Jow Forumsollection thread

>picture of Jow Forumsollection
>state you live in
>complement above poster's guns
I'll start, MA.

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You have a nice SMLE.

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the SG 540 is on its currently way

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I know, I need me a 12ga scatter gat; I had one but I sold it to help pay for a car repair like 2 weeks ago, and I just now have the money where I could get another.

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Washington State

I like your battle rifles.

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Non-US welcome too?

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Europe representing.

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where is the Stgw90 ?

I sold it some years ago.


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Bully me

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No need, genetics clearly beat us to that

Where you at in WA?

I mean, we really just want data gathering for US gun owners, but I guess you can post too.


That's a fantastic collection. I hope you're proud
Still need to update this. Maybe today. 1/2

God damnit.

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2/2, and UT.

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TX, 1/2

Based 2-image poster. Liking the Radom and Colts, though you could certainly do with an AK.

We are both retards.

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based ADHD posters



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At least we're not alone in our retardism. And yes, an AK is hopefully coming to me soon. I have an interview for a well paying position tomorrow. I'll either get an NPAP or WASR, then a tok from Romania or Yugoland. I like your ak

>That's a fantastic collection. I hope you're proud
Thanks user; you have a lot of nice rifles and that literal gangster nickel'ed Colt.

Here's one that's too new for the big family get-together.

I like your collection too; especially the Ithaca and AKMS.

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That’s alot of lever actions my fellow, but I like em

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Also just picked up a Benelli M4
Whats with the trigger locks?

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NIce im loving the Blonde in the center

Sweet collection you lanky scrawny little aids patient.

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Cuck state

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You have nice guns, but at the same time you have no guns. Start a diet plan and hit the gym.

Michigan bois unite

Absolutely lovely. What's on the muzzles? Some kind of protectors?

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whats your Ak I love the furniture and the break

where did you cop a SG540?

You squat improperly, heels on the ground from now on, mkay?

Republic of Texas.
Should be adding a captured k98 to the Jow Forumsollection tommorow. I think I need a lever gat too

The amount of wood in this picture is pleasing

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do you have more then one handgun that your just not showing?

I bet you like a lot of wood bb

(waiting for one of my ohio bros to post)

>that model 12
I want to believe you take that out and hunt with it and I also want to believe you dont take that out and hunt with it.

thats a ballin wall display user

Thanks friend! My intro to firearms was skeet shooting so even as I've moved into rifle and pistol stuff, I never lost my appreciation for walnut and blued steel.
Who doesn't desu senpai?
It was passed down to me from my great grandfather, I'm afraid except for the occasional round of skeet it pretty much just gets babied with oil and cuddles.

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Thx, I tend to favor blondes myself! ;) It's Russian and i had never seen a lam SkS before. Black painted bolt, which I've heard means an arsenal refurb?

Lil' muzzle caps I repurposed from RF connectos covers.

How do you like the PTR? Any issues with the short barrel (i.e. blowing out your ears and eyes when shooting at night)?

Thx, I always had a thing for the racks in the sheriff's office in the old westerns!

These threads should serve as a reminder of how few real gun owners we have in the USA.


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I love it.
Despite being like 16" shorter than a full size model (without the brace) it weighs pretty much the same.
Shooting at night is pretty bad and it is really loud, I'd still say my Micro Draco is louder and makes more flames though.
If I had to do it all over, I'd still buy the PTR

Less than half of people own guns and less than half of those own more than 2. We've got tons of guns but they're in relatively few hands. Especially when you consider how many people only have a single handgun and/or a hunting fudd or 2.

Using a thread on Jow Forums to extrapolate population data is dumb. There's only a small cross section of people here who are autistic enough to be here, not too autistic to buy a gun, and not to paranoid to post pictures of them.

Fair point, you caught me. I used this thread as an excuse to start a conversation about how few people hold a majority of he 400M+ guns in the USA. It's a problem because these people are aging and their relatives cannot be trusted not to turn them in should there be an aggressive buyback program.

