Are women in the military mostly used as propaganda?

Are women in the military mostly used as propaganda?

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They serve a role, it’s just not a combat one. I have no issue with women in the military, but I have an issue when the scientific biology of women has a negative impact on the safety of me and my friends in combat.

But yes, they are heavily used for propaganda in the modern day. As well as in the past (those Russian ones?) but I can’t think of many great examples.

You just figure that one out?

No, they're mostly just used to do their jobs. There are tons of them and probably 9/10 are worse than the average male, but the powers that be said they have to be there, so they are. There are too many of them for you to use them all for propaganda, but propaganda utilizes them extremely heavily and things like FSTs exist purely for that reason and serve no practical purpose.

all of the female russian snipers were pure propaganda.

*FETs, not FSTs, very different

>those Russian ones
You mean soviets in WWII? They were legit soldiers fighting, but only fought as a last resort, can't talk about their performance in combat though, but I have an idea about how it was.

Military can do whatever it wants to fill gaps. More men than not wouldn’t be able to get past MEPS, let alone training successfully complete a military contract. Seeing the brainlet, Hills-Have-Eyes looking motherfuckers that get past through, we are hurting for usable human capita

Imagine being a nerd and aping on your entire company during pt and stress fires

Do women perform well as snipers in general?

They're mostly clerks and cooks. Women make up maybe 2% of tech jobs and 0.5% of combat jobs.

Are you serious? No.

I didnt go through with becoming a zogbot because of all the women and minorities

A nation who lets their women fight, is a sure sign of decline.

so would that mean that a nation with no army is better off than a nation with male and female soldiers?

>Seeing the brainlet, Hills-Have-Eyes looking motherfuckers that get past through, we are hurting for usable human capita
>implying this is a new problem
It has been said if America had to draft men to fight a war, we'd be fucked. The average adult American male is in worse shape, both mentally and physically, than previous generations. Why this is is a complex question to answer. The ammount of time sitting inside on his ass, diet, and how much porn he watches are but a few factors to consider.

Women in the military? Not at all. Female warfighters are pure propaganda though.

it isn't that they perform well as snipers. it's that they suck so much at everything else

well in israel some do important shit that frees men power. like guarding more peaceful borders.
they are now going to the Supreme Court so the army would allow them tanker roles which worries me.

>letting women in the most masculine, patriarchal organizations that deals with violence, chaos.

Short answer: Purely propaganda.
Long answer: depends, but mostly yes.
Physical limitations make them handicaps as regulars. They are just trophies to be protected and motivational figures to boost morale. By history, women are plundered and served as prize to be breed and it is always male instincts to protect their own females and snag the enemies females in the war. In modern military, they serve as non-combat things at best. Nurses that give precious smiles to servicemen to stay alive and struggle, and entertainers to keep the men's morale high. Basically women are cheerleaders as men as players in basketball, football teams that fight against other men for win.

Since women are worth for their sex, deceivers, and liars. they are as good as spies, and assassins that murder and extract enemies' intelligence by using their sex appeals. offering lonely lustful enemy officials a couple of sex adventures for the exchange of useful intels.

Women are walking, breathing propaganda everywhere.
Who drives all the consumerism? Who pushes garbage trend leftwing politics?
Who shames?

They're good as med hoes and such. Honestly, med corps should be warrant across the board and not O.

A nation that can successfully defend itself against its foes without an army would have an amazing defense mechanism.

Beleive it or not, Jessica Lynch was really humble and not an attention whore about what happened. The whole establishment made her out to be Girl Rambo, and she eventually said that was all bullshit. Nor did she seek pity or anything. IIRC she just wanted to put the whole ordeal behind her.
>inb4 white knight
Nah. She's way over the hill by now.


I don't think anyone here will disagree. She took advantage of some media deals to be sure but she didn't play up what happened to her for attention and nor did she attempt to become a spokesperson for any sort of cause so as far 15 minute celebrities go, Lynch was one of the better onw

No they're just mostly used

>There are tons of them and probably 9/10 are worse than the average male
This might have to do with the fact that their standards are arbitrarily lower

It's a sign that the military can't gather enough able-bodied men using conventional methods so it needs every person it can get its hands on, and accepting women in with lowered standards means more gals pouring in to do menial tasks where lowering the standards universally would cause outrage.
For proofs, see the navy, which probably has the highest ratio of female personnel, and is still hurting for more sailors, going so far as to accept literal amputees into active service.

That's because the average American adult male is still the boomer, and of course boomers are going to be going out of shape when they've been the same stock used from Vietnam all the way to the Iraq War.

