Most overrated weapons

Is he right?

5. Mosin Nagant
4. Gewehr 43
3. AR-180
2. TAR-21
1. Thompson

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Literally who overrates the Mosin? Nobody said it was the most exceptional rifle in the world. People just liked it ten years ago because it was cheap, and now we like it because it’s historical.

TFB has a weird hate-boner for the nugget which I’ll never really understand. Yes, we know it’s not up to the standards of a modern bolt-action rifle. Nobody thinks it is. What’s your fucking point, guys?

HK416, SCAR, 1911, G11, M14

. Mosin Nagant
All guns are fun to shoot, but these are so crude and rudimentary, it makes one thankful for US technology.

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> Uno akm
>Deux 1911
>Tpи glawk
> Four Thompson
> Five m14
All shitty guns desu

>pioneers of the term "garbage rod"
Let this be a lesson to all you newfags that TFB is shittarded

5. Thompson
4. MP5
2. M14
1. Fucking LUGER holy hell how is that not number one on every fucking list? And why is the Hebrew Hammer #2? Literally nobody likes jewshit except for jews and jew shills.

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fire an mp5 on full auto

is there a more overrated gun design than the 1911?

The 1911 was incredible for the release year, Very good fifty years later, and only ever descended as far as "fine off the battlefield."
The Glock service pistol family are probably better in the modern day, but not by that much for most civilian uses. Compact 1911s are obsolescent, though.

I find it impressive how simple they made the thing. Like how few a number of parts are really needed to make a functional bolt gun.

Bro its a dream on semi as well. Weighs next to nothing to boot.

People have to actually like the M14 for it to be overrated.

1911s are pretty good for CC nowadays. Not much else.

I think the only people who worry about this are nogun fucktards desu
Anybody who can't be rational and honest about a platform probably isn't well researched and has 0 insight into the realities of firearms

The only one on that list that I would disagree with is the AR-180. The only major flaw with it was the magazine not being compatible with AR-15 magazines. Other than that it's a great rifle that I really like. It has some flaws, but it's BCG and gas system were copied verbatim in quite a few other rifles.

5. 1911
For it's time it WAS the best handgun available, but in 2019 it's only real benefit is a goo trigger
4. Kalshnikov series/related guns
fantastic guns, own one myself, but it simply doesn't live up to it's reputation of reliability.
3. Sig 550 series
Again, great guns but the prices they are sold at and the devotion it's owners have for it is completely uncalled for. Many other guns do exactly what it does better.
2. Glock
Fantastic for the 80s and 90s. Now just about any other striker fire polymer hungdun is better.
A gun built to replace the M4 and M16 by being cheaper to produce than either but ends up failing at doing so, and sells for 3 grand to civilians. For that price, far better offerings are existing from LMT, LWRC, BCM, Hodge, etc. The Fanatical following this gun has is idiot at best, delusional at worse.

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>I find it impressive how simple they made the thing
it's no simpler than a Mauser or lee enfield.

AR platform

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Nobody "overrates" either the AR-180 and the TAR-21, and the only people who overrated the G43 are wehraboos who overrate everything that has a swastika on it somewhere.

Good list

>People have to actually like the M14 for it to be overrated
I'd like to take "Things Boomers Love" for $200, Alex

Trigger is way more simple, Bolt is a fucking mess though.

The bolt has less parts than the Mauser

>ten years ago
This was made 3 years ago, and you must remember normie youtuber fags like this one are behind on every trend.

I only agree with the SCAR, because imo in order for something to be overrated, the owners of said gun have to think it's infallible, the others are a little old to STILL have that opinion

I thought the mp5 weighs like 8lbs or something. I remember being surprised at how close it was to an m4, it looks so small and handy.


>Most overrated weapons
Literal nigger.

Literally the only reason it is loved and beholden to everyone is that they were trash bin cheap for the longest time. They are the Hi-Point of rifles but without god tier warranty program.

Less parts but a master bolt can be cleaned easier

Its objectively a terrible fucking bolt system. Count the fucking air gaps. And then factor in the connector bar that ends up behaving like a fucking torsion spring.

>"it has fewer parts"
And those parts are fucking awful and assembled in ridiculous ways.

5. FAL
4. 1911
3. Thompson
1. M14/M1A

At this point Savage Axis is cheaper, lighter, and often come with a scope in pretty much any caliber you could want