WHaTs YoUr pLaN FoR ThE BOogALOO?!?!?!?!?!

>wHaTs YoUr pLaN FoR ThE BOogALOO?!?!?!?!?!
did a boogaloo meme get some upboats or some shit

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i blame israel

datamining or reddit pick your poison

just glowniggers asking questions again

I wager JIDF and Sharejewa are responsible.

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The further declining state of the political climate and increasing demands of rights being taken away to make rich whitoids feel safer.

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thats a funny way of saying jews

Hes probably just doing it for fun, 100% serious.

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Seriously do not respond to his posts and do not talk about them and he will get bored and stop. Heres le epic jpeg because nobody will read your post without one.

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Jow Forums is known to be easiest board to troll.

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OP if I see you in blue booger i will shot you with my assault bullet at night

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because we are all paranoid schizo

Talk a bunch of nonsense on an anime forum then freeze it total fear and anxiety the second I’m actually placed in a life threatening situation

This shit sucks so much

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the jews are to blame for literally all bad things in the world, prove me wrong.

Probably my fault I always take the bait, knowing full well it's bait. I just like working on my arguments and pithy responses. My bad.

I personally aim for six million more myself
my shoulder is gonna be sore but it will be worth it

Anyone posting about a "boogaloo" is peak fucking cringe and just wants to larp.
>how effective will X be in the boogaloo?
>how much ammo for the big igloo?
>Is this outfit boog approved?
Holy shit you guys make me shudder in embarrassment.

Get as much tea as possible

>implying six gorillion even happened in the first place

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how come no one talks about the triple digit million people killed by communism? it's witheringly awful.

because modern leftists are just communists, they want you to think communism and it's horrific outcomes were a good thing.

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Sage and move on folks. Shareblue are at it again

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> That team name
> Samsara-6
Funny they picked a name about cyclical rebirth. So the left really do want civil war, they just want the moral high ground when someone does kick it off.

Btw Shareblue: Thanks for the free OSINT.

The average American thinks Schindler's List was a documentary.

worse. i dont think the average American has seen Schindlers list. the generation that was exposed to that movie is depleting and the oncoming generations aren't getting that movie passed down to them as a cultural touchstone.

You've finally realized that a good chunk of this board's users have come straight from ebin Jow Forums meme pages on Facebook.

i never heard of that
but i dont really use any sites beside this one and other imageboards