>There are posters right now who carry with an empty chamber
There are posters right now who carry with an empty chamber
>(((Israeli))) carry
>Gets CC'ers killed
Pure Cohen-cidence.
It beats carrying no gun at all for people who are not yet confident enough to carry with one in the chamber or who are forced to carry a gun they do not consider safe or carry a gun that is yet to be determined as safe.
While chambering a round does take a bit more time that could potentially be fatal, there's also a number of situations where it will be not while not having a gun would be.
if you aren't confident enough to carry with one in the chamber, you shouldn't carry
Sorry, I don't want to carry a dickshooter gun where the safety doesn't engage in DA.
>carrying appendix
this board is filled with zoomers now isn't it
>doing a thing I don't like
this board is filled with people I don't like now isn't it
>Violating the primary rule of gun safety because you saw a YouTube mall ninja draw 0.9 seconds faster
its one thing to say its a dumb idea to carry without one in the chamber its another to be a faggot and tell people what to do
If you aren't confident in your firearm handling abilities, you shouldn't handle a firearm? This seems more like common sense than anything else.
>if you are not willing to go with the best option then just pick the worst one
big brain
>draws 0.9 seconds slower
>gets shot
Is everything in your world binary?
>NDs during draw, severing femoral artery
>relieved of all your items while you bleed out
>There are posters who should carry with an empty chamber but don't
>one poorly trained hick quick drawing with a pistol he was unfamiliar with means carrying how you're supposed to is bad
No just the most infamous
And I never said that people shouldn't carry chambered, I just implied the other end of the curve.
>There are, in fact, retards who shouldn't
i mexican carry a 642 with an empty chamber
Shoulder draw sweeps your arm
Fat people sweep themselves at 4
Men who carry a handgun on an empty chamber
Only retards use shoulder rigs and fat people shooting their fat isn't as bad as femoral destruction
Rude. What is exactly wrong with that?
>muh pointing at your dick/femoral
Grow up.
Why would anyone carry an unsafe gun?
if you're worried enough that you carry an auto with an open chamber than just carry a revolver instead
>literally impossible to ND with a 9lb trigger pull
His handgun has a safety
GLOCKs marketing department
Israeli Carry is just an old relic from a time when it made sense for the IDF to do it. The IDF shouldn't even be doing it anymore.
Otherwise, unless the only pistol you have available to you is something which isn't safe to carry with a loaded chamber (like an original TT33 Tokarev, or a Raven Arms MP-25), I don't see much reason not to just carry with a loaded chamber.
I mean I suppose. The only thing worse than a shit pistol in your pocket is a good pistol you left at home.
So don't Mexican Carry.
He had his finger on the trigger while drawing, could have been damn near any pistol and he still would have Grebner'd himself.
You do you, but I don't feel comfortable with the idea of the muzzle of my loaded gun constantly pointing towards my loaded gun, hell, even a gun with an empty chamber.
Appendix is better anyway.
Usually poverty and other reasons of having no other options.
Say you're dirt poor, and all you can get is some cheap little potmetal .25ACP or .32ACP pocket pistol made of zinc alloy, it's garbage and you don't trust it to be safe with a loaded chamber, but it's better than nothing, and with a gun like this an empty chamber is the practical solution to having a firearm on you.
look it isnt about carrying with one in, its forgetting that one is in and leaving it somewhere that a kid can get to and pulling the trigger. or forgetting that it is loaded yourself and NDing. Racking the slide is not something a small child could do, and it puts an extra step between you and an ND. Not everyone lives life on their own. Think about it.
>I just fucking shot myself
Treat every gun as if it were loaded, even if you've physically checked that its cleared practice trigger discipline and muzzle discipline because all it takes is a slip up at the wrong time and your cats dead. Never let a gun just "lying around" especially if you have kids I live alone and if my guns not on my person it's either in the safe or on my desk till I get ready for the day
>0.9 seconds faster
If that takes a 1.8 second draw to a 2.7 second draw, that is a LOT slower.
>not carrying appendix
you're just as bad as the people who israeli carry
if you have a sturdy holster, no shitty aftermarket trigger, and holster the gun before attaching the holster to your belt, there is literally zero chance of the gun going off on its own (or at least no more than if it was just laying on a table fully loaded)