I'm a Cal user nogunz, looking to get a rifle. While my heart says AK, my brain says AR. I live far north of San Francisco, so there is shit for gun shops up here. I don't quite know where to begin other than PSA, but since it's so close to Black Friday, should I wait to get a deal or since the election fervor is kicking up earlier this time, should I just pounce on something soon? Any good advice is definitely accepted. But I'm totally nogunz, though I have shot a selection of guns from .22 to .308.
Buying time advice
don't comply
Can never go wrong with a famasss
Honestly, your best bet is probably one of the Chinese SKS’s that Classic or J&G has been selling. They’re reasonably priced, in good mechanical shape, shoot cheap ammo, and are about as close to an AK as you’re going to get and still be CA-legal.
Again, make sure you get a Chinese-made one. The Yugoslav versions are not CA-legal.
Isn't a 5.56 a smarter choice though? It's more common and cheaper right?
Not to be a dick, but wrong on both counts. You can get 7.62x39 basically anywhere guns are sold and everywhere online (as you can with 5.56) and it's cheaper
I really like this design of the AR-15, and would get it. But I rather get a regular style one first though.
Also, consider a vz 58 - stripper clips for days
Comes in both 5.56 and 7.62x39
And you can use those clip things to load into the top
I forgot what they are called though.
t. complyers
Man, I'm lovin' that platform and furniture.!
Also Jow Forumsommiefornia, would a ptr 91 be any good or would it get cucked?
5.56 might be very slightly more available, but not by much - it’s not like x39 is the least bit hard to find. As for price, i’ve been paying $5.50 a box for Monarch steel case (Academy’s house brand, which is reboxed Barnaul), and that’s cheaper than I’ve ever seen 5.56 at retail.
My recommendation is to order one of those SKS’s. Since you’re a gun noob, ask the FFL you send it to if they can do a thorough cosmoline cleanup and general condition check during its 10 days in DOJ jail. Then pick it up and start shooting!
Aren't sks' supposed to be more expensive than a cal cucked ak is these days? I want something that could possibly be uncucked in case of boog
>I'm a Cal user nogunz...
Fuck off namefag, I'm trying to join the hasgunz, now are you gonna help out or just bump the thread?
The latter.
Y bulli me, namefag? Nobody has even said if a black Friday deal is a better choice over getting a gun now; I could use an answer
>I live far north of San Francisco
Where, exactly? There’s more than a few decent lgs’s in Humboldt.
I'd buy a wasr while I can. Aks are common enough now that you see big box stores carrying mags and accessories. Ammo is sold everywhere that ammo is sold, and I think it's a more useful rifle for non war activities.
I have an SCR. It’s been reliable for me with a shitty PSA upper on it. Handling’s not too bad except for charging the damn thing, which is awkward. I’d recommend getting an ambi magazine release (any AR mag release will work, I use a sig cause it was cheap) and a bolt release (which are proprietary and sold separately for some inane reason).
I am Humboldt based actually. There is one gun shop in Rio Dell but I'm a bit reluctant to give them business. Other than them, I only know big box retailers around here.
You can get a decent SKS from Classic for 350 right now, which is not bad at all. Between shipping and FFL fees it came out to around 390 for me. So 60 more would get you a cheap AR, I suppose. The difference is if you're in cuckland, an SKS is basically never going to get banned unless they go for anything with 10 rounds or any semi-automatic.
>Complying in Anno Domini 2019
The only point of "complying" at this point is keep from having someone actively breathing down your neck; in the meanwhile you make damn sure to uncuck yourself when the boog pops off like a champagne cork. This means keeping an AK or AR gimped until it's time to get on the dance floor and walk that dinosaur and doesn't mean reducing yourself to fuddly guns in the meantime.
I'll answer your question since Zed is a fucking faggot. Dont wait for black friday, you can get some good sales right now.
>sees retarded and needlessly disrespectful reply
>sees trip
Oh. Makes sense.
Am I best served going online with a ship to a local FFL or just getting a parts kit from a local shop? The last time I checked prices for a ready to go AR-15 they were priced from $800 to $1100. Again, fudd shops or chains up here, I expect to get price fucked
A lot of people are stuck with public ranges and would like to use their guns. If they don't comply they have an cabinet ornament.
It can't really take that long to swap out the grip and stock and slap a standard mag in. Keep the gun gimped, don't get a gimped gun. An SkS is always just an SkS unless you really modify it. Having to deal with stripper clips, a heavy wood stock, only having SkS parts to swap in, is limiting as compared to an AR.
Bucksport in Eureka, they also do gunsmithing. And pic related, also in Eureka, has a whole wall of lowers. They’re local, grew up from Redwood Marine. There’s also Stick2yourguns in Arcata.
Thanks user. So I've figured that PSA is a good bet but who does a step above them for an okay increase in price?
I agree but there are still some things they can't have and the rules are most likely going to get more strict in the future, in part because the rules are so easy to work around as you described. If I was only going to have one auto loading rifle I'd pick one that isn't likely to get caught up in regulations.
Don't comply, they'll still arrest you even if you did
This post is everything that’s wrong with tactitards and AR fanboys.