Maybe. But I have my doubts about that number in the first place. Ultimately, it's just a guess, and I think it's a lot bigger than that. Personally, i don't see the huge change in liking guns. I've met a good number of "normies" who are on gun number 8, that come from no guns families. The fact that guns have become a slight taboo in some circles is only creating interest in them

I think the % of people who are gun enthusiasts is relatively stable, what I'm worried about is a slow degradation of the quality of guns in their hands. If they keep adding regulations and pulling old guns out of the market we could get to Australia pretty quick. Plenty of gun lovers down under but hardly any of them have anything worth a damn should they really need it.

That's true. Smart guns will be upon us one day and they'll be a serious threat. Will it be soon? Fuck no. 30 years minimum, but still. Dangerous. Hopefully by then we'll be at over a billion guns. This is a numbers game

How is that vz58

Collection is a bit lopsided

Savage model 62/64
Moist nugget
PSA mid-length ar-15 (CHF)
Yugoslavian M70 NPAP
Maverick 88
S&W M&P Shield 9MM
Glock 23
Ruger Security 6
Springfield XDs 45
Ruger SP101
Ruger LCR 38

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My humble fudd collection, I'm working on getting some scary looking black salt weapons but that's a ways off.

Not pictured is my ithaca stakeout and remington 597 magnum.

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>I'm working on getting some scary looking black salt weapons but that's a ways off.
Better get on it, bucko.

Its uhh...its a start I guess

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>Security Six


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I use one of those as a scuffed thread protector


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We all start so.somewhere, buddy! Stick with it and watch your frivolous spending.

Nice 22 pistols user, you really can't have too many 22's. I'm up to 6 now with more in the future.

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What's the one on the right? I like it

>can't have too many 22's
I'll tentatively agree. I have considered staging a pic of just my 10/22s. 5 maybe?

May add a 10-22 sometime this week. Assuming nobody nabs it before me.

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Indeed! I see you like revolvers as much as I do.
I need to get me some 44 magnums and 45 single actions IMO.

Right after I get an autoloader shotty.

FL btw

Both: Ruger MkII w/custom grip.


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I need details on this one?

Only included it in the compilation as a joke, but I was one of 20k people who managed to purchase a 'Not-A-Flamethrower' sold by Elon Musk as an entertaining way to raise money and attention for his tunneling company 'The Boring Company'. They only did one run of 20k and they sold out in 4 days. It's basically just a glorified propane weed burning torch stuck in an airsoft gun shell. I'm a Musk fanboy so I had to jump on it the first day they were available.

>>complement above poster's guns
you and me have something to discuss OP for all the years I have been hear I have NEVER seen my own goddamn stolen ak posted on a anonymous image board !

So just how much did MY wasr and walther pk380 cost ? 30 peices of silver is my guess

Tell my I'm lying , ANSWER ME !

how do I know the reason you don't have a metal butt cap is that you took off the stock spacer !?

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I'm not really angry with you op it's just well I miss her OP never even got a chance to shot her and it looks like she's with a happy familly but that shit hurts bro , FUCK MY DAD !

sorry I'm kinda drunk , is it wrong to have feels for wood and iron ?

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How old is the Lee Enfield?

don't butt in with your bs right now , can't you see I'm having a moment

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>can't you see I'm having a moment

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you have a great collection and I hope you have a great week

I want to share, but I can tell this is an intel gathering thread.

Spotted the glow. Welcome to a Fed Thread.

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Mirin that Enfield

I recognize that MAS...

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How about saving enough to have to sell shit when you need a payment? Don't put yourself in a financial bind and just save so you can keep your guns safe

>basically just a glorified propane weed burning torch stuck in an airsoft gun shell.
Ok thx, as I assumed and I was wondering about performance. Have you lit it up? Night pics?.

I'm guessing y'all like nuggets

It that an HK21 butt pad?

I didn't ever notice the waifu pillow... guns must have distracted me.

Was gonna recommend a full capacity tube for that M1014 but then I noticed the VZ and it's mag. Rip Canadian dude.

Still great for a cuck state. Would recommend that you get some 30s in the state over and hide them in the sock drawer for emergencies.

Looks like a WASR w/ a Tapco Galil fore end, FAB grip, surplus laminate stock and a discontinued PWS brake

Just good guns, all great choices. Should look into some handguns next.

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>itt, all the guns left behind after The Road

I'm becoming convinced the M1917 is the most highly underrated milsurp.