Causing Me Pain

I know, I know it's /v/idya, but, by god, this triggers my autism.

Attached: I can't take it.jpg (1280x720, 98K)

Other urls found in this thread:

I'll take 3

This is where the C-Hera stocks came from.
>moze best girl



Its a tube fed shotgun with the stock you'd normally see on any Russian DMR rifle. Why?

It's a lever action and a pump.... for some reason.

>I wish i could still play as Mordecai

bl3 weapons apparently have 2 different fire modes. Might have something to do with that. I kind of wished they let you play as the previous characters.

S-shut up!

Flak is way better he has so many damage boost skills.

It's not a pump retard it's just a grip

>Pump action
>Lever action
>No trigger guard
>Scope mounted backwards
>Front pistol grip
>Barrel tapers the wrong way
Did I miss anything?

magazine tube cap can't be unscrewed

Not only /v/, but also from a shit game.

Fuck it must hurt to be as retarded as you

Nice argument buddy, you are still wrong

You guys know that gun is a break action in the game right? The pump/lever dont do shit.

>Scope mounted backwards
Is this a real or fictional scope?
I own an old scope that is one solid tube but tapers out at the eye relief

yea, theres no where to put in the fucking ammo lmao

Why is the size of the magazine and barrel so retarded in comparison

It’s borderlands. You take every single attachment, feature, and working part from 3 different guns, smash them all together, and then reload it by tossing the empty gun like a hand grenade and magically materializing a new one.

Attached: 002CD0F4-13EB-4B75-9C04-0BAC98129C22.jpg (720x479, 80K)

That scope is how an sjw game dev thinks an acog works

It's lever action not pump, you can see when it's shot
Loads from the bottom like a pump

>its a shit game because i said so
>i said so because /v/ said so

The scope is backwards too

Jow Forums proving once again that it has absolutely no sense of humor and everything has to be 100% serious all the time.

One of the side effects of transforming yourself into a steely-eyed killer through the acquisition of more and more gear is a lack of a sense of humor. Things like this stop being a laughing matter.

Sure thing fellow zoomer, I too also like playing a somehow worse version of a game from ten years ago, with even less content, while also being constantly bombarded with shitty toddler humor.

I'm imagining the gelatinous elbow fold cream cheese jiggling softly as a mall ninja typed this.

Just pinch your cheek and rapidly shake it back and forth. That's what it sounds like as I angrily type out my replies to your flippant buffonery.

The whole series is fucking dogshit. Only incels and fat hideous losers like the game.

> Not painting all your guns in racing checkers and aspiring to become Mr. Torgue through a diet high in trenbuterol, HGH, and methamphetamines before dying of an enlarged heart at the height of your power and insanity
You're never going to leave your humanity behind, user.

The problem with Moze is that if you get into any real heavy combat, Bear can be destroyed within seconds of bringing it out. I’ve spec’d for shield and fuel and also have a class mod to boost these but in Mayhem it’s just not enough. Fl4k can use his damage boosts without having to worry about it being destroyed in seconds and have to wait a ridiculously long time for a cool down. Still love playing as Moze though. Also on the topic of guns; I’m glad they decided to stray closer to realistic looks and away from that stupid futuristic look for all guns. It’s nice to have a mix.

If you watch the credits for BL2 their is a small thanks to “The K board". I’ve always been curious about that.

Attached: Screenshot_20190923-143348_YouTube.jpg (2220x1080, 438K)

Bumping for interest

Yes! I knew I was wasn't going crazy. It was just a quick glance and then extreme puzzlement. I was confused as to why someone would willingly and openly admit to browsing Jow Forums. All joking aside, this is pretty awesome.

I did hear something in BL3 that was Jow Forums related... forget what it was though.


Attached: Tps_swift_shredifier_lvl30.jpg (1280x720, 205K)

How the fuck...

Attached: 2013-01-18_00002.jpg (1000x563, 68K)

are these supposed to work???

Attached: 2330162-2012_09_21_00001.jpg (1920x1080, 286K)

Jesus christ he's not even kidding.

It's less about a sense of humor and more being angry that people that have no idea how a gun actually operates and refusing to even learn making popular media featuring firearms. It's like pic related. It's lazy and I don't like it.

Attached: COMBATSHOTGUN.png (2950x900, 1.23M)

I hate this game already. fuck my life. My kid has been so excited for it and we played 1 together. we still need to play the sequels, but holy shit this thing is beyond retarded. It makes absolutely no sense and everyone responsible for its creation deserves a painful death.

...thats the least bad thing in Borderlands. I want one.

The difference is that Borderlands doesn't even attempt to be realistic, while I completely understand being annoyed at Bethesda's attempts at designing firearms in Fallout 3.

They're all retarded and you're even more retarded for trying to justify the retardation.

It has a sunshade on the wrong side

And Fallout 4.

> Gearbox: founded by a lifelong Califag
>Based in Texas
I'm not sure how to feel about that.

Why is Jow Forums like this? You don't see /o/ flipping out whenever there's a slightly unrealistic fictional car or something.


This. It's a fucking video game that in no way is trying to be realistic. When COD or Battlefield does shit like this fine, i understand the anger but quit sperging out over this.

Because most of the people on this board are insufferable, miserable people. Their autism prevents them from enjoying anything in life.

there's no linkage between the fore end and the receiver. the only visible means of cycling it appears to be the lever. interestingly, the barrel has a segment where the fore end starts. it could a 3"~barrel lever action sbs with a very large suppressor on it, and i had no idea i wanted something like that until just now.

I have noticed that some of the weapons in game have suppressors on them. They did a much better job with the sounds on firearms on this Borderlands.

Best gun company coming through. Step aside Jacobs plebs and FUCK MALIWAN.

Long live DAHL and their semi/full auto switch with a zooming sight to match.

Attached: frank-dahlrifle2a.jpg (809x801, 192K)

I like how there's literally an Eotech magnifier combo optic for them

BL3 has accurate revolver reloads.
>shoot 3 rounds
>eject 3
>load 3
Meanwhile in COD
>shoot 3
>eject all 6
>load 3
>6 rounds in gun.

I constantly find myself running out of AR and Pistol ammo in BL3 due to my reliance on my DAHL AR and Pistol.
>AR in full auto mode when engaging at short to medium range
>Toggle to semi-auto and the sight zooms in to pick people at medium to long range
>Switch to semi-auto pistol with extended mag and just melt people with headshots
>Easy headshots makes my class shine due to being able to inflict cryo damage by default regardless of weapon
>Also get health back from inflicting head shots
DAHL is love. DAHL is life.

Top it off with a dual element Maliwan SMG and you're good to go. Only scrubs don't use elements.

How is it a pump? Just because the handguard/ grip doesnt meet the receiever doesnt mean its a fucking pump action.

I like Dahl but my heart belongs to Vladof

>Vladof rifle with huge mag and high fire rate.
>Put all your Marcus Bucks into the Assault Rifle SDU
>Rain down lead hail on anything that moves
>Let god sort them out

as dumb as the gun is
the furniture is fuckin rad.