Reminder that the Su-57 is the best 5th generation fighter out there
have anything to back that up you nigger?
Its not even in service yet. It has potential but it first needs to enter service in the first place and in decent numbers to boot for it to make a sufficient enough of an impact in warfare.
It's certainly the most entertaining fictional 5th gen fighter.
"Ivan what are S-ducts?"
Capitalist propaganda obviously.
It’s strictly inferior to both the F-22 and F-35 as well as a couple of 4.5 gen aircrafts out there. The russians has had a cargo-cult approach to stealth, thinking stealth will be achieved as long as the plane looks the part in the eyes of the public.
Unfortunately for russia, they’re a bunch of smooth brained ‘tards and all they’ve done is make a body kit for a Su-27+++.
The F-22 went into service in 2005. Fourteen years later, the Russians STILL haven't got a fifth-gen aircraft into service.
How embarrassing
The PAK-FA program started in 2002 after canceling the MiG-1.42 program. The F-22A's program (ATF) started in the mid 1980's. You cannot compare the timelines of both planes in dates but only in length of development. In this regard, both the F-22A and SU-57 have similar development time lengths.
>both the F-22A and SU-57 have similar development time lengths.
So how much longer before the Su-57 gets S ducts?
>You cannot compare the timelines of both planes in dates
Sure you can. In practical terms the F-22 has been actually available for use for fourteen years. Yes the reason the Su-57 isn't in service is because they started later than the F-22, but that's the Russian's own fault.
My bets go to 2050+
Exposed round exhausts....
Don't make me LOL!
I look forward to the inevitable 5th vs 8th gen combat of the mid-21st century.
Russia is forcing everyone else to waste endless billions on stealth planes that won't actually be so stealthy because you can't hide the tankers, AWACS, F-15s, Eurofighters.
They build a few Su-57 and invest their money into SAMs, EW and better Radars
>Ancient F-35s and F-22s getting swatted out of the sky by hypersonic A.I. controlled drones covered in lasers
I'm ready
At this stage, it wont get them, the current ducts are inherent parts of the airframe and wont likely be changed in the near future or at all.
The Russians might use a radar blocker of some sorts and perhaps maybe use special compressor blades (in the frontal "cold" section of the engine) to absorb radar waves in the new Type-30 engines but that is subject of speculation while the radar blocker is more or less confirmed ("Device 9").
All of this is very costly though and considering how big the Russian economy is and the military expenditure is of the Russian Goverment budget, its honestly impressive that they got this far in the first place.
I doubt the US is likely to have that much blue on blue.
You know they took them out on purpose? I suspect they just put radomes or something over them.
>Radomes over the turbines
user are you mentally retarded?
He's just thinking outside the box. Of physics.
>Russia is forcing everyone else to waste endless billions on stealth planes that won't actually be so stealthy because you can't hide the tankers, AWACS, F-15s, Eurofighters.
But that is pointless because those countries are going to buy F-35's anyway.
No you simply cannot, you cannot compare a program that is started in the 1980's with one that is started in the early 2000's, especialy considering the state of the enviroment of which these programs took place in.
I love how you have guys here who are so fucking smart and informed and know everything about weapon systems about which we literally know shit besides basic characteristics.
Minds of such caliber they know better than all sorts of engineers who work for defense companies.
And they spend time shitposting on Jow Forums. What a waste.
And it's not even "I think", they are 100% certain about everything. Jesus Christ.
All you need to know to work in aeronautics or weapon design can be learned by reading shit on Wikipedia and Jow Forums. Lmaoing at the retards who go to expensive schools for that.
Limiting engine performance, just like flat nozzles. They had both and took both out.
>T90went into herpaderp murka STILL no brael missile reactive armor or skeet skeet missiles
>stroooonk sub went into service hhhhuilo murka still no double hull or titanium structure
>fasto shooty missilo went into a service before an month USGay STILL use subsonik 80km rang shooty
Etc etc etc...
Trolling is not hard but your struggling makes it look hard.
S-ducts don't limit performance you retard, neither do the slab exhaust panels on the F-22.
Not the inlets,over the bottom forward area of the frame. Why TF would you picture that?
You know a radome doesn't have to be a sphere, right? I was talking about the material and it's purpose.
American 4th gen modern block planes are not impressive than the SU-57.
Yes they do. F22 would have 15% better performance without the flat nozzles for example, same engine, same everything else. Where did you hear that constricting airflow doesnt affect how a jet engine functions??
Russians needed performance and fuel efficiency far more than stealth, their territory is huge, having a stealth aircraft is useless if they cant deploy it to a fight.
Open engines negates the stealth.
Stealth isnt a Klingon cloak its a range of signature reduction across multiple sensor systems.
Open nozzles increases the radar return, which Russia admits to, they outright state its as stealthy as an F18ASH. They arent lying about it unlike lockmart.
See how isreal is able to bomb Syria unimpeded. It’s because they can’t see the Israeli f35s. Russia doesn’t have a plane with that capability
Yes they do it routinely.