>*Has better build quality, reliability, and aftermarket options for less money*
Post literally any better first time rifle
>Protip: you cant, tacticool ARfags will post cope
$250. What's your excuse, nogunz?
*Has better build quality, reliability, and aftermarket options for less money*
>Not buying an AK
Cope harder
I have an old Marlin 60 and the upgrade to a Ruger 10/22 is pointless.
>tubular magazine
stopped reading right there
The Marlin 795 has a box magazine and is like $145 MSRP
>better build quality.
> reliability,
>and aftermarket options
I want the LARPers to leave.
Most boring gun in existence. Good for starting fags on though.
Tubular mags are more reliable and faster to load than box mags.
>bb-b-b-buh i can load up a bunch of mags and OMG MAGCHANGE LIEK AN OPERATOR so fast!
Again, I want the LARPers to leave.
why dont you tell me why you're spamming faggot?
>Gets double feed in tube mag
>multiple people posting about a based gun because its great
>cope about how its GOTTA be the same person
ok retard
>Number of times that has happened to me over dozens of tube-fed rifles and more ammo expended than I could possibly count.
>pic related
For a terrible shotgun, like an 870 express, maybe this is a concern. It's just not a common problem in rimfire or centerfire tube mags. Certainly not as common as worn-out box mags:
>muh feed lips
>muh spring
>maguzeens are consoomablz
>gotta try several differnt mag brands, see what works wif mah gun.
Meanwhile, I have several rifles that are over 50 years old, tube fed, with original springs, that run like sewing machines.
There's just no contest here. None.
It's useless.
>Muh larp
>Not knowing that there are serial killers in 5chins
Yeah naah, it's fucking LARPers.
>better build quality, reliability
So you've never touched or seen a 10/22?
The aftermarket exists to fix the shitty build quality and reliability.
I prefer pistols, still need your two hands to hold a gun kiddo?
the 10/22, is without a doubt, the most boring gun I own. Its fucking stupid, I even own a suppressor for it. I've put decent money into it.
No recoil, lots of malfunctions, limited range. It's just a dumb toy. Not even bait, heres a pic. Literally the only person who would get enjoyment out of it is a child, or the sadistic autists who enjoy killing small animals with it. It even does that poorly, believe it or not.
I'll be getting rid of it within a few months. Along with my m&p 22c, which the 2nd most boring gun I own.
this^^^^^^^ Got mine on sale for $99 and it is way more accurate than my stock 10/22
>m&p 22c
just bought a new one fuck me, explain why?
I think user is just bored with .22LR and is wanting to step up his LARP game.
user is a tard and buys shit ammo and wonders why his 10/22 malfs. he probably hasn't even shimmed the rear of the magwell and still wonders why he has nosedown failure to feeds.
inb4 >it shud b rite from the factury
doesn't excuse you from doing something that costs 0.01c of epoxy or nail polish and getting rid of the gun. git fucking gud instead of quitting.
You are literally every 10/22 fanboy ever.
You are literally a tripfag whose tripcode and name add nothing to the discussion going on in this thread and you should be temp banned
Stop trying to turn Jow Forums into a social media site to entertain your ego
>m&p 22c
awful trigger, and the sights are extremely poor. I can't zero them without almost completely removing the set screw. At that point the set screw falls out.
PLUS to suppress the gun you need this gay ass adapter, which you must torque on there with decent force or it will get stuck on your suppressor. To CLEAN the pistol (its a 22, you must do this often) you have to REMOVE the adapter!!! It's the dumbest fucking design.
Tried that, my rounds nose-down INSIDE the 10/22 magazine. Mag angle will not help.
Even if it worked perfectly, the 10/22 is still boring as fuck.
This is what user screams when he can't make a proper, intelligent, relevant rebuttal.
You should be temp banned for such a low quality post.
>awful trigger
already know they're not the best
>I can't zero them
I'm so sorry
>you have to REMOVE the adapter!!! It's the dumbest fucking design.
well it IS the fucking design for a 22.!!!
other anons are right, you're just bored with your toys and want new ones.
At that price point, a PSAnderson AR will outperform a 10/22 any day of the week. I'm not even trying to be a fag about it, but economies of scale are real and you get more gun per dollar spent with PSAnderson than a 10/22
it's literally a piece of garbage that I can't zero or easily clean. Dont be so defensive. its shit.
>it is the fucking design for a 22
well, no. You see, when you make a proper pistol without potmetal, and take 2 seconds to actually engineer it instead of copying shitty chinese blowback design... you get the ruger MK series. Which is superior in every way.
>you're just bored with your toys
shooting a gun should make you feel alive, not like you're at the fucking fair with a bb gun.
10/22s are like Glocks. Owners all rant and rave about how perfect their guns are, but have spent at least double the cost of the gun on upgrades and modifications so that the gun no longer resembles what they even bought.
