Legalizing Full Auto

Would it be reasonable for firearms owners to start pushing for the legalization of the manufacture and sale of fully automatic weapons? Which presidential candidates would be the easiest to try to convince? Would it be possible to send the message that this is an important enough issue that they wouldn't get our votes if they chose not to pass some new policies?

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Austin Petersen is quoted as saying "If I became President, I would repeal the NFA so fast your head would spin."

Not a chance in the current climate, need people to go back to worrying about other shit before it has a snowballs chance in hell.

Another hypothetical, if they were legalized, would they significantly more than semi auto versions?

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They would significant

Assuming no extra tax or bullshit they would probably enter the market very expensive but as more manufacturers started pumping them out there is no reason for them to cost more than a few dollars more.

Right after we fix the glaring problem of governmental corruption, sure it could happen.


*Cost significantly more. Would gun companies charge premium prices for "new" tech?

it's the public you gotta convince, especially when everyone's screaming "ban assault rifles"

IF that day ever comes, it'll be like AR's and AK's all over again.
>only tacticools have them
>why do you nees them
>constant bitching from the left
Over the course of several decades, they might become so commonplace that the overall attitude in the gun community and population at large would change towards them, but I think it's unlikely.
Still want one though

Oh yeah dude, for the first few months/years they would be pretty expensive but the sheer number of people making auto-seers and other shit would pretty quickly tip the scale into normal gun prices.
I think they'd always be a bit more pricey due to the need to balance the systems more effectively for auto use. It takes a bit more engineering to make a solid auto gun that doesn't have typical auto problems.
>inb4 "semi guns are more mechanically complicated"
Sure but a GOOD auto gun takes better materials and balancing than a semi gun.
Aka more r&d = more complexity to the manufacturer = mo money

No, because full auto is usually a handful of parts worth of difference. In some cases, such as open bolt guns, full auto is EASIER to achieve.

But yes, we should at least push for the Hughes Amendment to be repealed. FA guns would still be NFA items, but they would fall in price drastically.

>Jow Forums
>a place for rational political discorse
Not him but fuck off to facebook if you want to recruit normies, imageboards are for shit that isn't allowed on the normie net.


> implying anyone considering whether or not guns could be worth supporting go on Jow Forums

I'm surprised ammo manufacturers don't lobby hard for repealing Hughes. Imagine how much money they'd make with full auto being a widely used thing.
Its not the 90's anymore, also. NFA paperwork is a few clicks away. You have companies like SilencerCo doing the paperwork for you. You'd see the same thing for the full auto paperwork. I think you'd see an explosion of people buying them, just like silencers are right now.

citizenry has been cucked by all the unconstitutional laws, institutions and laws/policies, sadly there's no way in hell they'd be for legalizing full auto.

its not politically viable for conservative politicians to try and repeal the NFA. the small-ish group of americans who feel strongly about it ALREADY vote conservative anyway so you won't be gaining any votes and will definitely lose votes from people who don't understand that all gun control is unconstitutional

Is it bad that I don't want an auto gun?
Not saying I don't want the right, but I don't see the point personally in owning one.
> imagines glock18 "extendo clip" mag dump during self defense situation
What a cluster fuck

In other words, bring back legalized cannons and privately owned gunboats.

i'd definitely like to own an smg of some kind, at least THOSE make sense in full auto.

Since, i'm not a richfag, i've always considered full-auto, nothing but a toy. Tbqh, binary triggers are good enough for me.

Each to their own, I will never have the money but given the chance I would get a SMG for giggles.

I'd at least want to buy an auto sear just to have one in case the government "decided" I didn't "need" one later on. Of course its a lot harder because you'd literally be on a registry.

i'm not saying you should do it, but DIAS and lightning links, schematics are online.

No, but there's still no reason not to help everyone who does get one.

They likely wouldn't be richfag only if they were legalised, like said.

Why not?

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Kys kike faggot.

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I'm more talking about ammo than the full auto.
This might be cope, but i think it's more enjoyable to take time with my shots, dumping full mags might lose its appeal fast.

Because MP5s and Uzis with giggle switches would make absolutely GOAT home defense guns? People often underestimate the utility an SMG would have in defending your home.

>hich presidential candidates would be the easiest to try to convince?

