Has firearm pretty much been figured out? What significant improvement can you really make at this point?

Has firearm pretty much been figured out? What significant improvement can you really make at this point?

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That rifle belongs in Elliot's hands, not a roastie's.

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Of all fucking boards why is discord trying to force their shitty coom meme here?

shes pretty

stfu faggot

Take a rifle and shoot it. Then imagine what can be improved. If you can't figure it out then you've answered your own questions.

3 things
1. Make ammo smaller. Think having 500 rounds in a mag the size of a glock 17 handgun
2. Make it stronger. Think punching through heavy armor.
3. Make it lighter. Think “watergun from the dollar store” light.

Otherwise, we can just move onto lasers.

Who is this girl?

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are you saying its a dude?

Then why haven't they done it yet you dumbby

You're the one who's a dude.

Who is this cutie?


She probably fucks niggers

>Has firearm pretty much been figured out?


>What significant improvement can you really make at this point?

Someone has yet to crack the caseless conundrum.

make bigger gun that shoot bigger bullet realy fast tratatatatata

Human beings are still the weak link in the chain. All of the velocity in the world don't mean much unless it hits what it was aimed at. My fucking eyes can follow a rabbit racing away from me at however fast they move but my ability to track them with my hands is pathetic.

Man enough racism bullshit. WTF ? Im fucking racist and sick of hearing it,seeing it and talking about it. Is this what we've boiled down too? If your dick isn't in it and she's not your ole lady fuck it.

Pretty much, guns from the mid 1900s are still very much combat-effective and guns from 100+ years ago are hardly out of date

Caseless ammo please. I really want a G11.

Caseless ammo

1. Recoil
2. Efficiency
3. Weight
4. Size
5. ???

There's a shit ton of things that can be improved. There's also ammo types that can change. Caseless still hasn't really been figured out. The list goes on.

It's so sad that skin this pale will not exist in 100 years.

Yeah, they're just making them worse these days.

Late stage capitalism utilizing polymer in structural areas so that it breaks and must be replaced at a consistent rate in order to support multiple salaries and industries

she looks like she fucks black guys

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Hello fellow racist


computer assisted aiming
"smart" munitions
guns so huge they require the shooter wear a powered exoskeleton
man deploy able drones
remote controlled artillery

Rent free.

oh god im gonna coom imagine she held that big black rifle in front of you

Most of those arent rifle tech retard retard

Ammo will advance a bit more, we'll get telescoping then true casless ammo. Pulse guns have yet to be figured out, and won't be until caseless as that's when their pros will out weigh the cons. THEN we'll have gotten as much out of firearms as we can. After that will come energy weapons, but electrically fired caseless guns will be the name of the game for a long while, as getting energy density down enough to allow man portable rail/plasma guns will be hard.

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Cleaner burning propellants. I'd like these things to be a lot less smokey and stinky please.

Here is the link to OPs webm


technology & math

Look up the SPEW program

Caseless/telescoped is the future now. Also there's still recoil stabilization work to be done and lots of interesting improvements in suppressors.


Small caliber HE rounds

Fuck off.

3/5 of those are rifle tech. Do you know what most means?

human machine interfaces that improve the soldier's use of weapons more so than actual weapon improvements from here on out

like maybe we'll move into higher and higher tech guns, maybe even gauss rifles, but at this point it's more the human aspect of all of this preventing any kind of advancement. that goes for just about everything honestly, the next 30 years have the potential to be more prolific than the last 15,000 years of human existence on this planet so we'll see



I think it'll either be something electromagnetic-rail-gun type of a development or some liquids instead of gunpowder.
Instead of having a casing with gunpowder you're just gonna have a bullet, it'll be fed into the chamber, then the chamber will be filled with some fuel-air mixture, completely sealed off and a little spark will set it off. For example gun powder has an energy density of around 10MJ/kg but methane has an energy density of 55MJ/kg which would give you so much more power out of the same length of barrel. But then there's so much more pressure that you'd have to come up with a very tough material to hold it.


No. You can improve
>heatseaking rounds
>user interface
e.t.c. There are plenty of things that have yet to happen



Drastic change in ammo. There's been basically no change in ammo for nearly a century.


>Im fucking racist
we know you are, kike nigger

railgun scaled down.

I just want small arms railguns and lasers already goddammit

What about a gun that electronically tracks using your eyes and pivots on a handheld platform?

other than obvious shit like recoil and weight like boomers in this have already said

ease of manufacturing
more precise manufacturing
new alloys, possibly from asteroids or other planets
caseless ammo which will probably just be a scaled down railgun design
biowarfare ammo will never stop improving basically
oh yea ammo will always need to improve to counter improving armors
ai guided aiming and bullets
ummmm making shit more modular interchangeable
making it so only your dna can activate a gun like in district 9
theres all kinds of shit if you just think about it or watch alot of sci fi movies for ideas.

