Who thought this was a good idea?
Who thought this was a good idea?
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This shitty thread? I think it was the stupid faggoty OP.
Why dont militaries just give every swinging dick a belt fed?
what exactly is the problem?
Too much K98
How about this
"too much standard infantry rifle"
even besides that, the entire squad functioned as a protector/facilitator of the machine gun
they mostly carried ammo cans anyway
it's decent, but automatic riflemen should have something other than an m16a1. Perhaps some sort of variant with a heavy barrel and bipod.
iirc auto riflemen were given a folding bipod to clamp onto their barrels
The k98 was the standard arm for the German forces. The illustration if anything is wrong, in that there never were enough MP40 for such a setup. There would normally be an SMG issued to just 1 in 20. The rest of the weapons reflect the post-ww1 tactic of a rifle team supporting each GPMG.
>1 mg42 PER SQUAD
>need to carry enough ammo to keep it shooting
>but lets give every soldier heavier semi autos with heavy magazines instead of lighter bolt actions and stripper clips
also squads rarely operate alone so there are always multiple mg’s supporting the same attack. it was a good idea for peer warfare.
>tfw only recently learned the US was the only military to have radios at the platoon level
I'm pretty sure that during operation overlord the germans defenders had 2 mg42 per squad, mounting to 8 (!!) MG42 per platoon (2 MG x 3 squad + 2 organic platoon mg teams)
What, the entrenched forces had ammassed weapons along the area most likely to be attacked by a well known enemy force ready to strike?
It was such a bad idea that the USA did copy it after the war, obviously without the bolt actions. The idea of "fire more bullets faster" with an GPMG as the main factor.
>There would normally be an SMG issued to just 1 in 20
1 in 10 is what I heard
well, SMGs were issued to squad leaders and to officers, yo make it easier for them to do all the leadership stuff without having to carry a (relatively) long-ass rifle
Well, there were one million MP40s made. Total ranks of Wehrmacht: 18 millions. But your number could be as good as mine because there were so many types of units. An aggressive front line unit would probably receive more of them than one guarding Paris. And in addition to the MP40s there were a lot of captured SMGs either being put directly in use at the front or sent home for redistribution to second line or non-front units.
Squad leaders and NCOs. Most actual officers carried the pistol they had been issued or a private purchase.
Kind of surprised now looking at it that grenadiers didn't get something like an old grease gun or M1 carbine.
Would you want to be the one guy in the front line with a weapon with shorter range than anything the enemy was fielding, if you could choose otherwise? Being armed with just a pistol in addition to the single shot launcher must have been piss inducing in a fox hole.
>the entire squad functioned as a protector/facilitator of the machine gun
The guns are still the focal point of modern small unit tactics. The Nazis got that much right.
Not just that, but the standard loadout for the m79 was 40 he grenades plus 2 mags for the 1911.
56 shots to last an entire tic. Good god, could you imagine going black on ammo an hour in to a 12 hour defense?
It wasn't as if it was alien to other forces. The Bren Gun, the B.A.R., the Madsen, the Hotchkiss, the Degtyaryov - all of them were supposed to fill the same role. The MG34/42 was different in being belt fed, making it vastly more effective in suppressive fire.
Fuck boys the m79 is awesome. Why did we ever go away from them? I understand the advantages an underbarrel GL had but its just different.
Unrelated kind of but i had the chance to send a few rounds through a standalone m320 and i really didnt like it as much as a 203 on an m4. Mightve been the red dot on it or just not being familiar with it but i didnt find it as intuitive to use.
Why didn't the grenadier get a rifle instead of a pistol? What was he supposed to do in emergencies?
To make a guess; the M79 weighs 6 pounds and the ammo for it has to be carried by the same guy. Adding a rifle and ammo for the rifle would be a bit excessive. Some apparently did it anyway, but I betya they were liberal with the mortaring as soon as they got a chance.
Could be none, could be hundreds. I'd say your chances of surviving would increase with how non-lethal your task was. Messenger for the HQ, cook, radio man, horse driver - he may have had to serve in the first line at the end but that does not mean he was always there. It's rarely the medal hunters that makes it to the end.
>expecting your machinegunner to dual wield
Standard for French machinegunners too during WW2. I don't know about US B.A.R. carriers during WW2, but they had a pistol as well in the Korean War so probably in WW2 too.
