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New here? Want a firearm license? Read this:
Previous thread: Sunday funday edition
First for rocket handloading!
>So I could just make a 17hmr pistol just by putting inserts in a 32rf pistol? Legally
From the RCMP:
>manufactured before 1898 that can discharge only rim-fire cartridges, other than .22 Calibre Short, .22 Calibre Long or .22 Calibre Long Rifle cartridges;
So, if it was made before 1898, and can only discharge rimfires not on that list, it should be okay. I mean, I can't see any rules otherwise, but if you are concerned you should speak with the NFA or another group familiar with firearms laws (for all their faults, the NFA are good with the legal side of things).
what happened to the op picture being our Aladdin knockoff??
So I can make one only if its 17hmr that's neato.
Hes asking 1000$ for it which is retarded
we mix it up
Not every OP pic has to be the same all the damn time
It should be okay, but I would get real legal advice before trying.
Anyone here have the Marty Robbins "Boomer Ballads" Mare's Leg picture? I need it for a thing
I don't mind dying
Since my passion is dead
thanks brother
Hes probably posting it on reddit right now
Best deer rifle for 350$?
Is savage poop?
>for 350$
Yea I know. I will probably just get a .22 or something else. I'm seeing savages for around 300-400
For that amount that's pretty much your only modern option. That said I've heard the Axis are decent for what they are.
>Best deer rifle for 350$?
Something used from TradeEx:
I think you shilled this one once before lol. Wud be looking for 308
I can't remember- I just figure TradeEx is a good place to get a decent rifle for a low price. 6.5x55 is a good caliber, and hunting ammo is about the same price as .308. M96 Mausers have lots of spare parts if something ever goes wrong.
But if you want new, get a Savage Axis- either that or save up a bit and get a Tikka T3. Yeah it's around $900 at Cabelas, but you're going to keep it for more than one season, right?
How good is a Enfield for deer?
Another option- Weatherby Vanguard for 750- it's made by Howa in Japan, and fairly well-regarded
Thoughts on .22 WMR?
It's neat
Cool but it's at or above 5.56 prices, which is a bummer since 5.56 does the whole flat and fast thing even better. No mag limits, at least.
Aussie here repping my canuck stringboi
Aren't you the ones with a racist president?
>No mag limits, at least.
Not that you can take advantage of this.
>CMR-30 is limited to 10 rounds, since the 30 round magazine is used in the PMR-30, therefore making it "restricted"
>CZ 512 in .22 Magnum only has 10 round mags, no 25 rounders to my knowledge
>Tanfoglio Appeal uses proprietary mags and has no options above 10 rounds
>none of the GSG funs are made in .22 Mag
I don't really think he's racist, just completely retarded.
This, don't attribute to malice what can be explained by stupidity.
Cangen after October
The t3s are nice but a bit over rated imo
I think at that price range the choices are pretty similar in terms of performance- it will just come down to personal preference and fit.
as long as it's not Remingshit
Theres 10/22s in 22 magnum with 25rd mags.
You know what to do, fellow Jow Forumsanadians,
Nypa faggot
No user, I'm not sure I understand. Please articulate clearly exactly what it is you want us to do.
>doesn't own a T3X Arctic
Pick one faggots
by all accounts those are mediocre garbage sold at that lucrative 'match the price we sold to the govt for' price.
For that kind of price I'd rather buy something that's actually worth it, and I'm saying that as a tikka fanboy
could get a rifle that's actually good for that price
Enjoy 2020 gun confiscations, bootlicking horse faggot.
Express support for our dear leader making us safer or some shit.
is this based
Type 97 gen 2 for 1100$
Yay or nay?
I should add I need a gun in 5.56 before Oct thats NR which is why im thinking of this
Get a gen 1 for 650 instead
Lee enfield
Is that before or after tax? Because Tendies has them for 979. They've had them as low as 925 iirc.
Shitposting on the LPC facebook page won't do anything retard
Also kys for having a facebook normalfag
Why do I see prohibited guns for sale? Who is buying these? Do people actually have prohibited licenses?
Old people do
The CCFR's just released their statement about Trudeau's transparent attempt and shifting attention.
In Rod we Trust!
Alright, who wants a Garand and has a spare svt40?
Who also doesn't mind hiking a logging road near the montana border.
Are you trying to swap one for the other?
