Frog thread!

Frog thread!

Attached: Iranian frogmen.jpg (750x500, 75K)

Attached: Soviet frogmen.jpg (850x478, 151K)

Attached: Hamas frogmen.jpg (800x514, 43K)

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Attached: Naval Spetsnaz.jpg (1080x667, 232K)

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last one i have

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Attached: SWF operator.jpg (800x1161, 280K)

Attached: P90.jpg (2048x1365, 363K)

Malaysian VAT69

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Attached: 2014-04-05t150156z_15stuqt.jpg (2626x1024, 387K)

Attached: 20SFG_Tauchübung.jpg (4000x2586, 396K)

Attached: Kpt7P3i.jpg (1008x703, 86K)

Attached: 175-iranian-divers-buried-alive-iran-iraq-war-exhumed-returned-1-Tehran-IR-may-28-15.jpg (900x593, 94K)

Whats this?

Attached: Iran_Iraq_War_Arvand_River_pic1.jpg (1000x758, 106K)

define 'frog'.

Attached: pourquoi_appelle_t_on_les_soldats_de_la_guerre_14_18_les_poilus_13925_600.jpg (600x427, 63K)

Attached: RussFrogsterTech.jpg (1200x900, 140K)

Iranian frogman from the Iran-Iraq War (yea some Iranians have lighter coloured hair. even more common are light eyes)

amphibious operations were common in the area where the Gulf meets the Iran-Iraq border, where its super swampy (the Shatt al-Arab waterway). they used speedboats in battle, and I think it was the Iraqis who put live electrical wires in the water...

Attached: 1434694607_farhangnews_131211-373085-1434635761.jpg (600x400, 85K)

Why do I find this hot? some kind of fetish?

Attached: 1565211622094.png (1240x869, 1.08M)

are they a different group from perisans? If so, whats the name

Where do I find MAS grey BDUs like these? Also what firearms would Jow Forums recommend if they're going to be frequently dunked? A lot of these photos have hk roller locks, so there is that...

>inb4 meme over the beach hk416

Attached: lpl1yvig4al21.jpg (1280x855, 191K)

What's the purpose of the netting? I'm sure it blocks their vision quite a bit

You would be surprised how white some Iranians look, compared to other middle East people. Also keep up the pics. Frog men are sick as fuck and I remember seeing them on the covers of magazines back in the day.

How often did they get wrecked


Attached: shit nigga.jpg (532x509, 42K)

It's scrim netting. Helps distort the silhouette of the head and facial features which the human eye is good at identifying

And to look cool. Doesn't matter if you can't see if you look cool

Attached: frogman corps.jpg (720x450, 191K)

Isn't the one human ancestor who passed on blue eye alleles to everyone today actually from the Caucasus?