Hey Jow Forums, ever been shot? Post pics. Pic is my leg. Exit wound from 12 guage.
Hey Jow Forums, ever been shot? Post pics. Pic is my leg. Exit wound from 12 guage
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This thread is going to devolve into a Lethal Weapon scene, isn't it?
Entry on other side of leg.
Who the fuck shot at you with a 12 gauge?
You shot yourself, didn't you?
only once
>>my training took over and I called my mom.
from the angle of the exit I'd say yeah
knew a guy who shot himself in the foot in basic training in the army
no wonder you shot yourself
Too stupid to focus a camera, too stupid to safely use a firearm
The weapon fell over (Semi-Auto Remington) and hit a a space heater, going off. Nearly point blank.
Look at my other reply.
I've been close to getting shot, by you autists, but never have been. Sorry, here's some KSG hands.
Story in the replies of the post below you.
This is why I won't load my 12 gauge at home. No doubt it is a better HD weapon than my USP but I feel like the chance of it falling over and NDing is way too big a risk to assume.
what does ksg mean
He's talking about a KelTec KSG shotgun. Go to bed, user.
I assume he's talking about the Kel-Yec bullpup shotgun but I am unaware of any instances where people have blasted their hands with a KSG
realistically what are the chances of saving that thing
Not much
Go back to your ship you space-gypsy quarian
that's better than I imagined
Well there was a guy who blasted his head with a KSG
I had shotgun pellets in my back for a few weeks till I could get them out. A few years later RN GF is giving me back rub, realized I still had one inside. She lanced it and popped it out.
I burned the fuck out of my foot when a .22 case got lodged in my boot. Seared it like a steak, there's still a T shaped red mark there.
My friend got shot in the hip in a mass shooting. He doesn't go shooting anymore. It sucks.
>not going shooting more just in case it happens again and always being armed everywhere you go
NEVER relax
IIRC the dude installed a VFG that broke off during pumping and his hand went in front of the barrel. Not a problem if that happens on a traditional pump but a bullpup leaves no room for that.
What can I say? I expect it triggers him hard. Getting shot is traumatic. He almost died multiple times in the hospital. He cant walk without a cane anymore. 2 of his friends died. Every person he ever knew came to visit him in the hospital when he was barely conscious while he struggled to keep it together. The FBI was all the fuck over him for weeks.
My gf did get freaked and wants to carry now. Where we work is not permissive though, so nothing has come of it yet.
>Where we work is not permissive though
NEVER relax
where when and what happened
never heard a story from someone who was a friend
Dayton. He was visiting 2 friends from out of town and one of them convince them to go to a bar. Once they got there, the one friend went back to his car got out an AR and shot the bar up. He killed his sister and tried to kill my friend too, but was a crappy shot I guess so only got him in the hip. He said he didn't feel anything, but immediately collapsed. He doesn't remember anything so he doesn't know if he was conscious. But it's likely he was because screaming triggers him really bad.
Cut it off, replace it with KSG
Pull a Batman and become the thing you fear
the SG a /b/tard shot himself with
Shit, dude. Did he talk about what happened leading up to it?
I didn’t get shot but I had someone cut me with a very sharp knife. It was very painful like a sharp pinching pain, I remember feeling the blade drag through the flesh and it was extremely cold. You could feel the cold steel inside of you and it bled way worse than I imagined for a small cut.
Shit man. That sucks. Do you know any of the circumstances like is asking about? It’s not often we get to hear the story from someone so close to this kind of event.
Nope but I've shot a few people. Really looks like it fucking hurts though.
What? This makes no sense
Shotguns aren’t drop safe
My 0311 pal witnessed somebody get accidentally iced by a reservist very recently during quals. Imagine that; you join the Corps expecting to do stupid Reserves shit, get sent to 29 palms, then you get domed by some other smooth-brain
Terrible way to go, so young too.
Also had one of his buddies practically cut their finger off in a door. Pic related.
I got hit in the face with a small amount of 556 ricochet lead. It was a small shaving, and it only went skin deep so it healed up. Super close to my eye though, so it scarred me into wearing shooting glasses.
It was just a normal evening of the three of them hanging out until right before they went to the bar. The shooter seemed really nervous and insisted on taking his car. He mentioned he forgot something in the car and left while my friend and the shooters sister got a drink. My friend was best friends with the shooter through middle and high school, he never said anything bad about him, he even mentioned seeing him at work before he left for Ohio. I truly don't think he, or even the shooter, knew it was going to happen until it did.
My friend hasn't shared much about how he's felt about it. But apparently was furious when he heard someone tried to deprive the Betts family of the money in the relief fund.
He got to meet Dave Chappelle and Kanye while in the hospital, Dave even bought him a PS4. One day, he met some guy in a parking lot and was talking about how much it sucks to probably never be able to walk again. The guy said, "Yeah, it sucks, but you get used to it". Which pissed him off until he looked down and realized the dude had two prosthetic legs. Then they guy got in his car and drove away, something my friend thought he would never be able to do again. It's a fucking rollercoaster.
>calls others smoothbrain
>leaving drop unsafe firearms with one in the chamber
At least you learned your lesson, I suppose.
Well, how bad was it initially and how is it now?
I've got the tube loaded all the time but I never keep one in the pipe in my shotguns because I know they slam fire easily, especially the 60 year old one I have
I'd rather have a hook.
