State thread

Posts states and talk about states and organize meets.
SC the best Carolina reporting in.

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like the state of intoxication?

Did you seriously include Scar in a representation of our great state?


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FN is in Columbia

why did you pinch it off? my dear,

Hey. I'm moving to South Carolina in a week from Pennsylvania. I vote pro-gun, always and forever. I am a huge advocate of the outdoors and I love the purest and simplest things in life like fishing responsibly and gardening and hunting etc. Will I be hated? Everyone always acts like if you move from the Northeast then you're just some ignorant invader. I can promise I'm not. I want to be a South Carolina resident by choice. Can we be bros and go shoot pigs and shuck oysters sometime?

Just spent a week in Charleston.

So... is there some kind of state law in South Carolina requiring all males over the age of 16 to dress in cargo shorts, a polo shirt, and loafers? Because literally every guy I saw there was wearing that.

You will be tolerated but you are a Yankee and will always be a Yankee

That is a traditional state attire for men how dare you insult our culture REEEEEEEEEEEE

Also test join the server and we will fill with the knowledge of our people and why South Carolina is the best Carolina

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Cargo shorts are year round here and it's based as hell
No there are loads of Yankees here especially on the coast.


No one except illiterate retards cares where you're from, user. Half the people around here aren't from here. Myself included.

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An Arkansas meet or an Ozark tristate meet, either way I want to show off my guns and shoot some shit.

>Laxest gun laws
More so than Alaska?

>Best Carolina
Not a massive achievement

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We definitely have the best pizza.
And either a really good judicial system, or really shitty goveners. What's the count at now, 4 in jail?

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anyone got the Ohio one?

I was reading about the Metra on wikipedia earlier, I was wholly unsurprised there was an entire section dedicated to corruption.

Better than a snowy FOID state

>We definitely have the best pizza.
nigger what?
Every time I have to eat that disgusting cheese slop I want to vomit. I fucking hate trying to distract out of staties from getting it. But no, they always want the disgusting lasagna shit. No matter how much other shit there is to see, eat, and do, they always go back to "MUH DEEP DISH!"

fucking trash

Ey, fuck you!

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Step out of the way you fly over peasants.

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This is now a Florida man thread

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It's round lasagna.

Snow is based and what the hell is a FOID?

Get Domingo, Hungry Howie's, and little c's out of that picture you fucking heathen. They ain't MI pizza. And HH is fucking disgusting. Jet's is based as fuck tho

I kind of want to hate Florida because of all the BS (Disney, fags, Cubans...)
But as a Michigander I respect another state that gets more "Southern" as you go North.
Fuck mosquitos.

I didn't make it brother, but I have been meaning to update and improve it, there is a disturbing lack of Meijer's and L3 CPS
Caesar's is based due to sports funding, agreed on HH though.
>Cottage Inn masterrace

Why does Michigan have so many pizza companies?

>Springfield Armory
>Tree nigger
>Worst pizza
>Guy thay freed black niggers
>Worst food product

I can't tell if this is in support of, or a critique.

Whenever an Illinoisian talks about this state, it's depreciation.

kinda want to visit just because i used to watch longmire on repeat when i studied. that show had surprising layers

What's the general opinion of Alaska?

Central Oregon anyone? Bend area here.

Jackson is fucking dogshit. I've gone there way too many times and have never enjoyed it.

Bend? More like Bend Over, Faggot.
>fuck Oregon

Yeah it's getting too yuppie and expensive here, looking to move soon.

It's unfortunate. I stayed in Bend for a few weeks maybe sevenish years ago a few times because my brother lived there for the skiing (although unlike most of his weed-smoking cohorts he was hardcore conservative and pro-gun) and the older people that I ran into were pretty chill. Met one guy in a gun shop that was pretty cool but you could tell he knew his rights were going to evaporate and he was too defeated to do anything about it. It is a beautiful area. But my bigger problem with Oregon is that everyone drives so god damn slow it's infuriating. I don't know what it is but both in and out of Oregon people with Oregon plates routinely drive below the speed limit.

