Hi guys, thanks for tuning in to another video on forgotten weapons.com

Hi guys, thanks for tuning in to another video on forgotten weapons.com

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aight, where's the angry Jow Forumstards? They usually are here by now.

My name's Ian McCollum and we are here today at

the 2 player gun tycoon in roblox and today we'll have a look at the


btw any one have blueprints for the Borchardt C-93 im seriously thinking of coping it from gun disassembly


The pleasure is all mine.

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The INSAS is an Indian assault rifle, obviously not as nice as any of the french rifles i love jacking off to

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yet when compared to the SA80, we see how the Indians were actually much more competant engineers than their former British colonizers, proving once again that wh*te supremacy is bullshit.

>if you support the president you are dogwhistling to racists!

Absolutely obsessed.

Imagine getting triggered by a MAGA hat and Rhodesian camo.
stay mad commie trash. stay fucking mad.

>everyone to the left of me is a commie
You're just as retarded as actual commies.

This is called denial.

Leftists are commies.

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Shut up Karl

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>this event is not political but we verify using all available social media that you conform to our morally superior set of arbitrary ideals
>erbsentarn is banned unless you bought it at Macy's
>brush stroke is banned unless your bull shares your lane and you police his brass
>clothing honoring Che, Mao, Castro, Ceaușescu, Stalin, and their glorious struggles will be nodded at approvingly
>Parti socialiste has a booth in the back and is providing refreshments and snacks

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Anyone see Karl kvetching about not getting his YouTube verification email?

>Karl is legitimately a cuck
best timeline

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Leftists are hyprocrits more news at 11

Hi, I come as fast as I could.
Hail Hitler!

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Anyone have that webm of like 50 different forgotten weapons opening videos all synced together

Reporting for duty Sir.

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yep, that about sums it up.

It fires the .223x45mm remington because the pajeets don't know how to use the superior 8mm Lebel or 7.5 French

You're late you oxygen thieving nigger obsessed waste of life.

go to bed CucKarl.

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He isnt wrong though.

What's this reference do you? I haven't really been following the E celeb drama lately

Pls explain

When did that happen?

>Pls explain
not him but this was discovered...

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rules for one of karls events

fucking gross dude

>When did that happen?
It was discovered that Karl and his BFF that goes by the name Deviant (I think he legally changed his name to that) run a shooting range during the DEF CON (biggest hacker security conference in the US).
The anons found the "OFFICIAL RULES" for that and the rules stated that you cannot wear a MAGA hat, cannot wear Rhodesian camo, cannot say "slotting floppies", cannot film womyn et etc.
It was hilarious and sad at the same time.
That guy Deviant was also on InrangeTV a whole bunch of times with Karl too.

Anyway, it's a huge shitshow. All these people are SJW libtard commies.

Holy fuck... also do you know what they were talking about earlier with the whole Rhodesian camo and Maga hats deal?

Holy shit he really is a cuck

just answered it in this post: I can dig out pics/rules/links if there's interest.. save it on a diff computer.

Oh holy hell that sounds a clusterfuck. Do you have a link? I never did like Carl and it really is a shame to see Ian in a situation like this. Any hope he's just Optics cucking to try to keep his YouTube channel?

It's directly above you.

Just when you think this Satanist degenerate piece of shit couldn't sink any further......

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Please do, I have kind of fallen behind all this and I'm interested out of morbid curiosity.

I'm 100% sure he is on the FBI watchlist.
They hate "Hackers" who are also Gun nuts.

I hate Karl so fucking much. He's such a fucking cuck