Trigger Jow Forums in one imagine
Trigger Jow Forums in one imagine
>one imagine
What is there to get mad about, he's just doing carnik con's phantom reload
whats there to see? Life of private contractor Somali style.
>getting triggered by a wizard on a boat summoning his weapon into his hand from across the sea
I'm just impressed.
Any image of a Russian piece of kit.
Seriously I have yet to see one thread about Russian tech go well.
>one imagine
If you insist
Kek, I bought the same style rifle and stock for $500 a few months ago.
You arent counting 40 million illegals
this. Dumping the guns before entering territorial waters of the port of call is super common practice. it's cheaper than all the customs bullshit and 3rd world palms that need greasing to make it worth while to keep.
Nobody care, it was a PSAnderson
explain please?
i saw this picture like 4 months ago and i still dont know
Sorri newfag
It maeks me cri errytiem
Fuck you user, I came here for gun gore not to be reminded of this. I hope she is doing well.
pls frend?
>lets have a civilized debate on russian military technology!
pls explain
U seriously don’t know what that’s from?
>the MG in the bottom left corner
why do you think i asked tardlord
TLDR: we talked to an user as he slowly died of an incurable disease and he proudly told us about his little girl.
Triggering or tiring?
u r mean
not tellin naow
>on Jow Forums
>not familiar with Arnold action flicks from the 80s and 90s
Okay, a little odd, but I'll throw you a bone. It's called "True Lies". It's an absolutely excellent popcorn flick.
True? Or are you just lying now?
this one always sucks for ausfags
>huge pile of banned wood
>holds up the one scary black rifle
That triggers me more than anything.
i sorry fren
frenship more important than temporary girl
What made you lose? His dialect or the reality of it?
what's wrong with this?
>first time being called user
>feels good
is the story that bad?
I’m gunna hover around this thread for a bit until mean user rebuilds a bridge of trust with me
Then I will answer
Ok fren
Nothing, we just cant discuss Russian tech without some Ukrainian or Democrat shitting up the thread.
Nice shes making a SBR?
Unintentionally. She was that dumb bitch who was running for Congress (VA-D) and so to show how anti-gun she is she sawed her husband's rifle in half.
Literally hundreds of people reported her to the ATF for technically creating an SBR and many keks were had by all while the alphabet boys thoroughly investigated her.
We should make an image explaining the easiest way to destroy an AR is to drill a 3rd hole in the reciever.
>reverse image search
Not triggered, just jelly. Also you have something everyone here wants, take better care of her.
Maybe back in 2005 this would've upset me, but ARs are a dime a dozen so who gives a rat ass
Is that David Bowie post op?
Now I want more kids to die.
holy shit you're a dumb faggot
Listen. I understand. It's ok, most of us were like this at first
You'll learn, but I'd say you should lurk for at least 2 more months, then you'll know what you're doing wrong
Until then, lurkmoarnewfag
in the arms of angels now
This is your brain on porn
This is what a Democrat victory looks like and it's beautiful. I can't wait for Biden to win the election.
This thread needs good leftwing music
How many of these guns are probably still in working condition?
That poor little M3 :(
Kys user
You're forgetting armatard as well, someone says anything slightly critical of some component of technology or doctrine and he starts flailing his arms and screeching for the rest of the thread
Possible 30%+. Meltingpoint of Al is 930°F and AL7075 a few °F lower. Cleaing and fine grinding the parts and its mostly fine for Tyronne
>demonizing new members to the board
>prevents any new members and therefore kills Jow Forums's future in a world that's already fucked enough
are you proud user?
That's not real
>ignorance of the law is not an excuse
>unless you're a blue politician of course
yes I am, he needs to learn board culture before spouting off like a retard, posting memes from Know Your Meme
Thats a blast from the past
plz stop
>you're a criminal and are not related to shooters or shootings at all
>but I want to take your guns away
firm reminder what these people really want. they aren't against mass shootings, they're actually against you
>create online presence as libtard activist
>cut barrles and drill recievers
>sell them as "protest art"
already did that
>attack helicopter
This place has to many newfags, vatniks, ching chang Chong's etc than it should, I'd rather have more quality post than a bunch of screaming apes throwing shit even if the board slows down a bit
If you were a private contractor/pirate/whatever about to enter port you would do the same thing, lest you risk your entire operation getting fucked and a likely not so comfy prison cell over something easily preventable. It’s why you don’t use gucci weapons anything with significant value to you out at sea. Besides, assuming that’s just an AR instead of an M4, they are literally a dime a dozen and are on their way to becoming more numerous than nuggets thanks to PSA alone, so it’s not like it is some ultra rare rifle.
Black Ops 2, now that was a great game.
I wonder how many agents and people involved try to slip a gun or two out of there to feed to the hungry fishes :^)
Tell them to drill a third hole and cut the barrel down
You a Europoor? Yugo/Sern M70s like that are about the most common illegal FA AK's in the region.
>gets 2A tatoo
>doesn't understand what it means
You finally got me, I'm triggered as fuck right now.
I ain't taking that risk
> including undocumented
You do know thats code for illegals, right?
>getting married ha.
Does he mean Pre-AWB or Pre-FOPA?
u r faggit
i have an immunity dog but cand find it
>over 30 years
I'm thinking it had a giggle switch.
Usually threads about russian infantry go well because they're aesthetic
gI's DiEd FrOm ThE pInG gIvInG aWaY tHeIr PoSiTiOn