Marlin 70P is king
It's a 10/22 which makes it dogshit out of the box. Marlin 60 or Savage Axis are both miles better than that crapsack
Stand aside and make way 10/22 bois.
>fires .22
Sorry gramps but nobody is going to buy your pallet of .22 for a dollar a round. I don't care that you'll have to buy bargain brand caviar during your retirement years. You should have hoarded something more modern.
imagine not having any types of fun with a 10/22
>waah this isnt a full auto high recoil tacticool assault rifle! I wanna LARP and feel cool while i do it!
grow up, please. Your only actual criticism is a baseless claim that 'it malfunctions alot', which i doubt if you invested that much money into yours
these are very nice, but they're not autoloaders.
i love 10/22s, but they are notoriously needy of addition work/aftermarket parts. Ruger ought to make an updated TD model that:
>comes with bx trigger
>has the unfucked bolt catch/release
>has last round bolt hold open
>fiber optic front sight
and bonus points for:
>less annoying reassembly of guiderod/bolt assembly
put it out for $300-$400 and id buy another 10/22
Because you went with fudd wood and put a magnified optic on it.
What are your thoughts on the marlin 795? Sounds like it solves most of those issues you listed, no?
It’s a fucking .22 plinker. It doesn’t need to be high-speed, low-drag, tacticooled-out, and ready for the RaHoWa, you mong.
Same, I have the gun my mother got for her 16th birthday from her dad, and when I turned 16 they gave it to me, runs (as long as we use decent ammo) my uncle has one with an integrated suppressor
always been a Ruger fanboy. havent had 10/22 in like 10 years so i bought a TD and a standard wood stock one. The TD barrel was milled wrong so the barrel fits a little crooked and sights canted. On the regular one the fit and finish is shit. notable gap between receiver and stock,plastic barrel clamp (used to be metal) and skipped the 45 degree bevel on the stock beneath charging handle so you damn near get a splinter cocking it. That said, im keeping them. they always run and if the quirks bug me that much id send them back because Rugers customer service is still A+
the big thing is its not a takedown and >freedom group, but if thats not a problem for you go ahead. ive never fired one, though. do you have one and like it?
Nice bait, but I’ll bite.
Every one I’ve shot has been very reliable and the few malfunctions I have had are probably 99% attributable to ammo which when dealing with rimfire is a fact of life. I’ve also dropped a trash panda with one who only made it 3ft. from where she was shot. Besides all that though they’re just fun to shoot and all for the low cost of ~4¢ per round and the rifles themselves can be had for a couple bills. Throw on a cheap dot or 2-7x and you’re gtg.
I think the Remington 597 is a better .22lr imo. has some reliability issues when it first came out that soiled its name, but as far as I can tell they've solved them, I've had one for years and I love it.
>y-you didn't invest enough money into yours!!!
>22's are cheap!!1!
which is it, Jow Forums? I swear y'all are so retarded it hurts. damage control
Honestly, I don't care if you don't like the 10/22 or whatever, but if you don't enjoy shooting with a 22 in general then you're just into guns to compensate for something.
marlin 60, now lurk harder you fucking homo
Nice 452 Lux.
Couple of mine, UL and an American Tribal
22 is meant to feed from a tube mag, its not fucking 5.56
Hey mong, maybe I don't want to spend 5 at the range shooting followed by a minute of clunky reloading where I have to put my hand in front of the barrel.
If you actually think anyone sees a sporter and thinks 'tacticool' I think you might be an autist
Tell that to
I haven't either, though I hear from friends who have and strangers on the internet that it's comparable in most ways to the 10/22 but like a $100 cheaper
>y-you didn't invest enough money into yours!!!
That wasn't my point, retard. I was saying that if really thought it "malfunctioned a lot", they wouldn't have put a scope and a supressor on it, and instead invested that money into a 'better' gun
>literally worse in all possible ways barring price
Also, if you knew literally anything about marlins, you would've said a 795 instead of a 60, fuckface
5 seconds* fuck im stoopid
its a fucking .22 LMAO
>He doesn't know how .22LR works
>its a small caliber so you should buy guns that jam every 30 shots
enlighten me as to how 22lr works i must be missing something
>firing rimmed cartridges from magazines
ok spend more money one something worse
>not owning the 702 plinkster
Took me a while to realize you were talking about a raccoon and not a trash panda silencer.
Which is, in your view, the most aesthetic bolt action rifle? What about semi?
what are the advantages of this over a 1022 or a 795?
Is $190 a good price for these?
If you don't enjoy shooting .22, then you don't enjoy shooting.
Tcr22 is a better rifle.
Weird all of those problems don't exist if you just use factory mags.
