Defeating Mothman

What weaponry will I need to defeat mothman and avenge the Silver Bridge?

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A spotlight and a shotgun.

>avenge the Silver Bridge?
Nothing to avenge. Mothy dindu nuffin; he was warning us, not bringing it down himself.

wait isnt he a good guy though?

All cryprids are most vulnerable to 10mm. I thought everyone on Jow Forums knew this.

Mothman doesn't cause disasters, he merely warns of them. If we'd only listened to mothman, we could have prevented the 2008 recession.

blessed creature


Bonfire he'll fly right into that shit.

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you wrote bonfire but I read 24 pounder iron siege gun

add chains and a stout stick and boom, mothman defeating flail

>I read 24 pounder iron siege gun
Common mix up

Just bring it down with a fuckin AKM with tendie crumbs in it and finish it with a flame thrower. Done.

instructions unclear, purchased Turkish semi auto shotgun

OP were you at mothman fest this weekend?


Flame thrower.

he's a MOTH MAN. an abomination against god and nature. i don't care if he's moth mr. rogers. kill that fucker.

What'd he do?
I'm not really religious so I don't care, as long as he's cool.
Live and let live unless he's stepping on others' god given rights, you know?

Oh I just realized how stupid it sounds to say I'm not religious and reference god given rights immediately after. Uh... to be clear I am just referring to our natural rights.