Amber guyger murder trial starts tomorrow!

Amber Guyger murder trial is starting tomorrow!

>be Dallas cop Amber Guyger
>get off 13 hour shift
>come home to dorm style apartment complex
>go in apartment and see intruder, shoot and kill
>turns out you were on the wrong floor
>local black community screaming bloody murder and threatening riots
>victim's mom calling Amber Guyger the devil and wants a murder conviction

Trial is going to be live streamed in at least 3 places, 2 local news agencies and CourtTV

Is this the next zimmerman trial? She faces 5-99 years. personally i think she will be found not guilty

Dallas anons what do yall think?

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Even if she beats the rap, she'll still probably get pounded with a wrongful death lawsuit.

she fucked up grossly. regardless of the chimpening from the primate community, she deserves 2nd degree murder at least.
sorry lady.

How did she go into the apartment to see the intruder if she was on the wrong floor? Wouldn't the key not work? Or was the door open and that's what started the whole thing in motion?

Door was open

Castle doctrine doesn't apply if it isn't actually your home, there's no provision in any statute I'm aware of for holding a reasonable belief that you're in your home or some stupid shit like that. As far as the law is concerned she was on neutral ground, and since the victim didn't actually attack or threaten her she has no basis for a self-defense claim. Next time you shoot an intruder make sure you know where you live first.

Manslaughter conviction with parole, no jail time. Maybe manslaughter conviction with minimal jail time.

The plaintiffs would have to proceed she intended to enter that dwelling with the intent to kill him for the murder conviction.

I'm so conflicted. I hate cops, but I really hate nogs, but I r e a l l y hate women.

Give her a medal

Meant to say prove not proceed

She should be convicted and serve 3/5ths of her sentence.

Yassss, squirm you little alt-right Nahzee incel.

Riots when??

It's possible that her noticing (what she thought was) her door was unlocked is what put her on edge. Especially after a 13 hour shift.

manslaughter isnt on the table it was manslaughter at first but then she got indicted for murder. I am no legal expert but the ONLY way she can be convicted on manslaughter in this scenario is IF the judge asks the jury to consider the lessor charge? not sure if this is a guarantee that they will consider it or not

>murder trial
Are they really going for murder instead of manslaughter?
>have to prosecute because political pressure
>can't convict because political pressure
>overcharging it is, then

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Murder 2 only requires they show that she made an intentional choice to unlawfully kill. Given she pulled a gun and shot someone, that's not exactly a high bar to clear.

You could say she lacked mens rea on the grounds of being unaware of where she was or what she was doing, but doing that without trying to enter an insanity plea would be hard. Most juries have been tired before and managed to not walk into the house next door and kill anyone.

If the lawyers are going for murder than they have to get it or else she cant be tried again for it (double jeopardy). Then they'll consider switching to a lesser charge or retrial all over with manslaughter

shooting someone in their own home is bad, user. regardless of how much you hate nigs.

I read that she made noise complaints against the guy she killed, true if big

Honestly she murdered a guy, period. Still feel bad for her Ive pulled double shifts and not known my name afterward.

Its not about hating them but you have to admit 13% comitting 50% of murder is a reason to get rid of any group much less one which is so visually identifiable.

I have sex
And I'm not a socialist

Women shouldn’t own guns

>be cop
>expected to act at a higher standard
>Go into someone elses apartment and shoot them because youre too stupid to see that its not your apartment

I get she was tired but still.

Yeah, but murder is killing a person with intent.
And nigs are not people.

Absolutely. The 2nd Amendment only applies to angry, lonely, maladjusted young white men.

Honestly her lawyer should advise her to take whatever plea is offered. Reading her own statements makes it feel like she was trying to eliminate any possibility of manslaughter and repeatedly reaffirm mens rea. Take the plea, she does 3 years inside and probation. Fight it out in the court and she will get sentenced to 10 and serve 6.

>13% comitting 50% of murder is a reason to get rid of any group much less one which is so visually identifiable.
13=50 pisses me off for sure. but authoritarian governments make me way more angry.
just have CIA pump crack back into the ghettos again and let black on black run it's course.

You forgot to scream jews. People will think you aren't a Jow Forums tough guy.

murder can also encompass gross neglect and mistakes.
walking into the wrong house and killing the occupant is.... holy shit.

It should be obvious from that post that I think they should charge her with manslaughter and she should be convicted of same.
But they won't, because the prosecutor is on the same team with cops, so they have to avoid any chance of a conviction. When possible, they drop charges. When a trial is unavoidable, they overcharge, just like they did with pic related.
>how much you hate nigs.
I didn't say anything about hating nigs, are you even responding to the right post?

