Piece together a SG550 clone from all swiss parts for $3600

>piece together a SG550 clone from all swiss parts for $3600
>buy a complete matching SG553 pistol (rifle) for $3250 ($3500 by the time you buy a stock)

Wut would Jow Forums do?

Attached: sg-550-pe-90-assault-rifle.png (1195x274, 125K)

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553 is the sexiest gun ever.

Attached: sg-553-assault-rifle.png (1177x410, 167K)

I'd just settle for an American 556 so long as it works properly.

For several thousand dollars you could buy bar stock and pay some bored CNC machinist to mill you an 80% lower and show you how to finish it, then pay him to make you an upper, and buy a finished chromed barrel.

>American 556

Lol those are ahit

Obviously no.

T. Swissfag

Do you like the stgw90 better than the stgw57?

Attached: 4728B129-75BB-4A1B-9696-66EB84FE2333.jpg (3435x828, 543K)

It’s literally just an AK

delet this

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It’s not a bad thing.

where are you finding your parts, particularly the barrel and handguard? i have a 556 thats in the silly configuration of SBR handguard with rifle length barrel. I love the gun, it shoots fantastically, i just want to get it into its proper aesthetic.

Jdi imports san products. They won’t fit on a Sig made rifle as Sig butchered the specs.

I like the look of the 540 more.

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The problem is they are almost impossible to find in the US and normally in a cuck caliber. Last 540 I saw sell was in .243 and sold for $5600

553s are way cooler.

Unless I had a ton of money I wouldn't bother. Given the price difference you could just get a decent AR, .223 AK, or SCAR and still have money for a ton of training which would leave you better off than having a slightly better piece of equipment.

I also don't give money to gouging boomers so no "rare gems" or "collector's pieces" for me. Guns are tools, recognize them as such. You don't need 10+ tools that do the same damn job, and the one that costs more doesn't do the job exponentially better.

Stfu with your AR bullshit bitch. He wants a SG55x and has the money for it so what's the problem ?

Get lost with your dirty S&W MP15 you fucking peasant

I don't like ARs. I wouldn't even waste over $700 on a POS .223 gun, the caliber sucks and is definitely not worth wasting $8k

you came to the wrong neighborhood.

>i have a 556
so you don't have a Swiss gun.

>Unless I had a ton of money I wouldn't bother.
Good thing not everyone is as poor as you.

Attached: GIT GUD.jpg (2160x1838, 1.19M)

God this picture is full of so much tasteless garbage.

God this post is full of so much poverty tears.

You should buy a Phoenix Redback

matching 550s coming in soon (tm). theyre all spoken for though, i guess you can buy one of those for twice the price from an owner

That's pretty funny. Between and your post, I just ordered a B&T APC 308.
Not a Phoenix, but still Swiss, and classified as a pistol.

>matching 550s coming in soon
wtf? I thought Wagner is done importing 550s?

i dont know if its the same guy but there was one group buy back in april or may.

oh THAT one.
Yeah it's the same guy.

Post screencap.

i see. supposedly this is the last matching numbers import hes doing, but this is all second hand info from what ive heard.

out of 10, how jelly?

Attached: APC308.png (1362x1300, 80K)

Really depends on alot of influences. I used to be 100% elmer fud tier boomer in all planes but physical, after some EFT now im a tacticool larper.

Where would the SG 540 come from to the US?

You should consider things buying thing that will appreciate in value, not mass-produced garbage.

I just built a 'near enough' copy from a 551 for about $1300. I got way too many other projects planned to tie up 10% of my annual income in one gun. But for real, just get in on a $3500 JDI group buy for a 'pistol' and put a stock on it

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Sig AK53 time

Attached: AK53.png (1785x537, 722K)

I can’t remember the importer, but apparently it’s under 50 or so here from what I vaguely remember reading when I was looking at bidding on it

Honestly should have gotten either a SCAR 17 or MR762

>t. B&T fanboi

I have a SCAR17 and I'm not a big fan of the STEEL UPPER 2000 LB MR762

>Wut would Jow Forums do?
For $7k, you can put together a pretty decent arsenal with pistols, shotguns, rifles, etc.with ammo and mags, but every once in awhile, a certain firearm just catches your imagination and desire and YOU MUST possess it, no matter what the sacrifice. Artfags might lust after a certain painting, bookfags might be compelled to buy a specific first edition, Gunheads are driven to obtain firearms that scratch that certain itch that only we understand.

I don't do fudd, I don't do antiques, and I don't want the hassle of full auto.

>>buy a complete matching SG553 pistol (rifle) for $3250 ($3500 by the time you buy a stock)
I did this
>>piece together a SG550 clone from all swiss parts for $3600
I wish I did this

>piece together a SG550 clone from all swiss parts for $3600
>I wish I did this
Where would you get the receiver? an old 556?

yes pretty much

>buy a SG553RP and a SG751
>still want a SG550

I dont even know why

It's like you're a little baby


jdi sales them

it's to grow the FAMIRI, DUH.
You get to dab on poorfags HARD.

>out of 10, how jelly?
About a 2.

What does it do different than a SCAR?

Don’t know. I’ll let u know when the apc arrives.

Maybe I'll re-sell you mine when it comes in for $7k,
I kNoW wHuT I gOT, nO LoWbalLeRs.

