>Coomer spam shit
>Everyone trying to bait people into doing illegal shit
What the fuck happened?
>What the fuck happened?
Israel, that's what happened
pic unrelated
someone linked Jow Forums on re*dit
Its not the FBI the FBI plays extremist traps to win, so slow and subtle.
It isnt the CIA because their practices are way more nuanced than the FBI (aside from the odd contra scandal and mk ultra project )
The only thing more cringe than boogaloo posters is you. Get a real hobby instead of obsessing over memes. You probably post about imaginary boomers and fudds too.
The boogaloo thread resistance is uniting Jow Forums. So if your pic is true (it's not) its run by fucking retards
Shareblue is here trying to divide the bored and rat people to feds. It’s all bait. Too bad they’re all nigger faggots. Post girls with guns.
This. Just report OP and move on.
I want to be dominated by Sako!
That's not even it
It's one fucking fag spamming it
There is no conspiracy it's just one autistic loser
Shareblue, notice the filenames
>Coomer spam shit
Faggots on discord were spamming shitty threads on Jow Forums with off topic thots to spam said coom meme moved on to a new target
>Everyone trying to bait people into doing illegal shit
how can you tell?
I'm not doubting you I'm just wondering what's leading you to this aside from the relative slowness
Look at the filenames, half of them are the same, nobody would try and run a psyop this obvious. It's having the opposite effect and just pissing people off.
Like retards fighting isn't already 99% of what happens here. What the fuck are they even looking for here?
Is this imageboard really something special if normie organizations keep trying to subvert it?
Well I guess it is sorta 'special'.
I zoomer filtered now?
another shitty wojak edit
I believe this just because of how shitty yet incessant the effort is. Exactly like one person who can't think of any better approach
where's the fbi pic of them giving themselves (you)s
Jow Forums's interests and brand of autism is probably the most dangerous if misused.
Antifa cant make a functioning Molotov cocktail. Autists on here can create oklahoma city like devices.
most of this board is stupid, not autistic.
they'd say the sherman was a tommy cooker if there weren't notable tank historians saying otherwise in recent history.
Holy fuck how's 2016 going for you, reddit tourist?
This. Death by a thousand autistic cuts.