/arg/ AR15 general

Bully Zone Get that LMT trash out of here
Real men only edition

Old trash

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Hey i saw you in a book the other day.
You should of got the MOH

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my service rifle

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is that skull crusher? i havent seen him in years

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Look it is me and skull reaper on an op

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this is one of the best Generals in a long time so far.
I got this Pic of Skull Keeper's rifle

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are there any stealthwank lowers where there's no rollmark and the serial is as hidden as legally possible and there's no selector engravings or is the only option to just do an 80


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yeah an 80%

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And i got this one of Skull Hawk's

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>Hey look....

>Faggots everywhere....

So do I need to trip up or do the locals know who's smacking them around right now (?)

>Came here to talk about a rifle platform and 2 trips are posting pics of their tranny ass's (literally) in drag, another one is still living down the fact that he's a tard and almost MURDERED fellow arg posters because he can't work a radio and they hid behind a boulder until he emptied his mag ...

Ya, let's totally ake this general at face value as though people know what they're talking about.

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is he dabbing?

yeah but where is your AR?

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Are you ok user?
Did the bad man touch your no no place.

someone called his AR shit.

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To make you feel better check out this picture i took of my team sniper Skull taker.

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Based. Fuck all tripfags, but especially fuck wugwus.
Remember friends, you're trying to argue with some who's had 8 concussions.

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you better thank me for my service right now, user.

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Nice Hate but where is your AR. you know this is a AR15/M4 picture board?
Here is a Pic of me in country to make you feel better.

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I was just doing my Job Bro.
This is my team leader Skull king Actual's gun

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Good night /arg/ i leave you in the best shape in months.

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tell your mom I like her art

tell YOUR mom i want HRT

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Ash, cal
Stop being such homos

nice ash clone

We’ve already done this thread

The only trip worth shit is unironically ash
The rest of them all act like they fucking know everything, and theyll be dammed if anyone ever questions them. Where did they get this knowledge? Fuck knows, but they think they have it and that's all that matters.
At least ash posts guns and fucks around.

nice bait

Best place to get an acog at a good price? Armslist in my area is a desert

I'd prefer to buy one new though. The ones on the EE can be beat to shit and it costs a decent amount to get them refurb'd by trijicon if the tritium is bad.

>Where did they get this knowledge?

For new the best I can find is 1000 on optics planet for the ta31F with normal red chevron

It’s still worth it

Are magnifiers worth it fellas? I've heard they're all more or less the same so which one is the best value/cost ratio?

That's about what you're looking at. It's a high quality optic though, it's worth the price. You can find them for ~$800 on the EE, but again the quality is all over the place. Sometimes they're safe queens, other times they look like they've been to blown up no less than 20 times.

Whats the best holosun closest in comparison to a t2 in size and durability?

Figured. Reading that a 16" flat top firing m193 should zero at 100m 1" high. This means hold over an inch and zero to center, or hold center and hit an inch high?

I guess I'd rather pass on $500 to replace the tritium.

What optic would y’all put on the following barrel lengths?


Is there a cut off that you wouldn’t put a red dot on?

Sometimes it does get expensive to refurb the acog. But I'd check the EE for about a week or two before buying the shit full price new. Sometimes you'll find a good deal.
Don't get the meme reticles, red chevron is best. Unless you're colorblind, then the amber or whatever is a good call.

Baby cog
1-6x or 1-8x

TA31f for all.


Acog is king. You want a bigger scope you need a bigger rifle.
ACOG's and 5.56 go together like peanut butter and milk.

On a 13.7-14.5" I'd agree with you.

>opinion irreverent
Frig off Lucas.


I never said that you should use a 13.7" barrel. I'm just acknowledging that there are people with 13.7" barrels and thinking about the best optic for them. But if you wanna be a retard, go be a retard.

Sounds exactly like something a sister fucker would say.
Are all your toes webbed or just 3/5?

speaking of acogs, are the vortex 3x prism scopes any good? are there ANY good prism scopes in the 500 dollar range?

I hate this thread

Don't get butthurt Lucas, we don't hate you. We just think you're weird. And kind of a douche.

i just mean any compact-ish fixed power optic, prism seems to be the category they fall under.

