What gear will you be running with and what do you recommend.
What will you have during the boogaloo
AR-15 and Glock 17
Fuck off with this datamining fed spam
>What gear will you be running with
Nude except oversize t-shirt and rollerblades.
I recommend
Not eating too much vanilla pudding especially when it's hot out.
I'm gonna move to Alaska and build a BIGGER IGLOO.
big stick
Roland Special and my Aero Precision AR with a light (Roschworks), optic (Aimpoint T1), and sling (Larue QD tactical).
Still need to get proper modern webbing and a duty-grade holster, but if it happened tomorrow I guess I'd just use my South African Pattern 83 battle jacket.
That's if SHTF kicked off Bosnia style into a full blown war, though. If it was low-intensity riots with some shooting, probably my German surplus police kevlar vest with just my Roland Special CCW'd.
20 inch barrel AR with scope
9mm Jericho 941
Somewhere to hole up and snipe from
1873 Winchester.
Pair of S&W Schofields.
I don't care how long I live, I just want to act out my old west fantasies.
>implying i'll be sticking around.
Saiga 7.62x39, but transitioning to a .308 and decided on a G3.
Looking to get a bullpup .308 because the PTR is trash. Might even go AR10.
grug have club for clobbering during yabadabadoo
Glock 21 and an SKS as well as an Ithaca and several other long guns I own. I'm rural, eat a dick we're safe here you fucking City slicker
Good morning federal agent. Well, considering the fact that a boogaloo is nothing but a tropical style party then perhaps I'd say some nice Cuban guayabera with nice pair of slacks and a gold chain. Maybe depending on the mood , I'd also like to groovy to some based 70s salsa music or latin jazz but what I'm mostly concerned off is as to why, why would you ask about a party on a malayan, mushroom picking forum board?
You have to be over 18 and own funs to post here.
An AR in the A2 configuration. Peak practicality.
A fully bolt action custom built nerf longstrike
Eat shit, faggot.
Benelli m4 and a singleshot shotgun chopped down to 10 inches
>thinks that AR15 platform is good for "sniping"
>fell for the kike anime meme gun for SHTF
lurk more before posting faggot
A lot of pain as I will have to deal with my parents suffering and dying from diseases that they currently manage with medication. Hopefully the ever-present challenge of survival will take my mind off of it.
The AR15 is great for point shooting up to 300 meters..it can be great beyond that with skill. i think you might have caught the retard.
>All my family dies or comes to me to help them
>I get to starve to death
I'll take my family over my gun at this point
What is that ugly beast? i want to shoot it.
Beto said that’s gonna be illegal! We have to save the children!
I half assumed someone just threw this together as a ghost weapon...it looks so simple.
Well, It was designed to be put on aircraft so they wanted to reduce excess weight.
This usually it was placed as a defensive gun for bombers and stukas but it would absolutely shred anything on the ground.