>upset leftist

It would but in a home defense situation I would fucking love a SMG. It would be a scary situation and knowing you can hold 'til he folds beats hoping you don't get the junky that doesn't care about being tagged 10 times.

Colt would try to sell an M4 for $2000. PSA would start selling all their ARs as full auto and then every FA capable gun would be expected to be sold as such, assuming there aren't additional taxes. The only reason semi only versions of FA select fires were sold in the past is because of the $200 tax and paperwork.

Well, I could definitely see that.

>what is a sticky

I think the best we should ever expect is Hughes to be repealed, but even then PSA would definitely lead the charge. They would sell so many full auto AR lowers because they could sell them for cheap as fuck, and when you tack on the 200$ tax stamp they'd still be cheaper than the competition's semi-auto receivers. Anybody who just wanted a full auto just to have one would get a PSA.

“Assault rifles”

>asks specific question about gun laws and how we can change them
>hurr durrr go to Jow Forums
fuck off with that shit, I want full autos, let's talk

If we want to repeal the NFA we have a very hard uphill battle, but if we go through the courts we might have a better chance. Our problem is the NRA won't fight the battle and only now are other organizations that actually support the second amendment gaining momentum.

if full autos were legalized tomorrow a large part of the population like myself would register every AR, AK, and semi auto we own as a full auto and start converting them in our garages. The ATF would be swamped with applications, and it would be an absolute shitshow, but there would be no going back. Gun owners have been radicalized, and if we get an inch we are going to take a mile. Also it's easier to convert a gun to gull auto than you might think.

You have to get past the fudds first. They approved what Reagan did to full autos.

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Full auto is already legal. Decriminalization is the issue.

It is too outside of the overton window right now. Even de-regulating suppressors is considered extreme. The best thing right now is local/state restrictions. We are winning on that front,.
>16 states require NO conceal carry permit for residents
>34 states require NO paperwork for private long gun sales
>~28 states allow NO paperwork for private handgun sales
>2 states refuse to use state resources to enforce federal gun laws (Kansas and Missouri)
>Countless sheriff depts refuse to enforce state gun laws
Locally we are winning. While NYC and California are pushing to tighten their gun laws, Republican states are loosening theirs.

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your cum caked stomach after you beat your dick to interracial tranny porn

You fix government corruption with guns retard

I didn't know coat hangers were illegal.

>Would it be reasonable for firearms owners to start pushing for the legalization of the manufacture and sale of fully automatic weapons?
It is completely reasonable. We shouldn't be on the defense all the time and have to support repeals of these feel good laws. Don't sit back and wait.

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most of the corruption in courts exists in the lower courts. supreme court can't take up cases, it has to go through the lower courts first who tend to lean very left. if you're thinking achievable goals within the decade, the best way is to win over the states who might turn blue (Nevada, Arizona, Texas to name a few). win enough states and replace the neo-cons with shall nots in the senate to oppose restrictions and remove existing ones.

I think we are a long way from that, though I won't fault you for trying. I think we get our rights back the same way they've been taken away though, a million cuts. Start with something slightly more benign (to the common no-guns) like SBR's. Nobody really understands why they are controlled so any arguments against it are pretty easy to counter. Go to maybe suppressors next, they are scary to a lot of people but there are good practical reasons to use them. Work up until all gun control goes away. It's probably a pipe dream, but I think it's more likely than going for the whole nut right off the bat.

>if full autos were legalized tomorrow a large part of the population like myself would register every AR, AK, and semi auto we own as a full auto and start converting them in our garages.
Wouldn't that be a bit ironic though, considering gun registration is something a huge amount of gun owners are against?

>everyone's screaming "ban assault rifles"
It's literally just lefttards, gun control is a losing issue to run on.

Aside from destroying more of your home, what's the point?
Full auto isn't just a "fast try again" option. The mechanics of shooting full auto are different. If you want to maximise hit probability, you should fire in rapid but still aimed semiauto.

if they were legal why would they be registered

The fuck are you smoking OP? In what world do you see ANY progun legislation getting passed nationally? Let alone a fucking reopening of the MG registry?

John McCafee is on board already

And yet every year more gets passed in more states. We've lost Florida, Washington, Vermont, Colorado, Nevada, and Oregon. Texas, Virginia, and Pennsylvania are all going to fall in the next 5 years. They don't have to run on a issue to push for it you know.

