What are some complementary skillsets one should work on to prepare for SHTF senarios?

What are some complementary skillsets one should work on to prepare for SHTF senarios?

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Bushcraft, navigation using the sun and stars, stone masonry.
Train in endurance and keeping your mind straight when hungry/tired from lack of sleep.
Work on keeping your emotions in check at all times, keeping your mind together.
Endurance running with gear over long distances.
Black smithing, basics of construction / structure building, how to mix common materials to make concretes and mortars (not the 80mm kind, the grey paste kind)
Basics of farming and general botany
Philosophy and having a strong moral compass. Empathy.
Child rearing. Combat skills hand to hand, melee weapons and guns / bow weapons.
Communication for group hunting and interpersonal relations.

All are connected because all are what it is to be a man.

not being a coom obsessed stupid cumbrain

No experience whatsoever.


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Hoarding milsurp shit and making self replicating, self repairing machines. Youre gonna need them when you get old and decrepit anyways

sucking dick

hiding for long periods of time

HAM radio
Boxing/Catch Wrestling
Minimalist camping
Wilderness first-aid
Wrenching on cars/tractors/motorcycles etc
Wood working/carpentry
>tfw these are my hobbies. I’m also a builder by trade and can build a house from clearing and grading the land to sinking a well and digging septic system, to running underground utilities to pouring concrete foundations to framing to roofing to sheathing to trimming out all the way to painting it and hanging curtains and landscaping it, wiring in a generator or installing a solar system.

Anything else to say shitstain?

realizing that "SHTF" will never happen in your lifetime and that the greatest risks are natural disasters and your own stupidity/irresponsibility. with that said,

food/water reserves
how to fix/repair shit

I’ll add that everyone should read and practice picrelated

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Legit do some fasting. Getting used to how your mind and body handle privation is something you should familiarize yourself.

that woman is not properly attired for mechanic work.

positive mental attitude

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is SHTF not a broad category including natural disaster?

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Yes and it happens all the time.

based and whitepilled

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Not being autistic so you can get along with other people and form communities.

90% of you fail at this and will never succeed, either in real life or in SHTF fantasies.

>The Habbening
>The Big Igloo

Carington event scale CMEs have a 10-12% chance of happening per decade. If you plan to live another 25-30 years then those are some scary high odds.

>90% of you fail
Joke is on you niggs, I can't maths

Wrong, knowing how to rape will be a very useful skill.

>"FED" on the plate

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Samurai combat
Katana maintenance
Trench coat repair
Cartoon history

retards know how to rape. it's not a skill.

*Big Luau

We aren’t going back to the Stone Age. It’s just that you’re not going to have society the way it is now. You won’t have the government protecting you the way you want, and the government attention you do get, you sure as shit won’t want.

fuck off. hawaiins are low energy diabetics, eskimos are carniverous frost trolls.
igloo stays.

this. so. much

I'll add that you should get fucked, faggot

False, prostitution is a useful skill.

Retards know how to rape vulnerable alone women. In SHTF women will be well protected and guarded and you will need to learn to stalk and attack silently.
Why pay for what you can take?

if you aren't good at what you do how valuable are you?

Based and well rounded pilled. People always forget it's so much more than gear and shooting.

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Rape always feels good.

Realistic pilled


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The most useful thing you can have is a set of skills that makes you valuable to a community, not just running, shooting, or being able to fix a car. Medical skills, gardening, and fabrication skills in particular.

You have to be 18 or older to use this site.

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sure, why not. just remember that blowing your paychecks on guns and ammo does absolutely nothing to help you get through a hurricane or snow storm.

installing solar panels
knowing how plumbing and water works making sure it isn't contaminated

I'm already gay but thanks

Gays have it even harder as men are stronger and will fight back more.

You aren't the only Jow Forumsomando out there who is uber skilled at all of this and much more. Good base though.
Chemistry + applied.
Tracking /stalking.
Covert ops.
LEADERSHIP. and teaching.
All these skills are great but cannot be used effectively if one man has to do them he is vulnerable and will be a target.