Most jobs in the military are not related to combat whatsoever.

I think most of them where killed in the war

In fairness to Jessica Lynch, she made a point to say that she didn't really do anything heroic and she didn't quite understand why the media was making a big deal out of her.

Naive, but honorable.

This. Most of them do logistics of some sort which is a perfectly fine use for them that allows men to be reassigned to combat roles. The ones that are marching around with rifles playing GI Jane are just for show though.

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OP here. I wasn't knocking Lynch at all. As I said earlier, she was upset that she was used as a propaganda tool.
Even though we invaded Iraq on the heels of 9/11, the imagery of a blonde white qt being taken prisoner and rawdogged by feral kebabs would certainly stir up fervor.

I've read Roza Shanina's actual diary and it's depressing as fuck. All these retards hold her story up as some kind of example of "MUH STRONK WOMYN" and all it was in reality was a fucking tragedy.

I know a female who has more than 5 confirmed kills with her rifle.

Not how medals work.

ive always found the women ive served with to be really hit or miss. you get the super hard working ones that really wanna be there and work their asses off. then theres the slags all they do is drag everyone down slut it up which hurts unit coheasion, theyll frequently avoid anything they find to hard and use their gender as an excuse. i very rarely have seen any inbetween. once watch a good one lose her mind and try and kill a shitty one cause she told her she didnt have to lift something cause shes a girl.


were they all friendly fire?

post examples will you, I'm incredibly curious.

Were they the senior NCOs who fucked her and she cried false rape on them?

So what'd you end up doing instead?
Surely you didn't go to school for the same reasons.

Everything coming out of russia is propaganda.
Pure horseshit.

Eat shit, your are either a POG or a wannabe who was too much of a pussy to join the service.

She is SOCOM and even though she wasnt part of the ground troops she still ended up in a situation under fire where she had to kill.

Sounds like bullshit.

cool story bro

>tfw female NCO outshoots me at M9

Feels fucking bad man

wow what a victim
maybe they should stay out

Yes. Against their "own" men. Basically.

>It's a sign that the military can't gather enough able-bodied men using conventional methods
>For proofs, see the navy, which probably has the highest ratio of female personnel, and is still hurting for more sailors, going so far as to accept literal amputees into active service
The very reason they cant get recruits is because of lowered standards, running every ship to the bone on manpower, and prioritizing political appointees over skill.

And everybody knows this.

They engage in massive manhunts for even the slightest bit of flirting.....but never charge the actual rapists or murderers. And everybidy knows this. They go out of their way to demand work be out in, but blacks and mexicans skate on by doing as little as possible, same with woemn. Everybody knows this.

For twenty years, what you hear from exservicemen is worse and worse, and certain data sets are conspicuously hard to find or suppressed. Theyll even cover up rape and beatings on civilian entertainers that go overseas for them.

So quality people refuse to join. What quality blacks there are dont to to be the only nigger that works, quality women dont want to deal with hateful harpies mad they look like shit compared to somebody that works. Its been demoralized and destroyed and their is no fixing it outside of gulags.

And the only people who come out saying positive things are such obvious bootlicking asskissering shills that its countereffective.

Its lack of execerise, lack of social ness, lack of care, and now Common Core.

>false rape
Less common than rape and murder, to the point female soldiers were dying of thirst and getting hospitalized with UTIs because they didnt want to piss at night because the generators would cover their screams.

lol nice bait

>Are women in the military mostly used as propaganda?


for the most part yes. granted, I have not yet served, but I would say women should only be allowed in combat roles if they can pass the same standards held for men who go into combat (most of the time the bar is lowered for them for the sake of "diversity", as if that would somehow improve combat effectiveness). I have no problem with women who aren't physically as able as your typical combat soldier serving in non-combat roles like nurses, doctors, technicians, or some kind of logistics-oriented job.

most veterans I've talked to seem to speak pretty lowly of most women in the military doing any combat-related exercises, but they usually seem to note that stereotypical lesbians tend to be the best at combat stuff among women.

This user gets it. Nurses play a role very important for mortally wounded men. However, there should be a corps of nurses seperate from the military but still serves it.

The diary itself is kinda hard to read, but there are footnotes, who explain what is and what happened. I did not find the name or picture of the writer who transcribed the diary, which is kinda weird.

No, they serve no role other than to further degrade society to (((their))) whims and bring about the destruction of the white race.

I don't care who enters the military as long as they all pass a standard training wtih emphasis on mental and physical endurance during stress. If they can pass that it's no problem.

Lol someone got triggered. Upset that we insulted the squad slampig?