Acog only
12.5 and 11.5
Holo with magnifier
10 or less
Red dot

>10.3 ACOG
>11.5 ACOG
>12.5 ACOG
>14.5 ACOG
>16 ACOG
>18 ACOG
>20 ACOG

This is the correct response.
Based and Jesus pilled.

So im just about finished with my first build and and only on the fence about which stock to buy. I like the durability and look of the A2 but am concerned about its length of pull. People have suggested the B5 sopmod. However, is there a stock with the same kind of cheek weld and functionality like the B5 that doesn't cost so much?

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>10.3 S&B Short Dot Dual CC
>11.5 S&B Short Dot Dual CC
>12.5 S&B Short Dot Dual CC
>14.5 S&B Short Dot Dual CC
>16 S&B Short Dot Dual CC
>18 S&B Short Dot Dual CC
>20 S&B Short Dot Dual CC
Porque no los dos?

Why not a good lpvo?

It has a dot to make up for the LPVO

As previously stated, the correct answers are
Everything else is incorrect and you should be ashamed.

nothing, holosuns are never as durable as a t2.

yeah nah senpai
Aside from cost how do these two stack up? My main concern is the amount of wobble and overall durability.

ctr will have no wiggle, especially with the lock on it

Is that a plate on the rifle? Where do I buy this?

The sopmod I had was tighter than the CTR, but not by much.
The ctr is my favorite stock. I don't like the fat stocks. They're both plenty durable, although I'm not sure what you expect your stock to be able to do. Do you plan on using it as a battering ram?

Mainly just concerned with wobble. I use the term "durability" interchangeably with "quality of construction". I havent really paid attention to magpul and was under the impression that the CTR had the same amount of wobble as their earlier MOE stocks.

The CTR locks up nice. Doesn't wobble much. Honestly it's hard to tell the difference between the sopmod and the ctr as far as wobble goes. But again, it's really not that big of an issue.

A shockwave brace will have absolutely zero wobble.

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you had to take time out of your life to make this post. I hope it was worth it.

what vehicle make and model is that?
I'm very curious

Oh shit let me rush out and grab one ill throw it on my rifle and dig that 1/4in piece of plastic into my shoulder. Can you imagine How small my groups are going to be. why didnt i see it before.

>best value/cost ratio
Snag a used G33 without mount for $250 then put it on a LaRue or Unity FAST mount and be out the door for $400 or so.
On my next 11.5" build I'll be using a magnifier.


Just a red dot, perhaps even just an Eotech.
Aimpoint T2 or similar micro red dot. Bonus if it has BDC like HS503G
Couple with Eotech G33 magnifier or Aimpoint C3X magnifier on Unit FAST FTC setup.
Red dot and magnifier combo or Acog or 1-4x lpvo
Acog with offset/piggybacked red dot or 1-4x LPVO
Could push a 1-6x
1-6x LPVO
3-9x, or 2.5-10x if an SPR

Ew no. Unless a A4gery clone. Then Acog.

No good 1x though.

If you're getting caught up on the Astigmatism meme, just buy a fucking red dot and turn the brightness down, wear your glasses, and go outside and look through the dot onto the target instead of focusing on the dot itself.

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Do any of you guys shop for your parts in real life? I want to pick up and optic and a bipod today but I am afraid everything is just a marked up scam in the real life gun stores and I'd be better off buying from optics planet or something

It appears that my superiority has led to some controversy...

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it's literally the worst brace in existence

>No good 1x though.
First of all, what is an RMR? That's right hold your tongue heathen.
Secondly, at spitting distance point shoot/BAC works fine, beyond 30-40m use the damn acog it's really not that hard.

The acog has no downsides. Everyone is just stupid.

Not for major parts. Grips and rail panels and small parts like crush washers, sure. But those are bought so infrequently. I use my local ar shop for ammo and more mags

Not him but It's the most aesthetically pleasing. Can't help it you're a shoulderlet.

Oh you must've forgotten the OG sig brace...

It's not tho

Sure, but you can't really hate because of all that it has accomplished

Lmao, yes the fuck we can.
The future is now old man.

iirc the 2 big options when I was picking parts were the shockwave or the SB15. Does anybody know the release dates of all the newer, nicer sig brace options?

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