I am glad there are some true survivors left.

Should add some basic first aid/medical knowledge as well. While most appears as common sense, you would be astounded to find what kind of idiocracy I come across day to day as an EMT

This is so autistic it hurts

This. It will be uncomfortable, but aside from Switch-clutching bugmen and invalids, humans are pretty adaptable to harsh circumstances. It's not like you have to have mastered everything there is to know beforehand, you can figure it out
(which is not to say you shouldn't practice it, mind you).
Playing Batman in the Boondocks will just get you killed.

Is that really a skill you have to learn?
Insert tab A into slot B.

Dressing and dancing like a girl so you can sell your boy-pussy to the emerging warrior class for food.

>endurance running with gear
this says a lot about hwo retarded these shtf people are
i think shtf prepping is a fine hobby and interest, but I don't think I've ever talked to anyone who claims to do that that is actually doing that, and instead are using "shtf" as a justification to do all sorts of stupid shit.

this is more reasonable

You need to be able to carry your survival gear, get clean water, and ultimately farm food. No one is going to bother carrying ammo cans and plates after 30 miles and those who do will likely fall behind the pack they end up with. It's retarded.
Being able to work with other people and LEARN NEW SKILLS is incredibly important. If you can learn, work well with others, and teach people how to get by, then you're good.

Most people can't teach for shit. Most people can't learn for shit because they stop doing it after HS except for exactly what they need to learn to do their job, and most people can't work well with complete strangers which will be even harder in such a shitty environment.
People are best in groups and no solo survivor will be better off than others who work together.

tl;dr most "shtf" preppers are fucking idiots who won't last long if they don't abandon half their gear and learn how to work well with others.

Small engine repair.
First Aid.
Basic Chemistry.
An Encyclopedia Britannica before they cucked out (I've got a complete 1960)
How to read vernier calipers. (precise and robust)

how useful would a career in medicine be in SHTF? From what I've seen in hospitals, nurses and allied health do more work with actual physical assessments and administering treatments, while doctors rely on the data those people provide. I think best of all would be a paramedic.
>t. currently torn between applying for med school, or going for NP.

botany, or at least knowing what plants will kill you if you eat them
leadership/task management
time management
land navigation
horse punching
getting your penis out of a mousetrap
knowledge of ham and other porks
DJ skills (pref. fresh)

I'd hire you as an ad hoc medic.

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doctors learn a lot more than just their specialty. their schooling is extensive because they know what parademics and nurses know and then some...
There's just no reason for them to do that work because it's so basic, and instead they focus on doses and treatments, which require planning and a lot of responsibility.

A doctor would likely do alright just by merit of being useful.

the best doctor is podiatrist coz ladies show you their nude feeties all day and you get paid for it

Not enough hours in the day to learn and practice all of those.
Not trying to make excuses, but there's a reason we specialize and divide the labor.

Enjoy your diabetic ulcers and fungus.

Intelligence (s2 type)
medical skill beyond 1st aid
community organization/leadership (yes, these are skills that can - and should - learned)

Physical Fitness. Also diet control and restriction.
>Endurance running with gear over long distances.
Disagree completely. Sprinting for a mile or walking/hiking. Endurance jogging, with gear? While SHTF? Fucking your knees and back up without medical help?

No. Fuck no. The modern Western armies are plain wrong, and mostly function as they do because they are perfectly fine if used up soldiers who get disgruntled are also semi-disabled and basically helpless.

Participate and build up your community ties. That's goal number one.

>You won’t have the government protecting
The Government protects me?

Pick up that can.

First aid/trauma care

What about a pig luau?

That user is talking about being a man and said endurance running w/ gear.
He's retarded and doesn't practice what he preaches so is safely ignored.

I’m studying mechanical engineering, is that at all helpful?


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the ability to bodge and nibba rig like an abbo

Butchering skills v very important. Go hog hunting and skin the fuckers, clean em, roast em over a fire.

Kitchen bitch
Butt Slut
Cock whore

spotted the filthy arab