This is what good logistics looks like
I don't like the 320 at all. You're right about it being awkward. Nobody actually attaches that thing to a rifle either, it's too heavy.
It replaced the 203 because the 203's breech puts a hard restriction on the length of the munition loaded. I unironically think we should have just brought back the M79 with a rail on it. M79A1. Give me money.
Yeah, well, that's what happens when you lose a war and get a punitive treaty preventing you from making military rifles. Your enemies go home and spend the 20s and 30s developing and producing M1 Garands, while you get stuck pretending your bolt-action rifle is a carbine, trying to make enough for an army, and hoping nobody notices.
Shit sucks, but you can't issue rifles faster than you can make them.
when you get your shit flanked or caught with your pants down inbetween reloads you want to be able to whip out your luger because your assistant has his rifle down and hes busy helping you reload
I was let down by it really. It looks wicked cool and on paper its great but handling it just left something missing, cant really put my finger on it. Maybe its because of how short it was i couldnt get a good feel for the angle? 203 on a rifle is basically a big protractor.
I couldnt imagine carrying it strapped to a rifle, that sounds miserable.
I dont play with launchers too often so im not really sure how much of a benefit loading longer munitions is to be honest. The 203s been around for a minute and id assume pretty much any useful application of grenades has been adapted to fit inside. What rounds are too long to fit into the 203s breech and how useful are they?
I really didnt like the red dot on it. Setting the range and having it flash if youre not at the right angle is neat in concept but id rather have a more standard leaf sight.
Il agree with bringing back an updated m79, i think it would be fantastic.
What book are the pictures from? Im curious what the squad composition of nations throughout history are and that seems like a good source.
That is meaningless. Your MG is, at least on paper, protected by a whole team of riflemen. The pistol is there for when your MG is out of ammo, out of barrels or broken, or being transported. Not to 'whip out' in the middle of combat.
Looks okay, considering this BEAUTY (pic related) wasn't around yet
That is my point, if I was a grenadier I would have still tried to request a M16 even if I was only carrying like 3-4 mags for it.
That's not how mtoe works my man. If the company is fully manned, every single weapon and piece of company equipment is spoken for. There aren't any extra rifles to go around.
StG 44's are finicky as all hell and really poorly constructed. there was also never enough ammo to go around and spare mags were also tough to come by.
>t. has actually shot an StG 44
Shit must have changed. Friends I have that have been in GWoT as basic infantrymen literally went to their armorer and just requested what they wanted.
>Automatic Rifleman
>gets same rifle as normal rifleman
What, no M60? No BAR?
They lied to you, or their units were severely undermanned. Both are equally likely.
>on paper
>protected by a whole team of riflemen
In reality the riflemen would be with the deputy squad leader flanking the enemy to close distance and throw grenades. The MG was to keep the enemy’s head down and, if used correctly, cause mass causalities in the initial engagement. It’s part of the reason the k98 remained in service. If your primary method of engagement is machine gun fire, flank, throw as many grenades as possible, its not that big of a deal if you have a bolt action. The other guy is likely to be carrying one and two guys in the assaulting element have SMGs and a guy with a semi.
That being said any infantryman who could would get his hands on a sidearm would. There were all sorts of pistols floating around during the war. These include the browning hi power, various revolvers, and numerous commercial semi automatic pistols. Sometimes you get caught with your pants down and having gun is better than not having one.
Seems like too many not k98s and not enough k98s
where is the m60?
The bongs had spring powered RPGs to shoot tanks
In the weapons squad. That's just 1 of 4 squads in the platoon
Who were the retards that had the plan of using captured 9mm as their main ammo for the sub guns and pistols? Also it was convenient on the western front that the bongs and nazis both used 9mm
Nazis got most things right, like those oven roller coasters
belt fed and air cooled. MG42 is only a little heavier than a bren
This is why the russians made all their guns the same caliber
And the pedal powered masturbation machines
Who thought the best infantry squad of WW2 was a good idea?
