What's Jow Forums's opinions on older gen camos? Do they still serve a purpose?
What's Jow Forums's opinions on older gen camos? Do they still serve a purpose?
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Entirely dependent on the camo and your area. The age is irrelevant is it blends the best with your environment.
This. I doesnt depend on age, it depends of you stand out in your surroundings
They definitely do, as long as the pattern is suited to your location.
That pattern in your picture however, is definitely obsolete.
>t. doesn't know what the purpose of DNPAT is
Some western forces wear old patterns to match their local counterparts, like wearing US Woodland in Syria etc.
The Gulf war is over.
it never started to begin with
>t. Baudrillard
shut the fuck up
Yes. I know what DNPAT is. Thanks retard, now that armies aren't using old-ass gen 1 units... this pattern is again, completely useless for its original purpose.
Pure autism. The people that buy it are on one tier, the producers on the other hand should be euthanized.
With the current widespread availability of modern guns and gear at the lowest price:performance ratio in history there is literally zero (0) excuse to buy outdated garbage in this day and age.
Get in the right century, spergs!
>M81 is alright in some areas, MARPAT is better
>tri-color desert is actually pretty good in actual open desert
>chocolate chip is good in the deserts of the SW US, where it was developed for
>Flecktarn is good for northern latitude deciduous forests
I don't think "rain" camo is good besides being aesthetic
But generally older camo is better than nothing, but won't make you disappear.
I know this is bait, but many people think this. While I agree that buying repro camo is pretty fucking cringy, if you were to have surplus that works in your area then there is no reason not to wear it. Modern camo isn't really any better than the old stuff.
>desert night camo
Yeah to make my pp hard
>aid soldiers in concealment from older generation enemy night vision devices
>not obsolete
What about desert flecktarns?
Should Germany and Japan have color swamped their camos or just used an existing desert camo? Seems like it was more for uniformity rather than function, though they probably work well enough
It looks like the Japanese would be better. I think you're right in your idea of uniformity, it seems like that's just how it goes sometimes. Desk jockeys want uniformity in their troops for some made up "esprit de corps".
Desert camo is always hard. In the woods, you have a lot of colors, textures, outlines, shapes. That's why things like Multicam work so well. You can hve a relatively broad color scheme and shape scheme and still blend in well. The desert, however, doesn't have that. Things are generally the same color, with not much variation. That's why chocolate chip didn't work as well in the open desert; it had too much detail. To my thinking all you can do in the desert is try to *not* stand out, rather than blend in. An example is plane camo. Painting a plane tan isn't going to hide it from the air but it'll make it stand out less than if it was black.
Of course this doesn't count for places like the high desert, or rocky desert, or places like Afghan where it's rocky with scrub brush. Open desert is just a bitch.
It's like I'm on Jow Forums.
I will say, German tropentarn is breddy gud for most areas on the Eastern slope of the Rockies.
>t. Colorado
There is some old camos that are similar to modern patterns like a-tac
Nazi germany had patterns that are still better than some "modern" patterns.
It is kind of strange why almost no one copied their camos or were those "too nazi".
desert night is comf but that is an abonimation to the gigachad longboye parka
yikes what a retard. is OP fighting against another army? No? Weird, sounds like your larpin ass is and expect everyone else to. Why are you such a fucking faggot ass larper? Id put you cringey fucks in a concentration camp if I could. Stick with the topic: is it outdated? For civvies, basically no, because MOST PEOPLE don't have the latest and greatest tech, especially shit like that. I know you think youll be the one guy taking out entire divisions, but no, youre not. Fuck you are cringey
I would already have one of the OG NDC Parkas if i could find one in my size. seems like they're hard to come by.
They run large, I wear a small (130lbs) and its veri baggy. Theyre on ebay and ArmyNavySales/CharliesSurplus still has a bunch of irregular and normal ones that go from x small to medium. Irregular is cheaper but the pattern is kinda off in spots. gl user
they're on ebay for days tho
Just wear olive green. Dudes will either spot you or they won't.
Implying your neighbor doesn't have gen 1 nvds and practices assaulting your house and a replica floorplan kill house of your residence
I live on Kodiak Island in thicc dark woods.
Rothco jungle tiger is awesome for it.
it barely even works against the NODs it was supposed to confuse, one could argue that it was obsolete the very day it was issued.
rain camo is actually a really good late fall/dry winter woodland pattern.
>boogaloo mouthbreather calling anyone else a larping retard
my fucking sides. I know you're buttmad that your meme camo is shit, but even if it did actually work as advertised (it doesn't) there are still better patterns for its highly specialized purpose which also aren't one-trick ponies.
Where can I get that jacket?
fuck yeah
That's like a second photo of this particular camo I've ever seen. The first features the famous skateboard Marine.
Back in the nam, I used to go "hunting", in air force tiger stripe. Now I do my stalking in Hugo Boss why? Because Im a fucking Boomer! That's why, you piece of shit millennials don't know jack shit about the fucking cold war.
Table cloth camo - for when you want to hide in the kitchen
most camo right now is meme-tier, militaries could go back to WWII uniforms and see no difference.
SGC standard issue
>older generation clothing
>older generation
You retarded niggers unironically use words created by Lockheed Martin to sell jet planes for patterns on clothes. You don’t sound smart. Fucking k y s
M81 Woodland is still a perfectly viable camouflage pattern for the environments that it was designed for. It's very popular among MARSOC for reasons unknown. Not sure why they choose to use Woodland over MARPAT or Multicam, but it must work for them.
>It's very popular among MARSOC for reasons unknown
Because it looks cool being the main reason and secondly i'm sure they train quite a few third world military units that still use it thus helping them blend in and look more the part.
>While I agree that buying repro camo is pretty fucking cringy
It depends if it's built to the same standard.
I had a woodland set that was American made and indistinguishable from the original without looking at the tag.
There's an entire subculture, mainly on fagbook, centered around reprinting obsolete patterns using very questionable tech and processes (literally inkjet chink production on extremely questionable, decidedly non-milspec cloth)
I had a chance to bid on a mint condition medium regular BDU pant in urban t-block a while back, it went for like $240, I should have pounced. That’s got to be one of the rarest US camo patterns.
German desert flecktarn/ tropentarn is actually quite effective.
>rubble ghillie suit
That's amazing, but does one have to modify the foam rock blocks innafield?
Kek, I just noticed the foam rocks, that’s fucking awesome.
Nato stuck with OD Green to present themselves as more non-threatening than the soviets. M81 Woodland/ERDL are based off of a later Nazi pattern "Leibermuster."(pic related).
The soviets copied Oak Leaf SS camo. They were hesitant to copy the other patterns because it made them look too Nazi. That's why rain camo is missing is polygonal macro blobs seen in the original SS "Splittertarnmuster" variant.
m81 bretty good
I feel like Wz89 could have been a winner had the poles selected more contrasting colors and added in a few larger spots.
What's it like living there? Always wanted to visit.
If it's stupid but it works, it ain't stupid. Hope those rocks don't get in the way too much.
Don't newer camos show up less on NODs?
Hold on a moment. did this mofo hump in camo blocks? What the fuckzilla?
Where did you cop yours and how much?
shit I wish man, just an image I found on the net
I got one from kommandostore a couple years ago for $30 because it was on sale. They haven't had them in stock since and I have never seen them anywhere else.
Love the old woodland camo. For anyone in leafland princessauto has jacks for around $4 various sizes as I understand on thier website and on sale now