You're making horseshit up.
fake af
people actual believe this shit? the shooters sister wasnt at the bar when he shot it up
i tried to,
but then I got high
Bfd, I've seen worse shark bites at the beach.
Dick Cheney.
Can't post pics on my phone but I ND'd into my knee with my 1911. Absolute fucking freakish luck, zero lasting damage but both an entry and exit wound. Literally millimeters from just fucking tearing my kneecap off and never walking right again.
So your friend was friends with the Dayton shooter?
>millimeters from just fucking tearing my kneecap off and never walking right again.
Ask me how I know your Irish?
/sp the sister WAS the bar
It's fake
And they are eating it out of his undies!
Closest I've ever been to getting shot was taking a ricochet 7.62x39 to the face. Fortunately it was fragmented/lost almost all of its velocity so it didn't cause much damage, but it felt like the force of a good solid punch behind a bee sting. A good lesson to religiously wear eye pro when shooting, and not to go to indoor ranges where they allow rifles to be shot against a 25 yard backwall.
We need a thread full of tips. Gun safety seems basic, but shit ends up happening, especially when you're comfortable.
I can't think about what could have and by all rights should have happened or I start freaking out. That shit has fucked me up well and good. Trying to sell the gun but no private sales in my state.
Just lay it down...
there are plenty of videos on youtube of that exact shit happening. even saw one of a guy putting shells on his coffee table. counting them out? I dunno.
but one rolled off the table and when it hit the floor it went off, almost blowing his TV in the corner to pieces. he shat brix.
that was just a shell, not even in the gun.
another vid I saw had a guy leaning them against a wall, wearing a mask trying to look tough. he turns around and then one falls over and goes off.
he didn't look so tough after that happened.
if you're gonna leave a gun ready to go, make sure it is secure wherever it is - as in it isn't going to slide or fall over.
and make sure it isn't a piece of junk that will go off if it gets nudged or falls.
You think I took the image? It was sent to me by someone in the Corps, off of someone else's Snapchat.
No, I don't care enough about ideal aspect ratios to resize the image. If you really want to use it as your desktop background or something else stupid then feel free to resize it yourself.
>when it hit the floor it went off, almost blowing his TV in the corner to pieces. he shat brix
that's not how bullets work
I got hit in the foot by what I assume is a .22lr ricochet when my house was getting robbed while I was living in Zimbabwe, it didn't really penetrate but just cut my foot enough to bleed. It's actually a miracle none of us got actually shot considering the distance between us and the shooters was -4 meters (but they were shooting through a locked wooden door). Long story short, don't live in Africa, and if you do, buy yourself a gun.
stop making shit up retard
That's fucking ridiculous
Shells don't just "go off" when they hit the ground, and if they did, they would just sort of pop and scatter shot a slight distance.
You are the rétard!
obvious bullshit/bait.
fake and gay.
looks like he's sucking on a super sour candy
it wasn't a bullet it was a shotgun shell.
not making anything up, faggot. all this shit is on youtube.
whatever dingus, just saying what I saw.
see for yourself.
the shotgun shell table one:
the shotgun leaning against a wall falling and going off one:
that's worse than any accident I heard while being in the military but I've been told it happens so definitely believe it
had so many people in my basic training company shoot themselves with the blanks with accidental discharges
can't imagine how many people died before they thought to train with blanks or if they had the forethought to do that prior to any accient
I cant just become the depths of the sea
>want some warheads randy
You can, if you believe you can.
The world needs you, Depths of the Seaman.
>it wasn't a bullet it was a shotgun shell.
same thing
a guy i use to work with shot himself in the hand like that well cleaning his rifle. he recoverd his hand looks fuck but still works
do people usually clean loaded rifles
he didnt clear it first, i think he got charged with an nd and taking ammo off the range.
An old neighbor of my father had lost half of his face because he took his SxS to clean it but forgot that it was loaded. When you keep guns at home that are half of the time loaded half unloaded its easy to get mixed up
I'm not. Not that I care what you fags think.
>the shotgun shell table one:
fake af, you're a gullible retard
Yep. You can find articles on it.
Why do people make shit up on this board? Do you get some kind of dopamine rush like how attention hoes and virtue signaling cucks do on reddit/twitter
I don't think it's easy to get mixed up
I think he let himself get comfortable and lax
reaching over nothing
Not me but a dude in my battalion was trying to reseat a 25mm round back into the links by hitting it with a ratchet.
Did not end well for him.
Is that his hand or dick? I honestly can't tell.
It was a airshit VFG.
What's left of his hand that was banging the round with the ratchet
it's hard for me to believe these guys are actual thinking people
I assume people who do shit like this are just ai in our world who exist to do stupid shit as a warning for those who are real
>Implying anyone here is old enough to know what you're talking about.
He was from Jow Forums.
I got a .22lr in the back of my leg because some sperg was flipping around from stall to stall at a local range. Still wish I had hit him for it.
quadeeeeee start the reactor
never shot, but I took a splinter of .22 to the knuckle when I was a kid and shooting an old push mower too close.
what the fuck
It's a gun, what the fuck is there to remember besides always check if you loaded it ? ESPECIALLY if you keep loading and unloading it all the time ? hurr fucking durr he kinda deserves it.
You don't shoot yourself in the face when cleaning your rifle. The dude obviously tried to off himself, was embarrassed when he didn't die and told everyone it was a 'cleaning muh gun' accident.