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I thought I was the only one who stuck an SBAL on a Mark 23 on this board. Too bad I sold the SBAL...


WHen the duck did he announce these? I placed my order for my 553rp back in January with an expected delivery of April and I’ve been keeping up with it and I didn’t see any mention of more 550s coming in.

I should mention my 553rp STILL isn’t here.

What’s a SBAL?

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That's because they were never announced by himself publicly.
It flew under the radar because somebody on r*ddit found out that he could do a custom order for a new 550 import,
and got a bunch of people together (including myself) to compile our names on a list to submit a group buy for the custom order of 550's.
I don't know how this guy caught wind of Dave being able to do this,
but he said he needed a minimum of 20 guys to submit a down-payment on the same day for the custom order (4/29),
and I think it ended up being about ~35 rifles in total that are coming in.
The expected delivery for these 550's is October, so we'll see if that actually ends up being the case,
but I've got a feeling it will be longer than that.

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Fuck I may message Dave and tell him I want dibs on one if somebody falls through.

If anyone would've fallen through, it would have happened back in July when the full payment was due.
I know he ordered about 5 extra rifles, but those were taken about a day or two after the original window to submit payment closed.

Fuck. This is gay, how was NONE of this publicized? That’s a whole matching rifle for less than what I could piece one together for.

well, get a 553 instead.
Or just collect other Swiss goodies. I almost got the whole APC family.

Obviously anything at 3k+ price tag is not for practical use, but solely for a meme.

>I just built a 'near enough' copy from a 551 for about $1300.


you mean solely to dab on poorfags.
That's actually a very practical use.

Post your guns.

SIG550 is one of my dream guns, let's say money isn't an issue how can I legally get one in the US?

you buy one. DUH.
But, typically speaking, people who say "money isn't an issue" always have money issues.



>and pay some bored CNC machinist to mill
I've thought about so many custom parts I want made, and I've worked a bit in CNC'ing, and know it wouldn't be that hard to make it happen. I just don't know a guy and I'm sure it'd still cost me a lot

It's a fancy Swiss product improved AK, nothing wrong with perfecting existing concepts

551A1, sorry

551A1 with swiss furniture, broken top rail and uninstalled 550 sights: $650
Green Mountain barrel blank: $80
barrel nitrided by WMD: $105
stainless for gas piston and tube: $30
grey duracoat: $45
550 handguards JDI: $100
bipod from gunbroker: $95
4 magazines from HKParts: $160
vickers sling: $40

Someone listened too much to Karl from inrange. Guns aren't no fun utilitarian tools, they're whatever you want them to be.

Used to own a legit SG 551 and 552.

Sold them when I got scared of the Liberals sweeping in and changing laws.


At least I got a FAMAE SG 541 now, which is pretty damn nice, and literally made on Swiss/French tooling that was licensed from SIG.

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argentina isn’t white

Neither is America, your point?

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Aint swiss made, aint worth mentioning

Buy the pistol and attach the stock. Closer to foreign import guns will always retain more value; even quality AK builds by big name builders like Two Rivers will always have the stigma of being parts kit builds.

I only use my Stgw57 for 300m target shooting. The Stgw90 is way lighter, has a way better trigger, better ergonomics, better stock sights, etc. No fucking way I would "go to war" with a 57. Only clueless boomers would.

Survey says... JDI


I kind of know one of the guys there, who currently is in France. Through my grapevine, Im hearing that they are trying to setup importations of some french rifle (Ihonestly forget which one) and possibly maybe consider the posibility of having the thought on importing the famas as well... Take the later with a grain of salt, or a lot of grains.

Only a soi zoomer would pick 556 over 762

He didn’t bring in 540s. The 540 was brought in before the 89 ban.

Did you even read the thread? Even the parts OP would be buying are 100% swiss made (including the receiver)

I have a 553 on order and fully intend to shoot the shit out of it

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Buy your own mill. I did, now I can make custom shit to suit my fancy. The stock in pic related was about 2 hours of machine time, 4 axis. Another 30 mins for the aluminum components. Just do it. CNC machining is fun as fuck.

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I would rather pay to not have to have a shit stock like that.

>t.trust fund kiddie.

> ergos fit for my hand
> LOP set to my likings
> adjustable cheek assembly
> comfortable as all fuck

lets see one you've cooked up and made, fag.

I've got 30k saved and I'm actively shopping for one right now, hoping to nab one before the end of the year and save myself a reaming by the IRS for once.

I don’t make anything, I just buy what I want.

sometimes what you want doesnt exist for a rifle you have, hence you're left with dick in hand as you lack the capability to design and fabricate.

I'm in the same boat bro. Looking at a new cnc lathe in the near future. Good luck on your mill, my advice: dont cheap out on tooling, tool holders, and indicators!

American education, everyone

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Only a weak faggot would pick a 7.62 over a 20mm.

Attached: 20mm chad.jpg (2143x1282, 240K)

It is Argentine

Would go for a sig, I just live 20 km near where they produce them in Schaffhausen but I don't have a hunter license.

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Mines fine, I think people had issues with the 7.62x39 ones. I've only put around 1200 rounds through if personally with no issues, so take that as you may.

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