For all things CMP,
Recent 88K rifle return.
Anyone think the Army will release the 90,000 remaining 1911's? Korea also has 100K m1 garands and 120,000 M1 carbines.
For all things CMP,
Recent 88K rifle return.
Anyone think the Army will release the 90,000 remaining 1911's? Korea also has 100K m1 garands and 120,000 M1 carbines.
Isn't there some asinine process to get guns from these fudds?
Yeah, kind of, its not that hard, just a string of hoops.
If you have a CCW, and buy a GCA magazine subscription you have fulfilled all the requirements.
Nope, youre just lazy
Elaborate? Is this really all I need cause I have half those requirements and am interested
You have to go to a rifle marksmanship event to prove youre not a dirtshooting magdumper or some boomer asshole whos gonna put in in a safe and never touch it for a decade or two until you sell it for exorbitant prices or you die and your libshit children have it melted down for a $50 walshart gift card
Veterans can use their DD214 and GCA membership to order stuff unless something has changed. No shooting required.
>CMP Garand owner here
You can literally get all the requirement info off of the CMP website, its literally not that hard, do it yourself.
solid post
You you know what a sentence is or do they not teach that to little zoom zooms?
you you better type properly before berating someone over their posting style. I'm not writing an article for a gun magazine, nor a formal letter, I'm posting on fucking Jow Forums. Run on sentences are mildly humorous and still clearly convey the intended message. Eat my shit.
I still think you are an uneducated swine. But alright I guess.
Generally, there's a "proof of participation" and "proof of collecting" requirement. CC permit counts as one, and there's an origination called the GCA with a one time $20 fee that counts for the second. Easy
E5 and above only needs their dd214
t. Walked in to the cmp store in Alabama, flashes my cac card and grabbed a garand, paid and walked out.
pretty sure they alread did. people were mad because CMP was charging top-dollar.
...... Or you fags can do what I did and ask few gunshops/fuddshops to keep an eye out for any Garands some old boomer might be bringing in. That's how I got my two Garands for only slightly more than CMP price, and I was able to see them before I bought them. There's millions in circulation in the US. If you're not an impatient nigger, you'll bump into a few sooner or later.
Are they ever going to do M14s?
I don't think I've ever seen one under $1200 in the wild. In fact I think a lot of people buy as many as they are allowed just to mark up and sell.
No. The two main requirements are:
1. Be a member of a CMP affiliate organization.
If you are a member of a private gun range you might already meet this requirement. If not you can join the "garand collector's association" online for some petty fee and use that instead.
2. Proof of live-fire marksmanship training.
Literally any license, permit, or certification that proves you've shot a gun before will do. It doesn't have to be rifle related. Hunting license, CCW, Appleseed certificate, an NRA shooting course certificate. Anything.
Make copies of all that stuff, fill out your order form (if you're a first time buyer it has to be notarized, you can usually do that at your bank), cut a check, and mail it all in. That's it. A Garand will then show up at your door in about a month.
No becuase they're machine guns. The recievers would have to be torched and then the remaining parts would have to be reassembled in a virgin semiauto only receiver.
>Korea also has 100K m1 garands and 120,000 M1 carbines.
stupid koreans should learn to shoot instead. why is that these insects (all of them: china, korea, japan) are invariably anti-gun.
calm down
Because their entire culture is based around the idea of "conform or die". The fact that legalism "fuck you, obey the law" originated in China should tell you all you need to know.
an armed slave is dangerous, also more than 5 generation of civil war still have their influence today
portugese sailor getting drunk and too hard to fight, so they had to ban sword and knife carrying for everyone, they are still cool about weapons in general but because of hard to get liscences and risk of having an hard time in jail they just give up on it, so only rich folks tend to have firearms while others do airsoft or just play video games
litteraly controlled by a shadow gov't that desire only more power, of course the genral populace having guns is going to be a nightmare for them
One I got for sub 1k (don't remember exactly) and it's a well used shooter but with great parts and a awesome bore. Might refinish the stock depending if I'm ever bored enough to.
