Dad is still in the ARMY

>dad is still in the ARMY
>he's been in since the 1970s
>no SF stuff that im aware of but an operator in my eyes
>wanted nothing more then for me to follow in his footsteps
>I wanted nothing more then to follow in his footsteps
>born with asthma
>don't even make it to MEPS
>Im 29 and I think about suicide every day

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Nice blog post.

Shit happens, deal the hand you got

you sound like a little bitch

the army doesnt want you anyways

go run up a flight of stairs and try no to die breathing normally faggot

Don't worry about it, OP. At least you tried to join instead of boasting about how your dad was ranger airborne. You went and tried to join and meps wouldn't let you.

Not to mention the military is slowly becoming an organization of conforming with PC standards, so I figure in 10 years, you'll have to use correct pronouns or you will be article 15.

Tell your dad to fucking retire, he's got his full retirement he's just blocking promotion for others by sticking around

boo hoo zog bot

Calm the fuck down. It's not a tragedy that you can't serve.

Don’t worry OP you can still fight for freedom in the boogaloo. We’ll raid a pharmacy and get you an inhaler bro. In minecraft

wtf rank is your dad that he's still in, CW5?

Military blocks a lot of people who for all intents and purposes are PT gods for the most retarded of reasons, don’t feel too bad. Certainly not the end of the world.

Command SGT major

You dad chose his career over all else. You can do better than that.

It sounds noble in theory, but if you're dad is a former ranger bro then he worked his ass off to make sure you dont end up there. It's all fun games until you actually do it and realize you're only giving your best years for Israel and the Military Industry complex.

t.11B E6 with a tab and wings.

>with tab and wings

any real ranger would laugh at this post

He still accomplished more than most here

>In the military for 40+ years
Jesus, you are so disappointing he never wants to retire, he might end up seeing you more often

>has asthma
>be retarded burger and never find out why
asthma is curable you know...

At least you have a dad who can teach you cool things

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Your dad will love you no matter what

you are weak

do training with him and start your own team faggot

atleast my mom took me to nascar

>mom never took you to nascar

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Got a degree, user? Want to get weapons training, learn cool shit, travel the world, and serve your country?
I am sure you can find more.

My dad was a ranger too how do i get him to pay his back child support and get dope gibs from the military for his service.

>Not to mention the military is slowly becoming an organization of conforming with PC standards, so I figure in 10 years, you'll have to use correct pronouns or you will be article 15.
Had a tranny major (male to female I think, complete abomination) try to get me chaptered out for calling It "Sir" a couple times. I was updating some paper for It, and the paperwork said It was male. So I respectfully called It "sir."

I also got a counseling statement from a man dyke Sgt. for saying sir instead of mam. The bitch shaved her head, had a little mustache, and had a deeper voice than me. She clearly wanted to be a man and should have been happy I called her "sir."
Fuck the PC military

What happened to the gung-ho lesbian soldiers that didn't give a fuck about shit? They still around?

You could’ve always gone into intelligence and computers. Just move to Provo Utah and work for the nsa lol

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this is fake as fuck

>deal the hand you got
fucking what

Things that never happened for 500, Alex.

If your dad didn't give you basic training himself he's a faggot.

>his will to live hangs on being a welfare queen
Sad. Get a real job. Contribute to the society.