Do bows have any modern use, Jow Forums?

It seems like the lack of sound would be a rather solid plus for anti-sentry work.

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Heavy bows that can do some damage through modern soldiers gear is very, very far from quiet.

Modern compound bows are incredibly lethal, but not very useful in a firefight. My 90 lb compound is capable of taking any animal on earth, and people frequently use bows to hunt hippo/elephant/buffalo. One advantage is that an increase in power in a bow doesn't mean an increase in its carry weight or recoil, as it does in a rifle.

They're lightweight to carry, have no recoil and have no flash. While they're loud "at the muzzle", no one will hear where the shot came from if you're 80 yards away (not a difficult range for modern bows). The disadvantage is they're slow to load and you have to draw it - you can't walk around with it ready to roll like a gun or crossbow.

So if you're in a position to hunt chinks one by one in dense cover, a bow could have some use. If you're in the open with one, you're dead.

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yeah tons of people hunt with them

in modern combat? no.

in bigglydigglyloo? sure

Just waiting for someone to post that antifa kid with a bow

If you live in a country that bans firearms, but didnt think to ban crossbows

Countries that ban guns tend to be the types that don’t think. There’s quite a few of them that still allow air pistols and bows.

I came here for that and was surprised it wasn't first post.

Yeh...antifa ppl b like..."Gee I hate those Nazi's, they are so intolerant and violent...I just cant tolerate them! Lets go fuckin kill em!!!"

>Do bows have any modern use, Jow Forums?
They double the length of hunting season.

Mainly hunting
For big game; compound vs crossbow, i ll choose crossbow, easy to use & more robust
if you hunt with a rifle & dont mind carrying extra weigth, a traditional bow & 2 arrows wold work for small game

It’s been around for thousands of years and is still regularly used today. It may be old, but it is not obsolete.

This one? I love archery, but this loser is obviously a LARPer.

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*doesnt wear shoes because he thinks he will be quieter

*steps on broken bottle, needle, or brass in the event of urban hellscape skirmish

>Camo in the city
>Carrier no plates

>the lack of sound would be a rather solid plus for anti-sentry work
the screaming after being hit or the loud crack of arrow hitting something hard after missing isnt good for keeping quiet. Unless you hit them in the head, theyre probably going to scream and doing that with a bow isnt easy.
Theyre good for archery season hunting though. I like that theres a time and reason to still use them and, even for those who use a compound bow, it's more up close and primal type of hunting. It's neat.

>Countries that ban guns tend to be the types that don’t think. There’s quite a few of them that still allow air pistols and bows.

A bow is less useful for combat than a .22 bolt rifle

having 3 different arrows is pretty telling of someone inexperienced. You want consistency, everything to be the same.

>Countries that ban guns tend to be the types that don’t think
so the ones that are 100x safer than the US?

maybe they have different enchantments

Also they're relatively cheap even at the very high end.

>1 rubber blunt for stun
>1 targethead for AP
>1 broadhead HIV p++

Shitty bait, fuck off eurotrash.

also possibly eastasian trash, or oceanian trash


>anti-sentry work

>sneak up on "sentry" and shoot him with arrow
>arrow goes through neck and narrowly misses spine

I like video games too but come on, man

Name one country safer than America that has banned guns that isn’t japan or majority white.

A bow was very effective in the movie "There're something about Melvin" or whatever its called.

I love archery and enjoy every minute of it however, bows are no match modern weapons by a long shot. Depending on the style of archery you're into will depend on how close you may need to get to an enemy. Modern bows can reach out farther but even then it's still way to close for comfort. You're target moves by a little? It's either a miss or you cant kill him fast enough which in that case you're going to be found captured and most likely killed. Unless you are a very precise, accurate, and experienced archer who knows what the fuck he's doing, it's a no go for me.

Yeah Mexico and Honduas sure are safe thanks to their tight gun laws.

you mean new jersey