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no, white men of good moral standing like the original fathers intended

There’s no way she doesn’t get convicted and doesn’t serve some time. Being a cop has NOTHING to do with the situation.
Put yourself in her shoes for a moment. You’re a regular civilian and you enter another persons home thinking it was your own and blow them away IN THEIR OWN FUCKING HOME. What do you think would happen to you?
I really hope her being a cop doesn’t save her ass.

listen to her 911 call

also the family wont let the DA take a plea deal,her mom and the whole black community want a murder conviction with life

Immunity dude.

So any way this shakes out it’s one less female cop and one less black drug user.

>the family wont let the DA take a plea deal
Since when is it up to them?

When she tried to open the door and noticed it was locked she started kicking and yelling and knocking on the door. The guy who lives there open the door to see what's up and she shot him thinking it was a burglar in her apartment.

shes a cop that should be an aggravating circumstance. cops have training and experience and should be held to a higher standard.

>I really hope her being a cop doesn’t save her ass.
This. She was off duty at the time. That would only solidify the notion that cops are the Betters of us plebs.

>cop training
>higher standard

You clearly don’t know shit about cops or the training they actually get.

cop doctrine with a firearm trained on an unarmed person is to at least attempt to communicate and attempt to subdue the person.
that's automatic for a cop. she went straight to ventilate.

>noticed it was locked
She leaves her door unlocked in an apartment block full of niggers?
>knocking on the door
Why didn't she just use her key and then extrapolate out that it wasn't her apartment when it didn't work? The number had to be right on the door she was knocking on, right?

To avoid murder on this they could plead insanity, basically claim she was too tired to know what she was doing and thus lacks mens rea (guilty mind, intent to kill someone, ect).

The problem with that her statements make it clear she mistaken about where she was but was not so incapacitated as to be unable to understand what she was doing. This would have been smart if she thought she could get a defense plea. You can't plead defense to manslaughter because most juries are stupid but don't fall for "I accidentally killed him in self defense."

They didn't try for insanity, because it never works. The prosecutor has to call witnesses that tear apart the very goddamn concept of an insanity plea in a case of someone that doesn't have crippling neurological problems.

what if they use the fact she is a cop who was just serving high risk warrants for 13 hours, had worked ~15 hours overtime the last 30 days, also under stress because the city of dallas has a police shortage of about 1000 (has like 4000 when fully staffed needs to be 5000). I see the defense bringing this up to try to blame the city.

is it more than none? yes? than its more than an average civilian. i get what you're trying to say but it's stupid.

>Since when is it up to them?
normally victim's family's wishes are taken into consideration in some way, this isnt exactly a serial killer rapist we are talking about either.

But Jews are based. All the hate towards them is just misplaced jealousy.

She should be tried for manslaughter but the prosecutor bowed to black outrage and is going for murder. Idk if there is enough there for Murder 2, the threshold between colossal fuckup and criminal intent to kill is a big leap.

>plead insanity,
isnt the burden of proof on this terribly high? which is why it's rarely evoked successfully?

>implying that jews are simply successful instead of actively subversive

Yep, I was tired is no excuse. I walked into the wrong house black out drunk, I was locked up. Not given a free pass to kill rightful occupants.

They are considered, but not to the point of holding a pointless trial. If the defense is willing to plea it is totally normal to plea, even when it's a high profile case.

The problem with a plea in this case is that they don't have that much they can offer her. Basically they can give her 3 years off a 6 year prison stay but her own goddamn words mean that they can't honestly plea down to a lesser charge.

This is why we need segregation

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>When she tried to open the door and noticed it was locked she started kicking and yelling and knocking on the door. The guy who lives there open the door to see what's up and she shot him thinking it was a burglar in her apartment.

total bullshit desu, the apartment uses electronic keys so it's not like the key didnt fit the hole, and it may not have even been locked or it could have been ajar, only Amber knows.

I am inclined to believe it was unlocked and she opened the door normally after the electronic key was used (which wasnt even needed if it was unlocked)

There are 2 "witnesses" that are black twins that say they heard her yelling "let me in let me in" while banging on the door, that has to be a total lie because listen to this 911 call

you think she went from yelling to be let in (stupid fucking story no one should believe) the victim lets him in, she shot him, then got on the phone with 911? Bet the dude was standing like 15 feet into his apartment too and not in the doorway


>she made an intentional choice to unlawfully kill
Isn't this complicated by the fact that she believed she was acting in self-defense?
Checked and legal-pilled.