The other is a really really nice kept-in-Elmer's-safe-for-decades condition even with cartouches in the stock, and set me back 1300 after I haggled like a Jew (cuz I am).
Bottom line is user, they're out there and there's millions in circulation. Don't be disheartened by the gunbroker faggots ruining the market. You'll get their guns at an estate sale soon enough.
Oh and btw, this was all in the past year or so.
Have sex.
Is a service grade Garand worth the extra $100 when compared to a field grade one?
Make me
I got a field grade. Not horrible wear, gun will shoot well and do so reliably and the barrel probably won't be super horrible but probably not super impressive to the collector sort. Mines stock is nice color although fairly dinged up. Parts will likely not match and probably look as such due to some parts having little finish and other parts having more. Mine has a silver looking gas tube but everything else is the normal park color though I would not be so sure you wouldn't see such things with the service grade in terms of cosmetic. I basically had to clean the hell out of it for a week in all the little spaces. I had to clean what seemed like literally dirt out of the sight assembly and all the under parts of the action like the clip latch part and so on. It's a good way to learn the rifles takedown. And it'll shoot better than my skill really permits so I can't complain. If you think you can use that extra 100$, go for the field and spend it on good correct spec ammo. Also you can probably flip the field grade for more on the secondary market anyway and upgrade
The Korean rifles may never end up with the CMP. Long story short, the coaches of rifles brought back from other countries were ones that were provided for free during the Cold War under Lend-Lease, which means that they technically always remained US Army property and the US Army could ask for them back anytime they wanted. But the Koreans bought their rifles outright back in the day, which means the US Army has no right to ask for them to be returned. The Koreans still have them, but they’re in full gun show Boomer “I know what I’ve got” mode, and are asking a price higher than the CMP, or any other importer, is currently willing to pay.
Even when a right price is reached, it won’t necessarily be with the CMP. For all we know, Sweaty Ben could outbid them and bring the rifles in himself. Or the Koreans could get tired of waiting for someone to pay them what they want, and melt them all down. No way to tell.
I’m guessing we’ll see once the Philippine Garands run dry.
Korea has more than that last I recall, wasn't it like 600k m1 carbines?
Those weren't loaned iirc, they tried to sell them in the 80's and no one bought them because they've been stored under tarps outside for decades and are garbage condition.
The Korean rifles may never end up with the CMP. Long story short, the caches of rifles brought back from other countries were ones that were provided for free during the Cold War under Lend-Lease, which means that they technically always remained US Army property and the US Army could ask for them back anytime they wanted. But the Koreans bought their rifles outright back in the day, which means the US Army has no right to ask for them to be returned. The Koreans still have them, but they’re in full gun show Boomer “I know what I’ve got” mode, and are asking a price higher than the CMP, or any other importer, is currently willing to pay.
Even when a right price is reached, it won’t necessarily be with the CMP. For all we know, Sweaty Ben could outbid them and bring the rifles in himself. Or the Koreans could get tired of waiting for someone to pay them what they want, and melt them all down. No way to tell.
I’m guessing we’ll see once the Philippine Garands run dry.
This argument about Korean Garands has literally been going on for a decade now. I wish they'd just throw them away and be done with it.
Good point
Man, sure is nice doing literally 10 min of filling out 2 eform like 4 signatures and maybe like $10 at a notary after work to get 8 garands for $700 a pop.
Stay mad lazy nerds.
You may not even have to pay the $10 to a notary. A lot of banks have them on staff, and if you have an account they will notarize stuff for you for free.
>tfw got my cmp form notarized by a fat roastie at my bank
>oh its for a government program (didn't realize the cmp wasn't still .gov run)
>notarized it, asks more about the program
>they sell old army guns to civilians
>h-how is that even legal?!
My bank is out of the way after work. It wasnt really a big deal to me to save the gas and time saved so I could go gone and fuck my wife.
No they weren't.