I dont know if this belongs here, or on another board. But I had a question concerning Arcane Munition, Im in a DnD campaign where i chose to run with an Arcane smith. Able to raise golems with ease and all that shit. Rn he’s building a 1’ gun using some enchanted fire jewels as black powder and formed shot as its ammunition. What ammunition would best be used to commit the worst warcrimes / loss of life to fire from that cannon? Again idk if this belongs here but i am just cusious.
Arcane Munitions
>IDK if this belongs here
It does not
Learn your techno-fantasy before you post, nerd
Lmao Figured so.
Big oof. I didnt have anything that would fit the image.
Trust me this thread is better than half the fagshit threads here. It's getting to the point where I'm going to have to start filtering again. Strap that shit to a mechagolem and spark a bitch.
Because we're being raided.
>What ammunition would best be used to commit the worst warcrimes
A magic bullet that reanimated whoever it killed as a zombie.
Possibly. Could just be an early electiontard influx.
or makes them explode into a cloud of nerve gas and fire
Oh shit mate, I didnt know about that. I aint tryin’ ‘t derail Jow Forums genuine question here.
I’ve went and made a greater wood golem that got fucked up by a dragon. Rn im upgrading him to a greater steel golem. I plan to put my gun on there. As well I fucked up the measurement, its not going to be a foot wide, it Is a .75 cal wall gun basically.
>commit the worst warcrimes / loss of life to fire
Exploding white phosphorus rounds.
Look it up.
The wiki page on it is mostly human rights violations of its use in war.
grapeshot. easy.
its pure carnage on personnel
>white phosphorus
>complaining about fantasy.
He wants fire damage (elemental) from arcane (shadow).
I stand by my post, you fucking basement dwelling sperg.
Chain shot on people is a pretty bad time. Or you want something magicicky then maybe enchanted shot the spikes out when it enters the body. Or like corruption rounds or something
>i'm gonna invent gunpowder
ah, the that guy of the group
Fuck off you can have your cosplay and roleplay threads he can have this thread.
>basement dwelling sperg.
This is their kingdom. Don't be mad you get btfo by an autist newguy
Not really that guy when its a non-stat rp server. Dont ask its complicated.
So furfags
That guy for DnD checking in. Making fantasy napalm is fun!
No. Its more like an anarchy dnd like game. Literally anything is possible. So yes in the fact that it can happen, no as in its not what’s actually happening. Lots of stuff to establish factions and all that fun stuff.
So kinda cooperative worldbuliding?
Anything’s possible, so yeah. Many gods both from any possible reality. The only thing that seals it all together is that you’re not allowed to escape. Terrible abominations stride the seas and attack the island. Gods lurk and play tricks on mortals. Very dark and Macabbre and very fun and light at the same time depending on who’s dming you.
If you're going by 3.x, then one-use enchanted rounds that Charm / Dominate enemies when struck so that they fight their allies as stage 1. Leave targets aware of their Charmed / Dominated status so they can still communicate with their former allies, this makes it harder to simply kill Charmed / Dominated targets. Stage 2 if Charm / Dominate dispelled, Finger of Death on struck target, followed by Create Greater Undead 3-5 times on corpse. The first CGU makes a Skinhusk, the second a Skeleton, the third a Muscle Zombie, the 4th making a Necrocarnate Jelly from the organs, & the 5th making an Ectoplasmic Ooze from their soul-stuff. Pretty sure most of these exist in some splatbook or third-party source somewhere.
Why haven't you asked /tg/?