Anyone with a brain.
why didnt they just give everyone mp40's like the russians gave everyone pps, clearly it worked for the russians
The bongs picked 9mm for their SMGs because they captured huge stockpiles of 9mm from the Italians, in East Africa.
why in the actual fuck would they be issuing BARs (which weigh 15lbs) when they could just take an m16 and way more ammo?
except the usa was the only country with a semi automatic standard issue rifle
also what would be the benefit of using a BAR over a M14
because they had rifles and not smgs
30-06 is a big bullet (granted would make logistics harder, shit was heavy, and BAR mags are shit and make the gun unreliable )
>every gun i dont like is unreliable
this is a good idea
>he doesnt make up the best ww2 squad and platoon compositions in his head while laying in bed at night
You'll be laughing your way to the bank if the enemy has to walk more than a mile but god help you if you're in an APC and turn the corner into a squad of these cunts
>i couldnt get a good feel for the angle?
It's tall rather than the very in-line M203.
I unironically think that if one wants to combine a GL and a rifle together it should end up more like an OICW and contemporaries in layout; launcher on top and rifle underbarrel.
Even R. Lee Ermey says bar mags are shit
>China, since being scarred by Japanese tankettes with no way to counter them, has embarked on the road to give every single ass some form of anti tank weapon because cope
didnt jap tanks use mag fed mg’s? they couldnt have been that devastating against infantry
some form of stripper clips which can be continously fed.
with a trained crew, they are actually quite a bit more effective than belt fed ones since you can theoretically shoot them endlessly.
Why does the decanus get the smallest, blurriest one?
dude in a tank you can fit a 5,000 round ammo box all linked together with backup 500 round ammo boxes. japs are retarded.
right, because mag fed MGs that you can't kill are so fucking harmless.
the doctrines were totally different. most other places used the machine gun to support the riflemen, suppressing enemies in order to allow riflemen to move. the germans were the exact opposite; their riflemen supported the machine gun, and all of their maneuvers were to flush the enemy into its field/s of fire
You ain't seen nothing yet.
Only improvement I can think of would be arming AMG with a 40.
That and lack of Stg44s
53s are so sexy.
Needs Surefure forend and 40 rounders though.
>Implying you cannot link belts?
>spring powered rocket propelled grenade
That may also be a factor. I dont hate the 320, just giving my intial impression after 10 or so rounds.
Why do you think a GL should be on top? I dont think over/under really changes the handling.
For balance reasons. If it stretches the entire top then it won't be front heavy. There would be enough space to have a huge loading gate that could fit any reasonable length of projectile. If the barrel slides forward like a 203 then its got a lot of space to open up big. Placing it on top also makes it clear that the user should focus on using the launcher effectively with the rifle underneath being "merely" a secondary weapon.
Only problem is that such a design probably will be built as one inseparable package. The launcher housing will need to hold any optics on top properly as well.
>rocket propelled grenade
please fuck off with these spam threads
RPG translates to hand-held antitank grenade launcher
>china gets into a war against insurgents
>get ambushed/dabbed on
>insurgents now have unlimited suppy looted shitty chinese rocket launchers
what could go wrong
>give taliban manpads
>they shoot down your helicopters 20 years later but you claim its just rpgs
The German Army.
quintessentially Jow Forumsino
There was a book I read on the eastern front, can't remember which one since I read them all and they blend together.
But the dude was saying they barely had any 7.92x57 left. They made sure the MGs were good and passed out 8mm kurz to use in the k98k for the rifleman since they had a bunch on hand. Probably an isolated case, though.
Not disagreeing about magazines, but,
My buddy owns a full fun stg, we fired about 600 rounds one weekend with only two failures. Failures were from build up of carbon. Also, shooting new production PPU.
Bitch gets hot, though.
>What was he supposed to do in emergencies?
Use his pistol.
The point of the grenadier is to shoot grenades and having second weapon would just reduce the number of grenades that he can carry.
are you literally retarded
google RPG
Who thought this was a good idea?
5 too many nuggets
Look at that soi face, kek
>yuo see comrade glorious mosin fits all needs of mother russia
>is machine gun when in the speedy hands of factory man
>is sniper when in hands of steady russian drunk
>is club in hand of glorious russian caveman
> is needle in hand of seamstress
> is husband to lonely Soviet women
>america gets into war against insurgents
>gets ambushed/dabbed on
>insurgents now have unlimited supply of modern drone control units and coms
nigga are you delusional?
you still have gpmgs in the platoon so you need to provide ammo and shit to each platoon anyway. There is no fucking sense in not having an AR with an actual machine gun in every squad