An SKS works fine. It isn’t really “gimped” as long as you know how to use it. And once you do, stripper clip loading can actually be faster than magazine loading. Spare parts aren’t an issue since they’re so simple that they basically never break, and even if it does, parts are easy and cheap to get online. Finally, if the weight of an SKS is too much for you to heft, you might as well not have guns at all, because you’re too physically weak to survive SHTF. Stop obsessing about guns and start lifting weights.
Fuck off, Zed. You're dead.
Serious answer: Whatever you do, buy before November.
If you're noguns, best to start with a .22. Everyone needs a .22.
I'm not a tacitard and I want an FAL or an AK more than I want an AR, but the AR's main benefits is that they are EVERYWHERE and ammo for it is EVERYWHERE and that EVERYONE has them. Hows about investing in America's gun and now some combloc blaster made at least a decade before wood stock?
we don't take advice from a tripfag
One other suggestion is pic related. Fun fact: California’s AWB specifically only applies to centerfire rifles. So Californians can totally have uncucked .22 caliber AR-style rifles. The 15-22 is all over California gun shops. They’re a lot of fun to shoot, and to get your tacticool jones on with. Highly recommended.
Dirty dumb tripfag scum, I'm nogunz not never fired. I've shot .357 out of a Smith whelel gat and I've shot up to .308 in rifles and that was out of a levergat so I expyi felt more of the recoil.
>that they are EVERYWHERE and ammo for it is EVERYWHERE and that EVERYONE has them
Not in California, they don’t. So that’s not really an advantage where OP lives.
Look, I like the AR platform, but being so married to it that you’ll buy one that’s gimped to the point of uselessness rather than buying another rifle that works well as-is is just retarded. The SKS is the near-perfect ban state rifle. Other reasonable ban state rifles include something from the Garand family (M1, Carbine, M1A, Mini-14) or a PC Carbine. OP should invest in one of those.
Was that english?
>In CA
user, are you ok? Has no one told you yet?
What if OP wants to leave the state sometime?
Told me what? I'd have to have the stupid fin on the grip. What's new?
Yes in California they do, retard. Everyone has fins that just happen fall off now and then.
>t. Actual Californian
Go with an AR, especially as a first gun. Parts are the easiest in the country to get, ergos are just about best in the world, and everything else isn't much worse. AKs are cool, but a good one will be more expensive and never be quite the rifle that an AR of comperable price would be. ARs are the standard for a reason- they are really, really good.
>t. reformed AKfag
Still love my Arsenal but ARs are objectively better in 95% of cases.
Are you actually retarded? The AR is literally Legos and has parts commonality and ammunition support in every single state of this country, even in faggy Hawaii. It is the most versatile gun in this nation and the world.
This pic is what converted my heart over to the AK. I know in my mind that the ARvis the right choice and is obviously the most practical but that damn piece of Soviet Soul just calls to me. Ironic as commies don't have souls.
I’m not sure who’s a step above PSA. From what I’ve heard, there’s nothing wrong with PSA. It goes bang when you need it to.
Are the PSA aks better now? I know it's more money than their AR but I'm interested
Haven’t got a clue. You might want to browse some forums, see what people have to say about it. Personally, I don’t trust anything in a Commie caliber. That shit’ll turn you into a Nazi.
But I'm a mutt with a mental complex that makes me suspicious of other brown people
can you buy a 5.56 upper and stick it on that lower? (I know you probably have to change the buffer spring)
LOLno. I’m not saying that nobody does. But they’re nowhere near as ubiquitous as they are in other states. And for good reason.
Could you be any more of a brainwashed fanboy?
No. It works too differently internally.
They’re still a lot of fun though.
Where am I wrong, dipshit? I'm literally stating facts, the you will find parts and ammo for an AR from Hawaii to Manhattan Island. You never have to worry about spare parts with this damn gun, you don't have to worry about ammo availability, this is the universal gun. I don't necessarily like it, you stupid faggot but the AR is King in America.
Not bad advice honestly. It’s one of the best ways to have an uncucked rifle, and in most home defense situations, just having ANY gun and fighting back drives off the potential home invaders, as criminals tend to run when they realize they can’t dominate a helpless person.
It would still be best to have a larger caliber for boogaloo, but a 15-22 is good for fun, can be used on small game, and if you have to defend yourself it’s certainly better than being a noguns.
Oh, and it’s cheap as hell compared to your other options. I’d go for it.
>you will find parts and ammo for an AR from Hawaii to Manhattan Island.
Manhattan? Now I *know* you're just trolling.
>You never have to worry about spare parts with this damn gun, you don't have to worry about ammo availability
Nor with an SKS. Any spare part is available online, and 7.62x39 can be found at literally any gun store anywhere, or ordered cheap in bulk off the internet.
Anyhow, how big a piece of shit must your AR be if access to a constant stream of spare parts is an issue? LO-fucking-L! It's a fucking rifle, not an F-14! It should need maybe one spare part every 20 years!
commiefornia nogunz here
do you need to buy a specific safe to own a gun here?
what inexpensive safe would you rec? just needs to keep the gun inside and away from common break in and family
Just a cheapie Stack-On is fine.