i cri
I cri
Other urls found in this thread:
Crying is a natural, human emotion having an evolutionary origin and a pragmatic function in the expression of emotions. Bottling shit up is psychologically unhealthy and ultimately irresponsible if you make a conscious decision to do so as it ultimately contributes to mental illness and therefore decreased combat readiness.
Cry if you need to, when you can. It's healthy and our brains have literally evolved to utilize it. It's a tool in your psychological toolkit.
>falling for shit propaganda
One fought a defensive war against hostile invaders to protect her country and family.
The other signed up to shoot kids in Iraq and get paid for it.
That clown wouldn't have been qualified to carry white feathers dirty laundry.
this guy gets it
>Kill tons of fanatical whites in major war
>Kill tons of fanatical islamists in smaller wars
Not a bad trade-off
>believing vatnik propaganda
>everything i dont like is propaganda
sounds... based. where do i sign up?
Your nearest Red Army recruitment office
>confirmed 309 nazis killed
Where are the proofs discord tranny?
no i mean the other one
>not posting the superior and original simo version
Simo destroys communists
littered around Odessa
>everything publicly declared by the Soviets IS propaganda
Naziniggers be like
>Yeah simo totally killed 700 in a few months how based!
But also naziniggers
>Nooo it's impossible to kill 309 during 4 years it's soviet propaganda delete!!!!
Why wehraboos (especially american) are so cringe
Most of them died from frost bite, vatnik.
>in Odessa
American public school education at work
>im a simple minded nigger who easily falls for soviet propaganda
>we wuz utopian n shiet
>fugging wheraboos
I wish both parties would fuck right off.
>im a simple minded nigger who easily falls for
>We wuz ethnostate and shit
>Fuggen gommies
*Obligatory redit meme*
To be fair, communist regimes especially in war time heavily rely on propaganda more so than "free" country's
This guy gets it. Tell them about that women that bought a tank and payed the reparation, and also managed to gather the rest of the crew. That will show them that not everything from the soviets is propaganda.
>believing soviet propaganda for a minute
Cringe and redditpilled
>t. useful idiot
Never happened. Also, finland lost the Winter War.
Is it bad I want shirts with hard left stuff just to see the reactions and what people say?
>eee woman kill 300 men on her own
t. Ivan
Audie Murphy killed like 240, and he was basically a woman (5'4). Same with Simo Hayha (5'3).
If manlets can do it, women can too
>somebody made this image
>somebody saved it
the fact that you named it "autism" is almost poetry