/ARG/ AR General

AR bully zone
Tripfag containment

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That's not a noveske user.

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swap DD and BCM

probably not lol


Does this make you mad fatty?

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sorry OP i wasn't talking to you

Pretty sure you mean KAC < DD < BCM < LMT

>not listing the best rifle.

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Not about what i like it is about the place getting dumber and dumber.

Big oof

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Honest opinions about BCM?
> fishing for compliments here

they're good.

Can you go ahead and scan every page of that and put it in a drop box? I never got to read it, sold out before I could get it.

buffoni is GTG

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I came, thanks

Tfw same back up irons as me.
Can't go wrong with steel.
Should I post a pic of my bcm?
I know the government already knows I have it, so fuck it really

Posted in the old thread cause I'm a dumb nigger
No. They consider it a VFG, some say it's because you can wrap your thumb around it but I've never seen anything confirming or denying it. Look up US vs Black for a reference; sucessfully charged with an unregistered AOW.
What's ironic is they consider a shark fin an AOW, though you're just removing material from the bottom, not altering the way it mounts.

>buffoni is GTG
t. Buffoni

magpul pros are good sights, post it dude.

>not following the ways of buffoni


It's online somewhere my dude

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I have a Gunfighter CH in one of my rifles.

I really want to build a mk12 mod 1. Mk12s make my pp hard.

better be the old vltor/buffoni son.

The "sightmark" needs to be replaced with an actual fucking flashlight but its a greendot (virtually useless irl I know) and a 200 lumen flashlight combo.

Sight is a holosun RDS, actually really happy with it.

Do you have the BCM grip? I didn't look for it. If so what do you put in there? I have an alan wrench to remove my holosun if it gets fucked. The sightmark doesn't require tools luckily

And yeah the pic is upside down I just realised when I went to add it to this comment

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Nvm the pic fixed itself I guess

Do a 10.3 for the memes. 11.5 is better for all rounder builds, but since you have a 14.5 you don't need the extra range of a 11.5 over a 10.3. Get a DD MK18 upper.

What is the best barrel length to suppressor length for 5.56. Thinking about building a Form1 can

get a streamlight or surefire light depending on budget. holosun is solid for a budget optic, you can always upgrade. yes I have a buffoni dong grip.

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That was what I was thinking, what are some good cans? Is Dead Air as good as I hear?

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Not keen on googling that but gotchu

I'd recommend not form 1ing a 5.56 can

yea dead air is good


Can I use a RIS II on a gun thats not a clone?

ehh kinda
you should really use cloney parts if you're using a ris ii


Cuck BCG, yeah that’s a big yikes from me

I have regrets about buying the Keymod variant of the KMR
The only upside is the reduced weight
> tfw my rifle looks like ikea shelving units

When AKoperatorsUnion ran it over and it crushed inwards I wanted to kms, but they claim it had to do with it bouncing around under the truck. (And it still held zero)
That aside Mlock is doing a lot better in sales. If I had the tools I would replace it with something more stout & Mlock based.
I still need to get a sling too, but I need to do more research before I feel comfortable buying one.

Looking at 3 different barrels right now for 14.5. BA Hanson, Faxon Gunner, BCM ELW. I like the rear weighted profiles, any other similar profiles or models I should be considering? Additionally, I don't plan to put it to heavy use, so is it correct to assume that CHF is an unnecessary added expense?

Halp I'm building my first 80% and I dont know what upper I should get

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Colt LE6920
That's a joke

We need more information to be genuinely useful you fucking child

for the most part keymod will be gtg, if it bothers you just buy an mcmr. all buffoni rails use the same barrel nut, so all you have to do is heat up the rail with a hairdryer and slip off the keymod , heat up the mcmr so it can slide in and install it. get a BFG vickers sling, the padded is really comfy.

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Thanks for the recommendation, I will definitely check that out.
That's a beautiful rifle btw


no problem man. cant go wrong with the vickers slings, theyre like $40-60+ but well worth it. thanks man, its not the best rifle but it gets the job done, happy shootin'.

What do you have now
What do you want to do with this rifle
How much can you spend on it

Hey ARsmiths, whats the difference between a Pistol recoil system and a carbine recoil system?

>what do you have now
Nothing, just trying to round up everything so I can price it out
>what do you want to do with this rifle
Blast shit/range toy
>how much can you spend on it
Dont really have a budget but definitely trying to keep it reasonable. Theres no need to dump money into it if it's just gonna be a beer can blaster

broad question, you need to define exactly what it is you're talking about. 5.56 pistol AR? Pistol-caliber carbine?

Im looking at building a 14.5” M5”4gery with a BCM upper, SOLGW lower, Aimpoint PRO.

What do you nibbas think

Basic bitch 16" midlength gas with basic bitch clamshell handguards.

oh sorry. 5.56 pistol build fyi. some say pistol recoil sys and some have carbine.