Energy density per volume is more important than energy density by weight. This is one reason why hydrogen cars haven't really caught on - Hydrogen has a bunch of energy by weight but takes huge amounts of space unless you pressurize it and cool it, which takes heavy containers.

quit projecting, nigger

>Drastic change in ammo.
lol no
>There's been basically no change in ammo for nearly a century.
can't change physics and chemistry

All of this is limited by the energy density of gunpowder. I seriouly doubt any of this is achievable without an entirely different energy source.

Why do her eyes look like melted aluminium, wtf

What do you mean by caseless conundrum?

So china can just steal it.

the problem of course with caseless is the cooling issue. in a traditional gunpowder rifle, a substantial amount of heat energy is ejected with the brass. Caseless doesn't have that luxury and HK made an operable caseless rifle, but couldn't get past the heat problem.

Once energy storage (electrical) becomes advanced enough, I can see railguns becoming a thing, but other than that or a wildly different energy delivery school of though ,bullets and casings have come up to a near peak.

Improvements in serviceability, ergonomics, optics and manufacture might come, but basic firearm design I don't expect anything to change drastically anytime.

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Yes, the hyper sexual tranny's who try to convince everyone that we should all be regularly doing perverted shit with everyone else are the one's pointing out the evils of porn addiction.
Are you fucking retarded or what?

the thing is shopped to death. The nose is almost gone.

Y'all should read the culture series and see how Ian M Banks handles infantry combat, it's a trip

>smart suits that augment pretty much everything about you, including your reaction time and cogitation, aiming and firing your rifle before you'd even process the data unsupported
>smart suits have the in universe equivalent of an electronic warfare suite, allowing you to slice into and disrupt nearly anything with electronics in it
>supported by combat and surveillance drones armed with sand grain sized antimatter warheads and cutting fields
>engagements take fractions of a second, and if theres a ship in orbit it can get even wackier

The books arent incredibly centered around combat, but what little there is is fucking fascinating

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They did get past the heat problem. The only reason the G11 didn't go into mass production was that the USSR collapsed, and the threat of peer-to-peer conflict with Germany being a major battleground disappeared. There was no longer a justification to spend the shit ton of money it would have taken to produce the G11, and Germany had to start funneling a lot of money into the newly-annexed East.

No one has been able to figure out a good way to do caseless ammo yet, but once they do it will open up a new era in firearm design the same way that smokeless powder did.

Hence the "caseless conundrum."

Or they could "settle" for polymer cases, which give 75% of the benefits of caseless and none of the downsides (like sealing and gas cutting).

Yeah that’s what the Army is asking. Caselees is so hard to do it seems; they can build f35 but can’t make the case go away for small arms

It just gets one big manufacturer to start selling electrically fired guns & ammo with minimal number of moving parts, for $100 less than staple Glock to change the entire industry.
Just think about mechanical watches.


One big issue with electrically fired ammo is it can pretty severely limit ROF because you have to have a capacitor charge. Remington's ElectronX system was just a primer replacement that used a 1k-Ohm resistor that would heat up under current. It was powered by a 9v battery, and the capacitors that discharged into the resistor charged in 6/10ths of a second.

It's fast for a mechanically operated firearm, but if we're talking about an autoloading rifle or pistol that's a ROF limited to 100 rpm solely due to the firing mechanism needing to charge.

Using a bigger battery cuts down on time in between shots, but adds weight and bulk, and if we're talking about military applications it complicates logistics.

Electrically-fired ammo is cool as fuck, but I think there's a lot of issues that need to be worked out before it 'changes the entire industry'.

Using only a knowledge of high school physics (aka talking out of my ass) is there a particular reason why we can't just mount a magnet to the gas piston and wrap an inductive coil inside the gas tube? You could feed the voltage that generates into a diode rectifier and use it to charge the capacitor, rather than relying on batteries.

Yeah man

Where do you think you are dumbass?

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>making it so only your dna can activate a gun like in district 9
>government installs killswitches in all newly manufactured guns to disable the dna reader
>government can disable your dna-reader guns with a flick of a switch and disarm you
no thanks m8



> probably

The prototype laser weapons currently failing to get funding weigh in at about 68kgs, are only effective up to about 8meters /24 feet, and has no rapid-fire capabilities. Rough estimate for military use is 2050++.

it still isn't simple enough to create your own guns, parts, and ammo yet

only give it to elliot so he could have blown his brains out faster. incels should commit, if youre so ugly you cant get girls you should exit the gene pool asap.

she more than likely does.
OP's clip is from a youtube video of "taking anti gun people to the range", and she was one of the staunch anti gunners who explicitly stated that she doesn't think the second amendment should exist. IDK if the youtuber changed her mind cause I didn't watch the whole thing.

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t. nigger

perfection of home fabrication with the push of a button
it will render all firearm restrictions irrelevent, and when it becomes affordable, it'll be in the home of everyone who could want one, truly a nirvana