It's understandable to not want one due to impracticality, but they're fun, and I've always wanted a full-auto Uzi

I'd third pin my gun so fucking quick it would make my wrist strain, I want burst on my a2 dammit


Wolgger or retard.

>34 states require NO paperwork for private long gun sales
>~28 states allow NO paperwork for private handgun sales
That's less than ever before. How the fuck is that winning?
>2 states refuse to use state resources to enforce federal gun laws (Kansas and Missouri)
>Countless sheriff depts refuse to enforce state gun laws
Total meaningless bullshit intended to placate morons. That sin't going to get you out of prison when the feds arrest you

Meanwhile, We have more state level AWBs and mag bans than ever and more permits/registration/red flag laws

I feel like pushing for shall issue and suppressors is easier
SBR/SBS as well actually

Fuck yeah, it would change the winter carry gun from slightly bigger pistol to glock 18 with folding foregrip.

Yes, we need to get in the lefties face and push back for our rights.

getting the nfa repealed is a bit of a stretch for the current climate but the shit that makes it illegal to get a machine gun that was made after 86 has to go.

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I'm aware of how full autos handle, I've shot my fair share at the rental ranges in Vegas. The way I see it, clenching a trigger and having at it requires less skill than rapidly actuating a trigger in semi auto and is thus better suited to minimally trained people who may not have the opportunity or means to get good at rapidly actuating a trigger in semi auto. Sure, full auto is more difficult to control and that also would be exacerbated with lack of practice, but it's still something I'm sure anyone would prefer to have if an assailant was very uncomfortably close and you needed to stop them right that second. The entirety of Eastern Bloc doctrine is based on using bursts of full auto to maximize hit probability anyways and since it largely still is they must be doing something right.

How are you gonna do that when they can and will red flag every petition signed or protest started?

I just want to be RoboCop

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If you want to legalize machine guns people need to use them more in self-defense scenarios which it will bring it into "common usage".

I couldn't see it in this climate. Noguns don't realize how easy it is to convert ARs/AKs, DIAS coat hangers, or build old parts kits that can easily be built FA. All they know is they're scared of spooky guns and how full auto would make shootings easier.

>If you want to maximise hit probability, you should fire in rapid but still aimed semiauto.
This is a function of range, and contingent on the characteristics of the gun.
For reasonably controllable firearms (i.e. M14s need not apply), there exists some distance such that the dispersion throughout a burst is relatively small, most of your hits are on target, and at that range the increased rate of fire does more to increase hit probability to vitals than the dispersion does to decrease it. At longer distances, the dispersion through a burst becomes too large, wasting more shots than you gain, and semi-auto becomes more effective.

Even in calibers like 9mm or 5.56, which arguably have too high recoil impulse for a lightweight SMG, full-auto remains pretty effective at across-the-room distances (as typical in home defense), and groups specializing in that work (and not pressured to use semi-auto by laws or public opinion) are more-or-less split between semi and full. The lack of consensus suggests whichever is "better", it's not by much.

Similarly, other guns with greater stability (thanks to greater weight, bipod, etc.) are effective in full-auto to substantially longer ranges, which is why nobody trains gunners to primarily use LMGs in "rapid but still aimed semiauto", it's generally aimed short bursts.

As I see it, handy SMGs/carbines with cartridges in the 1-lbf*sec recoil range (9mm, 5.56, etc.) are right at the edge for home defense ranges, so there's not really much difference full or semi -- but with lighter recoiling calibers like 5.7x28, .22 TCM, or 7.65 Longue (or even just light-for-caliber 9mm, like 65gr memedrivers instead of the usual 124/147), the threshold range pushes out farther, and full-auto is superior. Conversely, with heavier-recoiling cartridges like 10mm, full-auto becomes worse outside a phone booth (or you need a more stable gun to use it -- if you're willing to accept something in the tommygun weight class, it's fine.)

yes, that isn't lost on me
I was thinking more "legal" along the lines of them opening up the registry to new MGs. Full legality is something I'd love but I can't imagine how they would let us get that

>MP5s and Uzis with giggle switches would make absolutely GOAT home defense guns?
Amazing with frangible rounds.
I'd run for state senate on Shall Notting.
>Aside from destroying more of your home, what's the point?
The point is effective, low-velocity suppressive fire. You think buckshot is effective? Try 900 rounds/minute to hold home invaders off while your woman preps the M134 for any holdouts.

