>Now son I know this is a private sale and I am not an FFL but it is illegal for me to sell you this 80 year old obscure pistol because you are 20 you gotta be 21, even in private sales, yep
>oh you looked up the laws on your little device? Well I don’t trust that thing so it’s still no deal
*crack siiiiiip*
Other urls found in this thread:
>boomer equivalent of virtue signaling
>probably bragged about it later at the VFW
What a stupid thread.
they are always a misinformed and nervous bunch. part of the reason they are so misinformed is because they don't know how to look shit up and have to get their information from a never ending line of people. technology left them behind and now they scrounge for information in a wasteland.
>because they don't know how to look shit up and have to get their information from a never ending line of people
big truth
Fuck off old man
>part of the reason they are so misinformed is because they don't know how to look shit up and have to get their information from a never ending line of people
You're the retard that confuses the 30yr old boomer meme with actual boomers.
>things nobody ever said, ever.
I fucking hate Trump so much.
>tfw 18 yo
>tfw have to trust your life on the c&b wheelgats
Last gun show I went to some old boomer had a mak he was trying to sell for $1000. some people.
Nobody cares your from faggot ass Kansas, lose the trip
I don't think that's Trump's fault, dumb zoomer.
It's called hyperbole you moron. And the part about shouldering an AR pistol? Yeah, I've witnessed first hand retarded fudds claim it becomes an illegal SBR instantly despite being shown otherwise.
Shut the fuck up coastal tard
Which is why so many had to write letters to the dog killer agency, retard.
Ok old man
Literally just buy off armslist a pistol. You may get denied a couple times but more often than not the sellers know the law and will sell to you
Don’t tell people who they have to sell their property to, you fucking statist bootlicker.
>l-leave t-trump alone!
>things nobody ever said, ever.
The Gun Control Act of 1968, which set the handgun buying age at 21, passed when Donald Trump was a 22 year old senior in college.
Please tell me how he’s responsible for that.
Okay, who gives a shit? So he doesn’t like your AR pistol. What do you care?
This fucking teenager thinks he deserves a trip!?
Of course! I grew up realising how special I am.
Are you fucking dumb? I'm honestly trying to understand what the fuck point you're even trying to make.
Let's break down your fucking dumb post
>Okay, who gives a shit?
You do apparently based on you posting
>So he doesn’t like your AR pistol
Fudds call cops and hassle people
>What do you care?
Fudds should be smothered with a pillow like you.
The entire fucking point of that post, that you seem to be too much of an invalid to understand, is it was an example of retarded fuddlore propagating among uniformed and willfully ignorant range boomers. COPE harder little nigger and get that autism diagnoses.
>Fudds call cops and hassle people
Show me all the documented cases of a fudd ever calling the cops on someone for having an AR pistol.
No, I'm not going to play that game because it's irrelevant to your lack of reading comprehension and so tangential to the original post that you should have honestly have been aborted.
So you don’t have any. Because there aren’t any.
Post guns underage noguns
kys you fucking 18 yr old know fuck all faggot.
Completely irrelevant and impossible to produce in a timely manner for this thread. Tell me, at what point did you honestly think a boomer threatening to shoot someone for shouldering an AR pistol was a verbatim recount of a situation?
Day of the pillow soon, boomer
>user I need you to scour all police databases and news sites in the US and give me a report of a 50+ year old man calling the police on a person at a range for an illegal short barrelled rifle being created because the person shouldered it like a stock
I’m not sure if your problem - the guy doesn’t want to risk any trouble by buying a firearm from you if he doesn’t know the law. You should have just offered to go to an FFL to do the transfer then, and he could pay the FFL fee and everyone is happy. You were probably acting like a sperg and he got freaked out
You don't have the strength you little bitch.
I've literally had a fat Lafourche Parish sheriff's deputy that ran the police range threaten me with arrest and tell me to leave because I shouldered a Sig brace. Eat shit retard.
Millennials are the absolute worst sellers when it comes to private sales. Literally every single time I've ever tried to do a sale with a millennial it turned to shit because of their retarded demands. One time I had a deal all lined up for a private sale. We agreed that I give the cash and he would give the gun in the parking lot. Drove three hours, when I got there and met him he was just an annoying millennial faggot. Started going on about how "in this day and age he couldn't trust anyone", then he told me he wouldn't sell unless I went to an FFL and passed a background check. I just wanted to beat the shit out of him for wasting my day but I just calmly got in my car and drove back home. Entire day wasted on nothing. I have multiple stories of millennials doing shit like that to me. Now when I try to set up a private sale I ask for their age, if they're under 40 I just cut off all contact and stop responding.
Boomers are annoying faggots too but at least I can occasionally make a deal with one of them.
>under 40
I hate you people.
This thread is literally how zoomers deal with very irrelevant and small speed bumps and face-to-face situations in life, as opposed to actually speaking and being a part of what is going on
Shut up boomer
Proving my point
Stupid AND filled with angry children whining. It’s kind of fun actually.
I mean zoomers can be complete sperglord faggots, I get it, but have you ever considered that maybe you might come off as a totally untrustable dirty white trash fuckwad that nobody wants to sell a gun to? I mean really just consider what I'm saying. Be reasonable here. I know that some millenials are fuckwads but it goes both ways dude. Like do you show up with a farmer's tan, meth binge attitude, cig hanging from your lip, snap at the first notice of anything inconvenient, in a car that's maybe 15+ years old? I wouldn't want to sell a gun to you either.