>cop commits manslaughter
>tried for murder
>found not guilty because manslaughter doesn't meet the elements of crime for murder
>govt gets to say oh well, we tried
>nigs nog regardless of outcome

She should go to jail. Money says she won't though because cops have done much worse and gotten off Scott free

Fentynal laced crack when?

I'd be keen to watch some prison porn starring her

>she believed she was acting in self-defense?
That has to pass the "reasonable person" litmus test.
I'll see your legal-pill and raise you a Goodman pill.

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>thinks his wife's boyfriend's glock gives him some reason to post here
Isn't there a ISawAGunOnce subreddit you would feel more at home at?

Seems like a pretty open and shut case to me, negligence is no excuse for murder.

Definitely not implying that. That is primarily why they are successful.

it would appears that I only read the news post but never hear the 911 call. I am wrong.

I think a reasonable person would shoot an intruder and I think that it’s in the realm of possibility that she was not in the right state of mind because of the 13 hour shift and mistaken the apartment with her apartment.
Given she believed she was in her apartment and there was an intruder there she was under the assumption it was self defense.

she did nothing wrong 2bh

problem with this is crack is usually smoked and fentanyl needs to be shot up to OD

There's a few reasons. The first is that juries never go for it. You show up in court and anything the accused does or does not do tells the jury they are faking it or mentally competent to stand trial.

The second is that it's an affirmative defense. You are saying "yes I did it" and the trial then becomes an attack on your affirmative defense. Everything the prosecutor does is tearing it apart. Experts hired by the prosecutor will get to examine the defended and will explain that they aren't damaged in a way that would excuse the crime.

The last is that when people are genuinely incapable of mens rea they get charged with crimes that don't require it and plead out. Manslaughter doesn't require you know what you were doing, just have shown a depraved indifference to human life. The judge takes the guilty plea, suspends the sentence and remands the poor bastard to institutional care.

Me? I'd rather be in fucking prison. You can refuse to take any drugs they give you there.

Then it isn’t “jealousy”, it’s righteous anger

>come home to dorm style apartment complex
>go in apartment and see intruder, shoot and kill
>turns out you were on the wrong floor
she basically walked into someones apartment and murdered him.
do police really hire retarded people?

You'd have to make the case that a reasonable person would enter another person's house armed with a deadly weapon and kill them because they forgot where they live.

The average civilian is a tree hugging bisexual who’s never touched a gun. Cops get shit for training and 90% of non-federalagencies barely keep to training standards if they even exist.

Oh yeah, and cops are civilians too.

That's a doozy. Reasonable if you thought you were in your own apartment, but not very reasonable to mistake someone else's apartment for your own.

>Implying it wouldn't be based if whites operated on kike level.

If I was a juror I would vote not guilty for the keys.
Fuck judges
Fuck soccer moms
Jury nullification bitch.

Yeah, I'm sure you would make it past selection.

There seem to be a lot of anons in this thread with a very vague, non-legal definition of "murder"

I’m good at hiding my true nature :)
Unless they use big data to dig up your Jow Forums posts and tie them to me for jury selection I’d be fine.

Illuminate us then you contrarian faggot

No, it wouldn’t. We only have to consider that prospect now because they’re doing it.


>Israel stole enriched uranium and nuclear triggers from the USA, this information was kept classified for 40 years because muh greatest ally.

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just because you defend her on Jow Forums doesnt mean she'll have sex with you

Fuck her she messed up and killed an unarmed man in his own apartment. Cop or not that's unacceptable.

She thought it was HER apartment.
She didn't enter because she forgot where HERS was

Just one of numerous incidents

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>Make money with low effort
>Keep it in the tribe
>Ruin your enemies with mass misinformation, cultural degeneration and proxy fighting

Sounds based to me.

he was black though

why the fuck wasnt this bitch in the kitchen for 13hrs

If some Jow Forumsommando stole nuke parts from the government he'd be the most epically based user of all time.

I just imagine sitting in my own home and getting murdered by a cop. Warms my heart a little to know you would all defend them till the end. Never change /k
>The close personal and commercial ties to Israel of the plant owners and operators raised suspicions that remained unresolved.

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Faggot. Does Jerome fuck you when he's done with your girlfriend and mother?

It doesnt?

>Take the plea, she does 3 years inside and probation. Fight it out in the court and she will get sentenced to 10 and serve 6.

its a stretch for a conviction if its a male police officer

shes an attractive white female cop

she aint doing no time

>shes an attractive white female cop
for you reddit fag

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>all defend her till the end.


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>Me? I'd rather be in fucking prison. You can refuse to take any drugs they give you there.

except the rectal semen injections