This sounds like a woman's fantasy.

she was agains the medols and she hated it she also hated the book, in the book it tells her getting raped her being a rambo like hero jessica hated this non of that happened

the iraqis treated her well they wanted to give her back but the americans said no, they staged a recue mission with spec ops for the media

Depends on the military.

In the US, yes - absolutely.

Other nations, not so much. Pic related.

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>she was SOCOM
>ended up where she had to fight

My entire time at JSOC I saw plenty of dudes and literally a handful of females. I've never seen females outside the wire in my time in Afghanistan without at least a company sized element of guys providing security.
>inb4 speshul forces LARPer
I was a 35M from the 66th MI BN attached to do some basic bitch intel work

>imagine being on a FOB with a generator
I hate people who had such niceties. Fuck Iraq 2005 and 2007

Because that's not propaganda at all

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Looking at the fact that there are like 20 women in combat roles. Incels are sure getting angry about it.

The proportion of Red Army soldiers during WW2 that were female was substantially lower than the female percentage of the US Armed Forces today, in any branch, and the overwhelming majority were medical support. If you have any other image of them it's completely propaganda.

Yes, the men are pretty terrible. Sex integration will lower the standards even further.

>Are women in the military mostly used as propaganda?
No, they are mainly used as groundsheets

>It's a sign that the military can't gather enough able-bodied men using conventional methods so it needs every person it can get its hands on, and accepting women in with lowered standards
No, it's the other way around: they want women so they're lowering standards.

I would probably be a lot less angry if I was an incel civilian than someone with firsthand knowledge of are brave womyn. Don't want to dox myself but it's a fucking shitshow.

Canada has women in combat roles, homie.

Did her time in Bosnia and then Afghanistan.

Commanded Task Force Kandahar; then 5th CMBG.

Done way more than half the wannabes, guardsmen, and POGs here even claim to, probably.

Not all cooks and truck drivers outside the US.

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>a fucking leaf

I think this is why navies always beat people so much in history but we might have to bring it back lol

Holy shit, mon frere... my sides

If she was literally assigned to SOCOM, there is no fucking way she was pulling triggers in the dirt.
Also, your utter lack of a single word/phrase even the most basic 88M (I'll save you looking that up, it's a truck driver) would use to let someone know they even made it through MEPS

Of all the thingss that never happened, the things described in this post never happened the most

No. In reality, they have something called tits. Those tits get in the way when prone, and laying on them hurts them.

You don't think that's a fucking photo op? I have personally been on a goat rope outside the wire with an O6 and it is 100% about making sure the Colonel doesn't get facefucked.

>Canada has women in combat roles, homie.
patrolling the Green Zone in a photo op isn't combat

>She is SOCOM


>I've never seen females outside the wire in my time in Afghanistan without at least a company sized element of guys providing security.
We're going to see it a lot more with all the female 12B grads.

I knew an AF combat engineer (or whatever the fuck the AF calls them) female and she was one of the most insufferable cunts on the planet. Talked a whole bunch of shit about being a PT stud. Literally bragging about 50 pushups

that's what he said, yes

No. The meme is that women have steadier hands compared to men, but there is no way a women will be able to handle the stress or physical demand of being a sniper, much less combat roles in general.

Why are Canadians the absolute worst?

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Why not.
Army Women have always, and will always, be better for propaganda, for multiple innate biological reasons.

Now to watch the salt fly.

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Women are intrinsically good and biologically perfect, but mentally they are highly susceptible to kike psyops. All the more reason to try and find the good ones while you can.

well presumably they do not bring much comfort

She was a part of 160th SOA.

>Are women in the military mostly used as propaganda?
Some of the best soldiers I've worked with were female.

Obviously most wouldn't hack it in the infantry, but literally everything else is fine.
The only people who think the non-infantry army is hard enough on the body to exclude women are neverserved fatbodies and decrepit SNCOs who's formative years were spent with PSGs talking about how much better the army was before women.

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>Women are intrinsically good and biologically perfect
lolwut? You're saying that as a male. They are built to attract males. They are supposed to be nurturing as well and any guy with a non-shit mother will always have at least some positives towards women due to being raised by one.
But in regards to stuff like combat, they are not biologically suited for it. Just off the top of my head;
>Females seem to have a real shit situation regarding their bones, you put them through stress and their body just fucks their bones up.
>Males get hyper focused, a leftover trait from hunting, we see this easily in a lot of guys easily dumping solid hours straight into whatever they are doing.
Those two already show a big disadvantage of women in combat/war. Not saying they can't fight, they just can't really compare to guys.