Seeing all the weird prototype the Germans came up with at the end of the World War II do you ever wonder how would their weapons and equipment look like today if they didn't lose the war and still exist?
Seeing all the weird prototype the Germans came up with at the end of the World War II do you ever wonder how would...
Look at Wolfenstein.
I want one really badly bros
Form follows function, I don't imagine them looking much different, even if the krauts autistically over-engineer them.
I don't think there'd be much difference to our timeline, maybe a few ideas would be implemented here and a few others there.
Germany didn't make more or weirder prototypes than the allies, they just deployed them operationally more often/quicker. Contrast mays with the likes of the t95 both were made but one had the good idea to disappear in the field for decades.
They probably never bother with the G3 in .308. That's about it really.
What could've been...
Looks kinda dumb desu
Nothing would change because there would be world peace.
t. Jow Forums
Not really, most of their equipment wasn't really as advanced as what the western allies were fielding. The idea that they were significantly ahead of the US and UK is basically founded on anxieties of soldiers returning home who remembered all the rumors about panthers and jet fighters and how scary they were. Wow, they had a jet fighter "in service" in April of '44 that wasn't even acceptable for combat until August. The fucking Gloster meteor was in service that July. The only things they had any decent lead in were pressure hulls, hydrophones, infantry AT, and rockets and those were pretty fucking useless.
They looked like atomic weapons, courtesy of A Einstein, J Robert Oppenheimer, and Schrodinger.
They were the best of the German Resistance.
And that is the Iron Cross. It belonged to the Knights Teuton as the sacred symbol of their order.
You would be wise not to confuse Preux Deutsche Soldaten with facists.
Einstein was Preux Deutsch Soldat.
The fact that they were losing made them create all those wonderwaffles. If they were not losing, they would not have needed to resort to unproven tech.
We would have got some interesting continuation of the stg, instead of the g3 we see now but still similar, also some really cool camo patterns that they were messing with toward the end but implemented on more modern gear.
It might be very similar to the militaries of today. Regardless Germany winning WW2 was an impossibility
>delay Poland invasion until Russia does it first
>fight Russia alone, Russia collapses
>Japan continues manchurian and chinese expansion
>pearl harbor by Niponese Pan-Asia with Nazi Prussia
yeah man, shame they had to sperg out and invade all those neutral countries
weaponized autism
>if the germans didn't lose the war
they'd look like alien weapons because the only thing that would've helped them are chryssalids and snakemen
A luger with a bunch of shit hanging off the front? Cringe desu.
Look at modern Germany, that. Their designs didn't dissapear after ww2, they were made into new and better stuff that developed into modern firearms.
spotted the actual kike
nice hebrew faggot
he's right, if the natsocs won the war there wouldnt be any more wars, just shitty insurgents that would easily be defeated, no 9/11, no nuclear arms race or cold war
>implying the germans wanted to take over the entire world
ok bud.
they didnt but they should have! if they did we ALL would have gun rights, not just muttland