>be patrolling around my squad's encampment
>our Sgt. heard there were Legion scouts out this way a day ago
>we come across a mountain
>Sgt. decides it would be good cover, and also a vantage point
>we get all the way up there, we all take a rest for a minute to scan the Mojave
>see a couple Legionnaires in the distance, following us
>Sgt. rallies us and charges towards the Legionnaires
>we begin firing on them, and them on us
>in the distance I hear it
>it's just a faint whisper at first
>"...Didnt talk to folks around him, Didn't have to much to say..."
>I look over at Jones
>he has a confused look on his face
>I can see a look of visible discomfort in the Legionnaires' eyes
>the fighting is still raging
>we manage to wound one, he retreats to a rock behind them
>the music is growing louder now
>"Big Iron, Big Iron, the stranger there among them had a big iron on his hip"
>the Legionnaires are visibly freaking out
>they band together for one last charge, and charge us
>then I see him
>a lone wanderer with a .44 revolver, cape flowing in the wind
>he has a gas mask on, and NCR Recon armor on
>shook at this point, I don't know of any scouts out this way
>he walks right up to the Legionnaires as they begin to fire at him
>he walks right into our line of fire, without even a care
>then it happens
>time seems to stop
Be patrolling around my squad's encampment
>I'm stuck there, a weird feeling envelops me
>it's gone in an instant
>the stranger turns towards the Legionnaires
>they are stuck in place as well
>I can see out of my peripherals that Jones and the Sgt. are stuck in place, too
>I begin to get nervous, unsure of what's happening or is going to happen
>I can hear the music still playing
>then he does it
>the mad man
>I hear clicking
>then time seems to start, but very slowly continues
>one at a time, the stranger fires his gun in regular time, at the Legionnaires
>and one by one, their head's explode
>time resume back to normal
>am physically discomforted
>threat is neutralized, so we go back to patrolling
>am confused as to why we just decided to go back to patrolling instead of questioning this random guy
>hear my Sgt. Say "Patrolling the Mojave almost makes you wish for a Nuclear Winter!"
FONV has always been a Jow Forums thing, stop shaming us into going to other boards and ruining our board culture
I'm turning 21 soon and want a big iron without breaking the bank
What should I get?
Deagle brand Deagle in 50ae
From what I'veheard, it's pretty good, and at less than $400, you can't really beat it.
Grow up and stop playing video games you unwashed manchild
The big iron was actually a 357
Pretty affordable if you ask me
Such a good game. Too bad installing mods is a such pain in the ass, while without mods NV is badly aged.
Nevermind it was a 45 colt which is still affordable
It's a good thing you have a tripcode otherwise I wouldn't have been able to tell who you are
I play stock new vegas no problem
Some people even shoot stock guns without problems.
No u
Marty’s big iron was a 44/40 colt with the octagonal barrel of a Winchester 73. It was bought from a gun store in Tennessee
>Not shooting the NCR too
Shit courier. No gods, no masters.
Some people even shoot non-stocked guns without a problem
Source for this claim? Wikipedia says otherwise.
God, now I just want to go through as a bandit and kill everyone. I should install a modern weapons mod and go kill everyone.
Correction, it was a 45 with a marlin barrel my bad.
>Too bad installing mods is a such pain in the ass
How is it difficult? lmao
>NCR first response to legion scouts is to charge at them
this is stupid and proof this story is made up.
>projecting this hard
That's not how VATS works. It's just a targeting system, not fucking za warudo.
You are awful.