Why do we only have 1500 of these?

Why do we only have 1500 of these?

Attached: models_of_m1_tank-1.jpg (416x146, 18K)

because military spending is retarded at times

F35 eating army funding.

Because any conflict that requires more than 1500 tanks will be decided by air power.

lmao, this

>the arbitrary number we have now is fine

>the arbitrary number we have now is fine
It literally is. There's zero potential conflicts where the US somehow goes through 1500 tanks.

Virtually overnight, the introduction of the RPG-29 made modern western tanks obsolete and precipitated a rapid freeze on new tank production.

Its 2019 now , tanks are meme, We have fucking guerrillas flying drones

Attached: 3dr-drone-teaser-monkey-600x327.png (600x327, 104K)

Thats enough for 14 panzer divisions if my maths is right

The US Army ranks the RPG-29 threat to armor so high that they refused to allow the newly formed Iraqi army to buy it, fearing that it would fall into insurgent hands

>fearing that it would fall into insurgent hands
Considering how things have been going for Turkish MBTs fighting insurgents, it sounds like those fears are well-founded.

>gorillas flying drones

Also this is the only answer. The only reason tanks are made is that a congressman is guaranteed to lose his reelection if they vote to stop making them.

Apparently they have a ton in storage and a means of getting them ready for combat in short order.

Look at it another way, who else has 1500 modern, decently maintained tanks? Military power is relative, and you can't look at WW2 to figure out where the bar is being set today.

What about five or six conflicts at the same time? What about defending a longer frontline? Fucking lol.

Maybe, becouse in modern conflicts using air force and missiles?

Attached: ConvairB58A10CFHustler592456weaponsload.jpg (2000x1122, 266K)

When have we ever fought 5-6 conflicts at the same time.
Ww2, the largest war we've ever participated, didnt see us do 6 France-tier invasion forces at once. Vietnam and Cambodia and Laos i guess qualifies as 3, but tanks werent a major presence in the latter 2.

>There are people in this thread who still believe that planes accomplish anything of note.
What's it like living in the 90s?

Whats it like living in the 10's

>Defending a frontline
From who? Against what? Literally who are you expecting to fight? Ze Germans?