Why not solgw upper?

It’s the length of the gas tube. A 20” barrel will typically have a rifle length. 16” should have a mid length, 10.5” to some 16” barrels will have a carbine length. Shorter barrels, like a 7.5” barrel, will have a pistol length gas system.
You can’t have a carbine length gas system on a 7.5” barrel because the gas tube would be longer than the barrel.
Pic related


I need a proper non free airshit tier KAC grip, KAC rear sight, 14.5” barrel, and TA31. Whichever optic I like best between the aimpoint or acog will end up on another non-AR so the comp m4 might be here to stay

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Your barrel will say what size gas tube. It’s just the length of the tube, based on the length of the barrel. Just buy a gas tube that is the same as your barrel

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...is your dot aiming directly into your front sight post?

BCM is better known. I’ve heard really good things about the SOLGW lowers but idk how their barrels are. Kinda going for a milspec M4

BCM makes workhorse rifles for the working man. Buffoni bless.

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i sensed that at some point in this thread, someone said "buffoni" so here i am, buffoniposting

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No it’s about a quarter inch above the post, just shy of cowitness

Question about gas tubes, on the Faxon website they say 11.5" mid-length
Are they just retarded or is that a thing?

oh damn thanks. I was somehow fixated on the buffer recoil system(not the gas system) and was thinking there was a difference.

I have a lower 3rd so when I saw the rds mounted on the picatinny I was like
"Fucking, excuse me?"

>pistol recoil sys
So FYI this isn't a defined term. What they're most likely talking about is nothing more than a regular receiver extension (also called a buffer tube) that doesn't have the rail on the bottom with holes in it for an adjustable stock. See pic related

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Spring in the back vs tube in the front

I want to replace the factory mount eventually but honestly it works good enough that it isn’t a priority

Yours vs mine
Is it an optical illusion or am I just retardo
Did you bring up the dot super high in the rds or something?

I feel that. If it ain't broke

>Did you bring up the dot super high in the rds or something?
You know cowitnessing is a thing right, and that it doesn't hamper shooting the gun

No it’s about in the middle. I can’t get a decent pic but it’s right above the post between the ears of the fsb

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Yeah I am fully aware of co witness, I guess to me the sight picture is hard to imagine.

Go easy on me I am trying to reset my sleeping schedule so ive been up way too long and my brain isn't working apparently.

The pic is good enough to make it out, I get you now.
Cool rifle user, I dig the M4 look

I mean a red dot is a basic principle for aiming once it's sighted in. You can even occlude it completely by putting a cap over the red dot lens, and if you shoot with both eyes open (like you're supposed to) you will still hit where the dot is, at the appropriate range

Yeah I am aware, I just meant it'd be weird to me to have it higher than center.
I say that bc from the picture it looked like his rds was pointing right into his front post so to have cowitness the dot would have to be way high in the glass.

Again I'm tired af rn

I went shooting with a buddy who had an EOtech and he told me to look through with both eyes open when I shot and it felt pretty weird. Can you shoot red dots with just your dominate eye?

Reminder to pee on scaranon and Tony sold his guns to appease his gf

Yes but both eyes open is the way to go

yeah but there's no reason to. With dots you're not supposed to focus on the dot itself, unlike with shooting irons. You focus on the target and let the dot (or eotech reticle) float in your vision


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own KAC


I will not.

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Is that one of those South American contract ones they had a while back? I’m still kicking myself for not getting one.

so when your rifle has a FTE and loads another round do you use a un-jamming rod or do you Mortar it?

Yes sir.

>Implying I shoot my rifle(s)

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>Implying I shoot my rifle(s)
What was i thinking?
Hey what mount are you using with that Aimpoint mag?

tyvm for that. If I bought a AR pistol yet mistakenly put on the 'carbine' buffer, would ATF kill my dogs?

I want to sell my Aero Precision 16' atlas r one mid length upper (490 on their site), holosun 510c (300) and toolcraft chrome phosphate 9310 bcg (80), so in total about $870 new, probably can only sell for 500-650? I am thinking I can maybe find someone who will trade a used optic of some sort, t2 or something maybe, as a trade. What do you guys think I could get?

some Braces go on them like the SB4 i think
I am not gay with a pistol so dont quote me

>I am not gay with a pistol so dont quote me
dont tell me what not to do, statist


? i was saying i think the SB4 will go on the Normal Extension. I wasnt saying dont make a pistol i said i dont have one so im not sure?
Boy this place is fucking dumb

>infringing on someones freedom of speech
Pot calling the kettle black

LMT best MT

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I have noticed lately we have had a lot of Autistic kids posting. I dont know what is going on but it seems like they have no friends irl and think it is normal to act this way in conversations?

The Larue tallboi.

C o n f i r m e d .

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