Bubba the Fudd strikes again

Post the worst examples of Bubba'd guns you can find here

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This is a awesome design, op is a fagget.

Okay bubba

Do you even know what Bubba means?

Found this at my pawn shop
Pic 1

Attached: IMG_20190913_133813.jpg (2560x1920, 1.65M)

Pic 2

Attached: IMG_20190913_133816.jpg (2560x1920, 1.59M)

I always love how the Ak selector switch is screwed onto the wooden stock.

Pic 3. Yes, that's a fucking Ak muzzle brake, and it's jb welded on. Unfortunately, the shop owner is only displaying it because it's "unsafe to fire"

Attached: IMG_20190913_133806.jpg (2560x1920, 1.27M)

t. Bubba

Attached: SKS-Bubba-Job-768x434.jpg (768x434, 55K)

Why do people put pistol grips on bolt action rifles? They never don't look like shit.

Attached: M-FUDD_Carbine_05-28-2019_A.jpg (1200x800, 802K)

That actually looks good.

That's pretty sexy


imagine being such a tasteless and autistic faggot to think this looks bad. Neck yourself.

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Holy fuck that’s beautiful

>uhhhh that's not bubba
>uhhhh that's not fudd

how come after 2016 everyone started getting uptight about how these two terms were used?

That's pretty damn good.

Attached: 1545027696689.png (611x1103, 545K)

this is the one in a million example of a bubba that did something right

>did something right

Attached: M-FUDD_Carbine_05-28-2019_barrel_date_&_manufacturer.jpg (884x1200, 462K)

Honestly pretty sexy and tasteful. Only complaint is I'd prefer a dark walnut.

Because people started using them incorrectly.

What because he covered up some markings?

Tbh if you removed the pointless selector and flashlight, id like it

Looks like something cyberpunk redneck would sport

Honestly that's kind of sick

A visit from the "good idea fairy".

Attached: horrified-face.jpg (217x265, 8K)

God it's tempting to bubba up some old shitty guns made in their millions just to trigger the fuck out of all you retarded autists.

Bubbas are tasteless rednecks who butcher old and unique guns. Fudds are boomers who own 20 different double barreled shotguns and maybe a Colt AR or two that they try to up sell at a gun show. The two groups have nothing in common.

>Bubba the Fudd
Lurk more newfag

JB welded brake is only dangerous if you're standing in front of the rifle when it fires.
People blew early chokes off of shotguns constantly. You went and dug around in the grass 30 feet in front of you, picked up the choke, went to the gunsmith and had him do a better job sweating it on then the factory.


M1 carbines were disposable rifles and he put new life into an old war horse, prove me wrong.

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>t. Doesn't understand what "Bubba'd" means.

Bubbas detected

This would make an awesome video if fired
Uhhh, that was a shotgun...an AK failing this way might be a little more spectacular

Does airshit count?

Attached: eng_pl_Double-M14-Chainsaw-Harvester-Replica-1152219083_3.jpg (800x533, 26K)

No, now go back to jewtube

yeah, did I studder or something?

I bet you say "omfg my mom/stepdad/teacher is so retarded" at least three times a week

you can't be this stupid

>mannlicher stock
mannlicher stocks were a mistake

Gimme a solid wood buttstock and I would unironically enjoy this one

What does it have to do with jewtube, retard?

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It's just an inland, get over yourself

Its kinda aesthetic tho... Is bubba a bubba if its well crafted and aesthetic?
>inb4 bubba detected


I like it. It reminds me of the gew98

>surplus M1 carbines are sacrosanct pieces of history and its a loss to the material heritage of humanity to alter them from their issued state
you're pathetic

>that AK safety lever just screwed on

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oh god I like it. what is happening...

It's not aesthetic tho

You were a mistake

no u