Not unheard of but definitely a good deal. I paid 205 a couple years ago for a basic bitch wood stock one at Wally world
I put almost no money into mine ($50 3-9x scope) and it may be my favorite gun. Cheap ammo, dead on accurate. Once I know it's held its zero I change between every target on the paper each shot. Top left top right, middle, bottom left, bottom right, repeat til I have 1-2 moa groups. It's always a nice warm up.
bolt action 22 is more fun than semi
hurbbbbb plbbbbfffffttffnlllllbbbb
I have a takedown 10/22 that I've shot over 1500rnds through and I've only had maybe 8 fte. Those mostly came while using a hand crank. The only modification I've done is replaced the rear sight with an aperture sight and it's been more than accurate for me.
>$250. What's your excuse, nogunz?
They cost 550$ in Europe and a license to own firearms costs more than 500$ + you have to own a rifle safe which costs another 500$ to legally own one
It's fine but it's expensive for what it is. You can go out and buy just about any of the semi auto .22 rifles, they're pretty much all the same with a few exceptions. The 10/22's thing is that it has a big aftermarket, but who fucking cares? If you buy tons of aftermarket shit for a .22 rifle you're a fucking weirdo.
This OP shouldn't have been about the 10/22 specifically. It should have been about all of the .22LR plinkers available on the market. They are indeed wonderful first guns.
OP is a faggot as usual.
>oh no I'm a poor fag who doesn't understand one time expenses
>stop liking this I don't like
>yuropoor doesn't economics
This is what you took from that post? Not the economic burden Europe places on first-time gun buyers? Not the number of people left defenseless because they can't afford a safe on their burger flipping salary?
>oh no I'm a poor fag who doesn't understand one time expenses
Nope. I just refuse to buy a .22 out of spite. My first gun will be something big and bad just because I can.
I am not going to put myself on a government watchlist and spend 1500$ to own a piss weak barely firearm jammomatic
>This is what you took from that post? Not the economic burden Europe places on first-time gun buyers? Not the number of people left defenseless because they can't afford a safe on their burger flipping salary?
I don't need a gun for self defense. I live way up in the mountains with no one around.
The closest encounter where self defense way needed was chasing away some dumb British backpackers off my property with a rake.
Anyone who isn't retarded can put away. $100/month. If a 10/22 isn't your cup of tea within 2 years you can have a decent starter gun picked out.
Europe isn't a country, Europe doesn't place economic burden on gun buyers. The laws for self defense in many places are what fucks you over more than the ability to own a gun.
Fair enough. 10/22s can run well from the factory. I have 2 that do. Using the safe and license as an excuse isn't a good one, as they are needed for any gun.
>piss weak
It's a good varmint gun and plinker, but I understand where you're coming from
>barely firearm
also understandable
these firearms do not jam easily, if you keep them maintained
>anyone who isn't retarded can put away $100/month
>Europe isn't a country, Europe doesn't place economic burden on gun buyers
the European Union does most of the regulation of firearms in member states.
>I have 2 that do. Using the safe and license as an excuse isn't a good one, as they are needed for any gun.
The fact that a safe and a license is needed is absolutely disgusting.
No wonder half of the firearms in Europe are illegal.
Why do glock owners spend extra money on anything but sights?
All I did was buy night sights for my g19.4 and I've put probably 7000 rounds through it. What else do people spend money on that they feel they need to?
>It's a good varmint gun and plinker, but I understand where you're coming from
Oh I do not consider .22 to be weak for killing at close range. I am talking about a military perspective where shots above 300 meters are common.
>Europe isn't a country, Europe doesn't place economic burden on gun buyers. The laws for self defense in many places are what fucks you over more than the ability to own a gun.
All European countries apart from Switzerland have shit gun laws which treat potential gun owners like terrorists
>a military perspective
No shit .22 isn't useful in that setting, it never was and never will be. That's not what it was designed for.
They can make recommendations and ask that member states follow them, but they are not required to, yet. Thats why you have a few decent countries.
I agree, but unfortunately it's something they have to have unless there is some serious legislation changes.
>What is Czechia?
>No shit .22 isn't useful in that setting, it never was and never will be. That's not what it was designed for.
That's what I am saying. I am not putting myself on a list which allows government to raid my house for a firearm that is not accurate and lethal past a combat distance
I already have enough connections in police and our secret agency to know how much they monitor every gun owner here.
Big Jewman, a true warrior fighting rock throwers from 100 yards away.
He could do the same with a .22 cal air rifle
>Marlin 60
It's a wonderful rifle, especially with that little 3-7x20 on there. Takes squirrel like a well-oiled machine because, well, it is.
>my first gun will be something big and bad just because I can
Okay Jimmy ask your parents to raise your allowance and you can get your big bad PSA in a few months :)