Because unless there's also a thousand quids on the side of the SVT40, then it's kind of a bad deal.
Try a wasr or like 3 handfuns osicer
I'm pretty sure SVT40s are still cheaper than Garands by several hundred loons.
Garands usually go between 1500 and 2000, or more. You can get a nice SVT40 for 900.
You do the math.
Horse cops are unironically excited about gun grabbing in my area and are backing the libshit candidate. They gotta be very careful, because certain autistic people here are very capable of wasting 12+ hours a day sifting through their rcmp website for their local detachments for unsolved thefts and cases, collecting names within the detachment, and researching their personal and home addresses. Funny enough they usually live within the same neighborhood most of the time from what I was told or next to a co-worker.
It doesn't take much effort for somebody to go maple snake + timmy mode if they really wanna dedicate the time.
Dude just trade it for a svt sniper on the EE
Trading for a regular one is a bad deal
syrup commando already tried and nothing came of it
maple snake popped his load too early though, but it proves how useless and under budget the rcmp is.
Explain please.
You use a mixture for making solid rocket boosters instead of smokeless/cordite/whatever.
The Canadian is getting the deal. Though they are going through greater risk.
please explain to a chemistry tard why this is a good idea
Daily reminder that even if they pass the laws, they will never be able to get your
I guess that's true. We have laws against racism, but that never stopped our very own Prime Minister from being racist.
whatever i'm selling all my chink crap if horsecops offer 50% market value
What's a good rifle to get, for a first time shooter?
Your transparent attempt to entrap law abiding gun owners into stalking officers of the rcmp is painfull. Neither that or you fear mongering fake news about rcmp gun grabbing opinions, will stoke the division in the Canadian community you so clearly desire. Fuck you, glow harder
slap a scope on it
good rifle for life
Source on excitement?
I know that police are usually beta cumguzzlers but this would take the cake
God it's been forever since I've seen one of these memes
can there be a leaf version of this video
What sort of budget do you have? The default answer is SKS because it is cheap and versatile. is a good option, too, but I prefer the ones with iron sights (it's a fun skill to learn).
Oh burger didn't read kek
If you actually want guns you'll have to do it through kettle valley river and have a leaf float down or vise versa
Still the safest way to do stuff like that
Deep forest with roads with a day's hike on both sides
Savage A22 Magnum has 25 rounders
>why this is a good idea
It's not a good idea at all. It's insane, and quite probably dangerous.
The only upside I can think off is that spent cases might be ejected out of a semi-auto while there's still some trust remaining, making the cases whiz about for a few seconds. Possibly.
God confirmed for being in cahoots with the horsies!
I unironically would get a Gen 1 because I like carry handles over rails.
Dont like the aesthetics of g1
After tax
This. Anyone who advocates this shit glows in the dark like a fucking flare.
Pic related, those same fucks are here.
They are cheaper on EE
Speaking of EE I’m trying to buy a rifle for the first time on there. Buddy hasn’t asked for my Pal and wants to do EMT instead of PayPal. I offered to meet him halfway and drive 2.5h but he said he’d need the money upfront for gas. He’s only has two feedbacks (both positive). Is he a scammer or am I paranoid?
>Hello fellow Canadian firearms owners
Those are all gen 1s tho.
Bit too far since I'm not in that province but if you ever find yourself in Washington specifically toroda I could definitely make a trek
Maybe ask some Alberta anons instead
so what are the odds the two knucklefucks that got silverdale shutdown are members? i'm saying 50/50.
I would pay money to see rocket propelled cases being ejected.
I’ve found a few like this.
Why in God’s good name would you fire a SKS at the shotgun range? I’m genuinely curious
not only an SKS, a 7mm magnum too.
because they are stupid, ignorant, impatient, and combination of all 3.
two retards went to the patterning range at silverdale with an SKS and a 7mm magnum, fired off a number of rounds before being caught. one of those bullets was ALLEDGEDLY. and i can't stress that enough, found on the property down range, about 1000 yards away. horse cops came in, shut down the entire place, and it won't be open until at least mid-october, with a number of new fascist upgrades to make shooting there an even more unpleasant experience.
There is nothing in a km but farm fields and a scrap yard.
I bet they were Liberal/NDP supporters who did this ON PURPOSE to shut the range down.
7.62x39 stronk like bull
trees are no match for red firepower