are a thing you dont own. You are obviously a mark.
Anyone got opinions on the best knife for under 50 bucks? I want one for me and one for my girlfriend, we live in a college town and walk to each other often but I want a good self defense knife until I can get a concealed carry. Also, Texas has no blade length restriction for carry, what would be the best length, pocket knife, Bowie knife, a sword or a straight up fucking spear?
You are obviously a dumby thicc since my knives are epic and you are lameo
A "shit teir" version of pic related is made by Reel steel. It works just fine.
Right. I don't own $100 dollar knives with plastic bolt on handles and painted 10xx blades that come with nylon sheaths.
I reckon a cold steel counter tac 2 would do you well for your needs. Small, light, concealable, a glorified shiv that will really fuck some up if you get em with it.
Ease of carry is going to be a folder. Under 50 look at Buck.
show us ya knoif then, mate
>>Larp level 1000000000000000
What is that beautiful knife?
Excuse me my bolted on handle knives are more like $400 but also i hate to point out your ignorance so plainly and easily but not a single knife in that picture has bolted on plastic handles besides the one broken ek knife i pointed out my sweet honey pie. Second best you got is a rubber handle, one with wood and all the other bolt ons are micarta
whats wrong with that knife as a sub $50 self defence knife you gay cunt. Cold Steel's product line is basically the exact answer to what the fella was looking for
also fucking trips so im right and your wrong so shut your mouth
Both the Becker knives came you have cost from 80-120 USD and came with nylon sheaths, painted 1095, and plastic bolt on handles. If you have $400 or more invested into those sharpened prybars you are a fucking retard.
Point out the knives in this pic that are well designed, made with quality steel, and are not ridiculously overpriced. I'll fucking wait while you realize you have a pile of wasted money on your hands.
You could have picked a steel and had knives made to your specs far cheaper than the shit you own.
It's a shitty dagger on a necklace you fag.
nigger its got a clip for belt carry and daggers are wonderful self defence knives
Here ya go mate, pink are perfectly good knives as far as design, material and price, yellow are fucking great knives considering design material and price
I have always liked my KA-BAR. Although when I got it as a Christmas present it was literally half the price of what they are selling them for now. It's sad that you could get a good knife for a little over $50 once upon a time.
Post knives, faggot.
Is the green bladed knife a scrapyard?
Me trusty working knife. Pretty decent quality for $40~ Its a 440A blade, nothing special. I sharpen it every week, sometimes twice a week.
Great handle, sheath is decent, size is pretty good for a daily carry belt knife.
I made this about a year ago. The design was to be a do-all camp knife: wood processing, food preparation, general chopping, etc.
I made it from a HUGE old ferriers rasp, really high carbon steel-- threw astoundingly bushy sparks. Annealed it back to mild steel, shaped it, quenched and tempered. The blade is 1/4" thick, it's just a fucking tank. Beat it down through a 8" oak log, no problem. I don't worry about it too much, that's for sure.
Oh, and it shaves. Yeah.
Cute butter knife.
I never thought to spread butter with it. I think i will now, just for lols.
>dude weed lmao
Fucking druggie.
You are a complete knob. I would love to be a salesman when you walk in.
It's a decent knife with a dated design. It's not really great at anything. I've owned several and I like them. They often end up in the tool box or garage. They really aren't worth a dime over 50 brand new. You can buy issued mark 2s only in decent shape for the price of a new one. I'll take an original at that price.
Why weed? WTF is wrong with you :3
He believes in miracles, imaginary friends and thinks the government does things for his best interests.
ah, I see... poor user
Nothing is wrong with me, your drug addled brain is what is wrong.
Now that is a schizo post if I ever did see one.
yeah mate, taliwhacker is the model i think, gonna strip the coating soon
I dont see how Kabars can be criticised. Its a great fighter and itll do any utility task you throw at it. Might get fucked up from too much atoning or throwing it at trees or some dumb activity like that but its a combat utility knife not a batony throwy knife so why complain
what knife and material used on the handle?
looks like paper/epoxy aka Micarta
Thats a sexy killer
its a Will Morrison custom piece and the material i believe is a very fine micarta but might be a this other funny product called durarex or something, very similar to micarta but a bit harder to work with but sometimes looks a bit cleaner
checked and it is micarta
Heres another by him in some damn sexy wood
Superior Nihon steeru
thanks brahs
It's a fighting/utility knife. By nature it's not in the top of its class in either and frankly it has a lot of weaknesses in design and strength. If you said grab a knife for fighting, it is not what I would grab. If you said grab a knife for utility it is not the one i would grab. If you said grab a knife for fighting/utility it is not the one I would grab.
What is that?
But once cry once is true but the improvement:dollar ratio is shit when it comes to any knife more than ~$150
>Self defense knife
If your goal is actually self defense, you're better off running in almost any situation than you are drawing a fucking knife
Anything you can use as a weapon is an advantage in your defense. It's a literal escalation of force. You are not the attacker.
>>but a knife can be....you should run...
Everyone knows that if they can 100% get away they should if they are attacked. So you can stop with that tired shit.
A fucking blade is an addition to the skills you have not an entirely new ballgame.
>>do not grab that frying pan and try to strike your assailant! He may take it from you and hit you with it. Instead run away. You were grabbed from behind and were not aware he was even there and you can not run? Well you should have alarms and a locked door. He was a friend or relative? You should have seen it coming and prepared. You are being beaten and would really like to grab that pan? No just lie there and die because something that never should have made it past cumstian on cheap hotel says so on an Irish sweater pattern forum.
Yeah, that's the Yakut knife.
Same boat actually, but Colorado. I also would like a knife just in case I don't ever wanna take my firearm somewhere. I believe CO has a 3.5 inch length limit, anyone got recs? Under $100
Custom Morrison fighter, an australian maker
Whoa what's the name of that coffin handled Busse?
That's an interesting pattern.
Busse Battle Shark
>Should we tear down all those shitty paintings in galleries because they are just dumb paper weights huh?
Objectively yes. Most of them were created by absolute degenerates and that space would be better used for something else that would actually benefit people. If people wanted to look at still images there's the internet for that.
((( Art ))) is just a way to launder money anyways. It's 2019 for fuck's sake.
Yo I like those monster grips.
I use a USN MK 3 MOD 0 knife innawoods and carry a Benchmade Adamas fixed blade at work. Both great knives
This may be a bit specific but what length of blade is most optimal for self defense situations? pic related is 4.8", but I feel like it would be way easier to conceal rather than a 7-8 inch blade.
Also pic related has some reviews that have problems with the sheath, what do I do if the sheath sucks? make my own? leather sheaths don't look that hard to make
> but what length of blade is most optimal for self defense situations?
Probably a couple feet.
one day i will have a claymore
>pebbled for her pleasure
Mora, ontario, spyderco, victorinox, Fallkniven, Helle. No reason to buy anything else.