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its almost pre-winter boys

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Everything south of saginaw is an uninhabitable nigger hellscape. Prove me wrong
>protip: You can't

Deep dish isnt real chicago pizza
That's for the tourists.

You seem to be missing the updated one fellow Michigander

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That is literally the Charleston outfit they are the stuck up yuppies of SC leave that city and all that disappears immediately


I don't know if anyone gives a fuck if it's authentic or not. Deep dish is delicious. Imagine restricting yourself from enjoying delicious things because of some arbitrary notion of authenticity.

Nigger did I say I didnt eat it? Did I say I didn't like it?
All I said was that it's not chicago pizza like everyone seems to claim. That's just what the tourists think and no one bothers to correct them because fuck em.

You said it's just for tourists. If it's just for tourists, it's not for natives.


Personally I wouldn't go past Traverse City, but I like a nice big gap in between (((them))) and me.

We did nullify (albeit only symbolic) all fed nfa laws

You're fine, just don't hate on boiled peanuts or shrimp and grits when you get here.

Goddamn, I love being minnesotan

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whenever i think of SC the first thing that comes to mind are those big signs along I-95 that say


i fucking spit my coffee out lol

can i come hang?

Are there ANY k/ommandos in Rhode Island? Kinda feelin like the last Jew in Germany over here..

Based lowcountry pastors

407 reporting in. Two car accidents in the same place within 30 days of eachother. Get me out of this hell hole.

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PSA: If you have a discord and this name isn't in your ban list, you're doing it wrong.

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Oh that name most certainly is.

Why is he banned


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>Hey cocksucker do you have AIDS?

Why yeas how did you know?

Is SC filled with nigs? are they as violent/criminality prone as nogs in the north?


Nah don't listen to propaganda

if you shoot full auto, will neighbors/niggers call the cops? Will the cops harass you?

>actually did all the shit that texas boasts about
This unironically sums it up pretty well. I've lived here for a few years and the history is fucking amazing. Too bad they're passing pozzed gun laws and doomed by demographics. I wouldn't want to raise kids here but it would be a utopia if you removed everyone with an IQ under 100.

Sc hasn't really had any proposed gun control every year or someone brings up constitutional carry but that is about it plus we only have 2 true blue districts which is Columbia and Charleston

Also join the server.

sup, ohio fags?

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stay in ohio you methhead

This is me

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tl;dr, you could to to a San Francisco rave and not be able to find a faggot that glows as bright as him.

Based and redpilled, sorry I’m late boys

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everyone here is fat.

I like it up north tho. Nice and comfy.

I need to find a server that isnt state specific not filled with retarded noguns and isnt strictly meetup focused vs talking about guns

>fuck CO
Fuck you too flatcuck

Have you tried the kommando blog?
there is a link through the website

No, I haven't. I was in the nuggetfest one and left after like 3 weeks because it was a literal trip circle jerk.

Lmao good luck. Everyone here is a faggot. And the ones that aren't are hard to find. If you're here, just hang out and enjoy the ride. Attempting to befriend anyone here is a horrible horrible idea.

I have meet up we a few local guys and still talk to them and shoot regularly but I'm to busy with schooling to get time for the meetups. Plus I will be moving after school so it's not worth getting involved with a group only to leave in a year.

The land of heroin overdoses, reporting for duty!

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Willingly socializing with people from a board that is well known to be monitored by the feds sounds like a big oof to me.

How long do you rekon before NH is overtaken by Karens from MA, and hell even from Maine?
I give it 2, maybe 3 years max.

It's pretty normal shit. We literally just shoot at a local range or do threegun comps or generally go innawoods and camp.

It's pretty normie level shit. Of it is an agent this is the most deep cover agents to document a college student who camps, shoots guns when he can and it poor for the last 2 years.

Hey man, every single state with white people in it has massive amounts.of heroin overdoses. Yall dont have a monopoly on that.

> t. Virginian