How about we move to get rid of the minimum barrel length for long guns rather than insisting any new loosening of gun laws just caters to tactitards and people who only see guns as an means to an end? Why the fuck is it that tactitards have tons of shit to get around laws like bump stocks and arm braces and still bitch about not having enough, yet I'm expected to be content needing to jump through tons of hoops that tactitards don't need to jump through if I want a small lever action rifle?

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hey Mare's leg guy. Long time no see. How's the mare's leg?

Considering that the Overton window has shifted so far in the last 5 years that many on the left are now calling for the banning of semi-auto rifles, no.

I'd bet a good half of them think ARs and AKs are already full auto. I mean, think about all the retards that say shit like "You don't need a machine gun" in TV interviews and whatnot.

The fastest means to do it that actually has a chance at working would be to get the last 6 states needed to call for a convention. One of the amendments being talked about is the ability for allowing the states to anneal a federal law with a three fourths vote.

It should be noted there are six red states who haven’t called for it yet. Then you’ll only two additional blue states to also ratify it.

The Overton window has also shifted so far that the possibly of balkanization in the US is the highest it's ever been, don't lose hope for full auto.

I think our best bet would be to get rid of the huges amendment. It would legalized our funs for a lot of states. Would probably help prevent these 'new' guns from popping up in shootings immediately and stopping it getting banned instantly after public outcry. And you could even disguise this as that oh so wanted national registry that the Dems want so badly. We get our full auto and the chance to fuck around with clever recoil reduction ideas like the vector and even create some of our own. They seeming get their registration bullshit that wouldn't cover like 80% of guns.

Truth. MP5, UZI, AR9, etc. with a giggle switch, light, maybe a red dot would be perfect for home defense. Add in a suppressor even.

It's reasonable, but there's lots of other shit you should be pushing for first.

what would you and others say to making it more state-based? allowing states to go further one way or the other? that would mean some states where guns are virtually banned and others with no regulations or very very few

>what is burst

Every time it would be about to pass, a mass shooting would miraculously occur the day before. This happened twice with the hearing protection act.

I would be open for this kind of compromise. Let the Commiefornians be commies, let everyone one else inland have their McNukes.

But full auto sucks dick on platforms which weren't explicitly designed for it and/or firing a pistol cartridge. I personally don't give a shit about full auto. I'd never use it.

Burst is gay is what it is.

If trips then I will be able to legally purchase this in my lifetime

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>Not him but fuck off to facebook if you want to recruit normies, imageboards are for shit that isn't allowed on the normie net.


>its not politically viable for conservative politicians to try and repeal the NFA. the small-ish group of americans who feel strongly about it ALREADY vote conservative anyway so you won't be gaining any votes and will definitely lose votes from people who don't understand that all gun control is unconstitutional

So? Just put it in a Budget bill and let it ride.

>Locally we are winning. While NYC and California are pushing to tighten their gun laws, Republican states are loosening theirs.

Until the blue state fucks, and the imported helots just flood into those states and ruin them.

Immigration induced Demographics make that a every harder task until those states are owned by the far left.

Shutting down the government over shit packed into budget bills is absolutely something both parties are willing to do. Have you been in a coma the last decade or something? It would be an absolutely guaranteed shutdown as well considering how strident the opposition is towards guns right now.

Vermin supreme is quoted as saying "Vermin Supreme is gonna TAKE your guns and give you BETTER guns."

>Full auto excludes aiming

Certain guns from certain manufacturers would definitely cost more, but drop-in sears, lightning links, and open bolt subguns would flood the market at dirt cheap prices.

The only POTENTIALLY politically viable way to get NFA repealed in current political climate would be overhauling dramatically the process in which you get any gun. We're talking about licensing with classes and training to own any gun combined with full registration of all firearms. Maybe even a tiered licensing system which requires you to start off with .22 long before you can purchase larger calibers, like Britain does with motorcycle licenses. I would personally be completely okay with this if it meant abolition of the NFA, meaning I could now buy SBR's and cans without waiting centuries and jumping through the gun trust hoop.