>ITT underageb&s that dont understand that polymer80 exists
Its actually better than a glock, and cheaper too if you know how to google. Give me ONE good reason why you havent built one yet
You DO know how to use sandpaper and xacto knives, right user?
how much effort goes into that? like is the poly80 have the mag insert carved out? or is it literally just a block of plastic in the rough shape of a lower?
saving a couple hundred bucks doesn't seem to be worth all that work
Because that's not the Luger I was trying to buy
>actually better
No it isn't.
Show me a complete build for under $350.
There are 4 plastic ridges on the top that you need to cut off with a sharp knife, and two plastic inserts, both less than 1mm on the inside you need to remove. Then you just need to drill two holes for the FCG and front rails and then one for the back rails. Then you just punch in the parts. The frame takes about 30 mins to complete if you are a retard. You can buy completed slides, but you are going to save money by purchasing the parts and building yourself. That can take 40 mins and the only tool required is a site pusher if your slide doesn't come with them pushed on already.
>No it isn't.
better grip angle, good stippling from the factory, magwel is more flared without looking attrocios. Plus you can pick your own parts from the starting point so you don't have to swap anything after the fact.
>Show me a complete build for under $350.
Mine was $380, and is brand new parts that I actually wanted instead of some thrashed police turnin.
kill yourself tripfag seriously
>better grip angle
Different =/= better.
>good stippling
No such thing.
>magwel is more flared
Tactiqueer tryhard junk that doesn't matter.
>Plus you can pick your own parts
Not an advantage.
>Mine was $380
Lol why you lyin'?
I mean hey if you want a cheap imitation that destroys your ability to use half of the gun's aftermarket, one of its main selling points, by all means.
I hate you and your stupid tripfagging ass.
>I'm 18 and need validation
Maybe redd.it is more your speed
I’ve been thinking about doing one but I don’t want to go out and buy a bunch of bullshit like I did for ak building. Do I need a Dremel? What do you use to cut down the tabs and the block?
>Different =/= better.
Unless you got alien wrists and tiny bitch hands the thicker and more vertical grip is going to be more comfortable. That is a fact. Go back to your P08 boomer.
>No such thing.
*gun slips* *shoots eratically due to inconsistant grip*
You can also sand it off if you don't want it you stupid nigger
>Tactiqueer tryhard junk that doesn't matter.
>*pssht.. siiiip* *the M14... buurp... now that was an efficient mag change*
You only need a sharp knife to chop off the blocks and the middle filler, some heavy grit sand paper to get it to spec, and some fine grit sandpaper to finish it smooth. A hand drill for the holes, hammer and a small metal dowel or punch to seat the pins. If you don't already own those things then you should probably go back to your MegaBloks(tm).
“a sharp knife” sounds like bullshit, dangerous and a bad way of doing it.
It is the easiest and fastest way to do it. The sanding bit on the dremel will melt the plastic at high speeds and on low speeds it just takes forever. It is also hart to get precise movements so either way you need to clean it up with sandpaper. It's perfectly safe as long as you aren't a 70 IQ Nigerian. I did mine with xactos but my roommate use his KABAR and still has all his fingers.
Never met a vet that cared about gun laws. Your misguided hatred is a divide and conquer strategy shlomo.
>they don't know how to look shit up
Because they've never had to. They live and breath in a world of constant lies and bullshit.
Its not really cheaper, unless you want to scour the internet for deals. Mine was 500+ for a g34 build. I agree, the grip angle feels better, and the gun is pretty nice. It's an easy as hell build. If you can clean a gun, you can build it.
Fuck that. But a 180$ fully auto blank gun and just drill out the barrel.
It's 9mm blanks are just the size of a .380 ACP flat nose and because the gun has no governor it will discharge all its bullets in 1.1 seconds.
Smooth bore, perfect for killing and disposable: total build cost 200-220$ with shipping.
Use to kill kike who wronged you in minecraft then throw away.
there's literally a vet in my university politics class, an actual 30 year old boomer, who says he'd gladly give up his AR15 if they made them illegal and he hopes they do
He also told the class the AR15 is the same gun as his m16 he carried in afghanistan.
unsurprisingly he was security forces...
Holy shit kid, you are embarrassing yourself.
Look up logical fallacies or turn off your trip.
Also remember to buy components with disposable card, and order at secure drop.
Not him and this is completely unrelated, but here's how to disguise a bomb for use vs Jew children in Minecraft
>when you where born in 1988.
Go read any comments about braces not on this website and they'll be littered with people talking about how it becomes illegal because of this or that or this letter or that reason.
I don't have a single drop of respect for US laws, but I don't want to illegally posses a weapon.
LOL no flaming retard
What's wrong with you? I like Jow Forums more than r*ddit
Guns are meh
>Live in Constitutional Carry state
>trying to buy a single action .22 revolver
She would have sensed that he at one point had a beard and been like "the Steve Rodgers I knew died a long time ago."
das rite fellow zoomzoom, we gotta vote for Warren and Yang, the real pro-gun candidates
*eats tide pod*
Unironically this. By electing anti-gun candidates we are electing the Bog. And during the Bog I finally will be able to realise my incel fantasies.
Not an argument.
I don't think your following it wouldn't be legal if they did go to an ffl it's literally only legal through private sales.
I mean I did but it just doesn't work
Uhh it pretty much is just without the giggle switch.
Fuck off boomer.
Sounds like you are either retarded or you forgot to sand the trigger bar.
Inside looks just like the one posted further up.
you're supposed to sand the firing pin hammer dumbass
>OP clearly says 20
>Hurr go to an FFL
Fuck off retard