Civilians why?

>imagine being over the age of 18 and not joining the military
>imagine being like, "yeah I'm just gonna go about my meaningless life while others literally die a few kms away in West Bank protecting my worthless ass
>imagine looking at yourself in the mirror and thinking "yep, this is me, I am here only because thousands of people my age and younger died in war after war for 70 years...yeah I'm the man"
>imagine lying in bed at night with the full knowledge that your countrymen are out that night defending your home and you're not out there with them
>imagine seeing soldiers marching on Veterans' Day, seeing the pride on their their faces, and NEVER knowing that feeling
>imagine not being able to reminisce about old times in the Army with your friends years later, and never understanding that instantaneous connection you can make with strangers just by talking about the Army
>fuck the Orthodox
>legit civilians how do you live with yourselves?

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nice ad

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Were you looking for this? Some user posted it before the ACLU took it down.

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Because I'd be killed if they knew I was gonna fight for the side I wanna fight for.

I woke up early this morning, then decided to go right back to sleep. It was amazing. You should try i...oh

>imagine being over the age of 18 and not joining the military
>imagine being like, "yeah I'm just gonna go about my meaningless life while others literally die a few kms away in West Bank protecting my worthless ass
>imagine looking at yourself in the mirror and thinking "yep, this is me, I am here only because thousands of people my age and younger died in war after war for 70 years...yeah I'm the man"
Is that supposed to be a bad feeling? Its what being gentry must feel like.

>join the military
>think you're fighting for your countrymen
>actually fighting for Israel and Saudi Arabia
>gets injured/killed for overpriced oil

>gets injured
VA tries to jew you out of healthcare. All your combat bros have finished their tours and are offing themselves because they can't integrate with civvy life. Open spaces make you have panic attacks. The kid you ran over with your MRAP burdens your thoughts and dreams.

Keep it.

>>imagine being over the age of 18 and not joining the military
Yeah, what could possess a person to not want to die for Isreal

>stone toss

That dumbass kid shouldn't have gotten in my way

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Kid was milking a goat and kicking a deflated soccer ball in a village with no sewer system, running water, or HVAC.
He was living in the late 1800s and you blasted through with your giant incomprehensible future truck and turned him into ground beef before he could even understand what the fuck he was seeing.
It was kinda rude.

>west bank

This is 10/10 bait, OP

imagine dying in some 3rd world shithole for foreign interests.
anyway, nice try rabbi.

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imagine shilling for muhammed

imagine believing there's any difference from those two groups.
you're 0 for 2, rabbi.

no muslim ever called me goy, kike

meant for

No they just call you infidel or behead you, or they make shitty lamb shanks

If i was fighting on the border to stop illegals or some country was invading mine sure. Why would i want to die in the middle east? How do people protect my freedom when the muslims are already in country? Good job guys you failed. Jews told us to go fight in the sand and we did. Found nothing but death. Why would i do the same?

who cares fag

Asthma and not liking the idea of giving luck that much of an influence over my time of death.
I might look into getting a civ mil job though since I've already got sec clearance. I figure the connections will be helpful, especially in preventing boating accidents. Also safety engineering shit like FHAs and FMEAs are fun.

I'm IDF and even I cringed at this post

>wanting to die for Israel

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Applied, got turned away for medical reasons despite being physically fit.
Then the Harper government collapsed, the bid for the Mistrals was never made, every branch of our military is atrophying, and so I've lost interest. Since I was interested in the Navy more than anything, something like the French Foreign Legion or the Russian Army doesn't really appeal to me.

>die for Israel goy

If West Bank was lost my "worthless ass" would be a lot more protected
One step closer to no Israel means one step closer to not starting more shit with the sandnigs who keep mistaking all of us for zionists

Go private sector, retard. At least then you have the right to say no

>tfw I envy the people that genuinely think joining the military is the greatest honor and the finest way to serve and defend their country and fellow countrymen
>you’re not fighting for the (((government’s))) interests both foreign and domestic
>they’re trading lives of good people for more political swag in some sandy hellhole
>returning to a homeland where 60% of your fellow “citizens” hate you (including the government) and half of those 60% are the very same people you were just fighting on the other side of the world
>fighting for a cause not your own for 4yrs is worth it

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It's a fucking democracy in my country now m8, why the fuck would I fight to defend property that no longer belongs to my family and potential future family?

I swear I hate plebs like you glorifying dying for a bunch of paki peasants. You absolute filth are no different than them. Go have your dutch gold in the park m8, I'll enjoy my craft shite at home knowing that both you and those paki peasants are thinning in number by the hour.

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>He was living in the late 1800s and you blasted through with your giant incomprehensible future truck and turned him into ground beef before he could even understand what the fuck he was seeing.
Thanks user, been awhile since i've had a giggle out of this board.

Op you are a genius satirist, or your post is ironic. You want people to join the military but you posted a picture of a Israeli tank against a Palestinian child, a classic David vs Goliath image set in modern times. Anyway so its funny cos you talk of joining the military but you also post an Israeli picture its like people always talk of how USA is going to war for Israeli interests

So you didn't fuck him out of a great life.

Why are Americans so rude? Why are manners considered faggotry by that only mutts and none other?


its not manners. its a childish masculine defense to any topic bordering on sensitivity. Because stereotypical tough men don't have feelings and aren't bothered by kids dying.
as far as i know this behavior is not exclusive to Americans.
